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most dull thing in KSP?


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I remember having an orange tank with only one NERVA and 4 probes docked to it through a docking ring. I took that thing to Eve.

On top of that, I forgot to put one of those small x16 tanks on the bottom, so not only it took loads of PE kicks because of the TWR, but also because I had to burn at mid throttle or less to avoid overheating.

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I remember someone getting to the moon in under 15 minutes on the mission clock in a challenge that was wiped in The Purge... I imagine making a massive nuclear powered vessel to get somewhere fast might be worthwhile. After all, Aerobraking fixes everything. I built a ship with ~20k m/s dV and burned it out in about 10 minutes. It had 9 nukes.

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Low orbit around Gilly. Definitely.

I quite enjoyed a low orbit round Gilly, but then I did spice it up a bit. Jeb jumped out of the craft and Jetpacked ahead as fast as he could (using ~1/3 of his eva pack fuel) and then landed on a hill. The craft had been pointed to just skim past the hill and as it approached Jeb lept up and Jetpacked back up to speed (possible on gilly as you can orbit at low speeds). Almost got run over by the approaching craft but he's Jeb, he pulled it off.

The music i think

second, turned it off after a day of it first being added, never looked back.

Real-time mission to Jool.

I'll let you know when I get there, sometime around January.

You masochist!! do you have a dedicated machine for it?

Watching ISA Map-probes fill the screen sliver by sliver. Orbit after orbit. Even on 50x timewarp it takes ages. And you can't leave it and switch to another craft.

that and kethane hunting, line by equally thin line. I tend to leave it running overnight or when I go out.

tbh thou, there is rarely a dull moment in KSP, if something is dull then I've not packed enough whoopie(dV) into it so I redesign.

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Trying to adjust my orbits using a single Poodle engine.

De-orbiting a lifter using only 2 lateral RCS thrusters because I forgot to put some fuel into it after achieving orbit and decoupling the station module.

Other than waiting on MapSat scans or Kethane scans, since they were already stated.

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I'd say that I like the slog of KSP, call me a masochistic Stockholm syndrome case, but I think it adds all the fun, If you could just have your Space station around Jool, where would be the fun?

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Anyways, the most dull thing I've done in KSP was when I drove one of my rovers 50 kilometers because I overshot my landing (it was on the mun).

Yeaahp, I just had to do that with my first manned rover, I missed my target LZ by some 35km. Fortunately I could go about 40m/s-ish, so it didn't take too long :P

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Right after v0.18 was released, I decided to try the brand new ion engine... by sending a probe to Moho.

"Not too much of a big deal", you might think... Yeah, but to top it off, I didn't know there were keyboard shortcuts for physics time-warp, and I hadn't attached enough solar panels on my probe.

The result was a 3-and-a-half-hour-long, uneventful, very, very, very dull flight, until I finally entered a stable Moho orbit. I've learned how to use physics time-warp properly since then, so now I enjoy the ion engines again, but the memory of that flight is still vivid.

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