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[0.90] LazTek SpaceX Launch, Exploration, Colonial Transporter & Historic mods (1/25/14)


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The V2 Capsule is an update, and it does require the launch pack as well.

Very true but he said he was working on the trunk with the solar panels, the emergency parachutes, a new docking port, and an IVA.

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Ok - my first update to the Dragon V2 includes better landing gear that use the actual landing gear module and the glow from the SuperDraco engines. Are there any other updates I need to do before putting this out and getting to the trunk and parachutes?

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Ok - my first update to the Dragon V2 includes better landing gear that use the actual landing gear module and the glow from the SuperDraco engines. Are there any other updates I need to do before putting this out and getting to the trunk and parachutes?

Docking ring/port?

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It is absolutely amazing. You were so quick on this. You even got the landing gear placement right!

However, just like your DragonV1 and your Falcon 9, it is vastly overpowered. Your Dragon has enough dV to go to the Mun and back, which is pretty unrealistic. You should really only put 400 units of Monopropellant in the Dragon itself. After testing myself, that's more than enough to rendez-vous, dock, and do a propulsive landing. If folks need more for a specific mission, they can always put a tank or two in the trunk.

I would also suggest putting a specific offset node on the trunk for the nose like this:

node_stack_nose = 0.0, 2.197, 1.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0

And in the nose cone cfg:

node_stack_bottom = 0.0, 0.02, 1.0, 0.0, -1.0, 0.0

This would make attaching everything in the VAB less confusing.

It would be nice also to open/close the nosecone in the VAB and the landing gear doesn't seem to work with the G key.

Edited by Nibb31
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Ok - my first update to the Dragon V2 includes better landing gear that use the actual landing gear module and the glow from the SuperDraco engines. Are there any other updates I need to do before putting this out and getting to the trunk and parachutes?

There's still an RCS issue. When I turn off capsule torque, it is unable to roll, and any x or y translation is lost when the opposite thrusters fire to null the rotation.

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There's still an RCS issue. When I turn off capsule torque, it is unable to roll, and any x or y translation is lost when the opposite thrusters fire to null the rotation.

You will not get any roll ability via RCS unless you or Laz changes to use the 3rd party ModuleRCSFX. That said, the RCS transforms are best guess, they may be a little off, only some great testing will solve it. Surely the real pod won't have that issue, but at this point it's anyone's guess.

Give it some time and I'll have my RSS/RO configuration available that sizes it to real life as well as system changes including ModuleRCSFX.

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Yes - now that I've seen the actual design direction Elon chose for the new Dragon V2, which is very close to the direction I took on the Mars Colonial Transporter:


The collision node I made for the Dragon V2 has almost exactly the same proportions and shape as the one I created for the MCT mockup I recently created, so I'm very comfortable going forward with this design after seeing the new capsule.

That looks awesome. Have you got a pic with your Falcon 9 beside it? Would be cool to see the size difference.

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Brilliant work on this mod. I love the models, and congratulations on getting an update for the V2 so quickly! I'm only facing a couple of problems. Firstly, and least importantly, I can't seem to deploy the landing legs on the V2. There isn't a button when I right click, nor do they appear when I hit the gears button. Secondly, there don't appear to be any engines on the Dragon V1 asides from the RCS thrusters. Is this intended and normal, or is something wrong?

Again, awesome mod and great looking!


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I've completed the next round of additions/fixes, which includes:

- Trunk/decoupler with built-in solar panels

- SuperDraco engine glow

- Correct sizing of capsule in relation to 2.5-meter parts

- New interior with black/tan carbon fiber seats and new control panels

Before I release this update, I want to fix an issue that seems to consistently cause the engine animations to stop working after any mission reversion. Are others experiencing this?



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Before I release this update, I want to fix an issue that seems to consistently cause the engine animations to stop working after any mission reversion. Are others experiencing this?

Yes, I recently wondered about why this happened.

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I've completed the next round of additions/fixes, which includes:

- Trunk/decoupler with built-in solar panels

- SuperDraco engine glow

- Correct sizing of capsule in relation to 2.5-meter parts

- New interior with black/tan carbon fiber seats and new control panels

Before I release this update, I want to fix an issue that seems to consistently cause the engine animations to stop working after any mission reversion. Are others experiencing this?



Yeah, have been seeing the same issue as well with the engine animations. The new trunk and updated IVAs look great too.

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Before I release this update, I want to fix an issue that seems to consistently cause the engine animations to stop working after any mission reversion. Are others experiencing this?

I have once had a sessions that didn't have engine animation/sound. Restarting solved it and I never had it again.

The solar panels need a normal map. Look a bit too flat right now.

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with the exception of a small small issue attaching the docking port (so i use your prebuilt craft file instead) i love this pod. it is super detailed for such early days. I also had the animation disapear from the engines. Reboot and was fine. cant wait to have that new trunk module....release ASAP it'll be loved either way.

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Love your work! Really nice stuff. Wish these solar panels "popped" a little more. Some gloss or some effect would indeed give it the flare it needs. What do you think?

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i love all the hard work by LAZ, the dragon series has been a staple in this game for me since day 1. To have their latest and greatest pod will be cool, i have already replaced my in-game fleet with these, using the older trunk ofcourse.

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Glad to hear the positive responses. The issue with the engine animations is directly related to my attempt to combine the engines with the capsule, so I'm making an all-new update to the capsule that uses attachable engines that fit in the nacelles and can be fitted onto other parts to use as a radially-mounted engine that uses monopropellant. In the meantime, here are the latest updates which include the new trunk:

LazTek SpaceX Dragon V2 Update 1.1

LazTek SpaceX Dragon V2 Update HD 1.1

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LazarusLuan, are you going to use RPM for the touchscreens?

I don't think so, as Laz has stated that he doesn't like using plugins. Speaking of plugins, Near Future Technologies has a curved solar panel module, which might be something that could come in handy for the Dragon V2 trunk.

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