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Hello all, I've been lurking the forums for about a week and I thought I'd go ahead and make my first post. I've been playing for a couple of weeks now, and my most ambitious mission yet has been a unmanned rescue lander to the moon to pick up three Kerbals I stranded on my first moon landing attempt. Anyone else been in a similar situation?

Edited by sal_vager
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Welcome to the forums!

Lots of people run rescue missions for their kerbalnauts. I've actually got a pair in orbit around Moho that I'm going to send a tanker after, because otherwise they won't have enough fuel to either land or get home.

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Hi and welcome! :)

I've been in that situation, yes. I felt so heartless for stranding a Kerbal on Duna just to land on another planet, but then I ended up having to rescue the rescuers as well because of a faulty lander.

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Welcome to the community Jerbear :)

A Munar rescue? They can be a fun challenge, jut try not to strand your rescue team as well :D

Oh and I better remove that vid, sorry, rules.

It is a little close to this:

Section 2: Adult Content

A user shall not: post images of Illegal Drugs, nor post any content that contains discussion on Illegal Drugs.

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We all have those embarrassing rescue missions... I remember being stuck in orbit of Gilly after circularizing with only RCS left. My orbital velocity being ~8 m/s, I had no problems landing via EVA.

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