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Relative newbie!


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Hi Guys,

Relatively new KSP fanatic here! I've not started venturing to any other bodies yet. Instead I've been focusing on rocket building just to get to orbit. :)

I think I am reasonably good at that right now so now I am building a small space station in orbit to brush up on my docking and orbital interception skills!

So far I have a "core" with two habitat modules, RCS tanks, batteries, small solar panel, just to keep it alive. (This was after a LOT of failed attempts to even orbit larger structures! ha!)

I've sinced docked a long truss to this containing 6 large solar panels. I'm about to send a second up to make it look pretty and symmetrical.

Once I have docking sorted, then I think I am ready to try a trip to the Mun! :) I've not been using the built-in tutorials as I want to crack it on my own. (sucker huh?)

I was thinking I would try to orbit a fuel tank first though, to use as a orbiting gas station! :)


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Welcome to the community Trebor :)

Learning is part of the fun of KSP, and orbiting is the one essential skill so congrats for getting this far, docking is nice too and is not hard as long as you are patient (landing a plane on the runway is harder)

Show us a pic of your station when it's done :D

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Hi and welcome! :)

Learning how to dock and get into orbit sure is a good start, because as a wise man once said, if you can get into orbit, you're halfway to anywhere. :)

I wish you good luck with that Mun landing, as well! Feel free to share a screenshot or two when it's done. :)

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Thanks for the kind welcome guys!

I will upload a picture of my space station when I next get around to playing. (Time is short these days).

It's still a rather conservative thing, but with lots of docking ports! I'm hoping to slowly expand it as I need, until it's a small city! Kraken(sp?) allowing. :)

Also it's currently at 300 km orbit, I might send a tug to lower it a bit. (It's currently unmanned as I used probes to put it up there.

The other thing I have managed to do so far is keep all debris out of my space! I'm being very regimented with deorbiting unused stuff. (So far so good!)

What would be nice is if the authors allowed the Kerbals to bolt stuff together when EVA, rather than rely on docking ports! But I like docking ports too! :)

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