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[0.90] LazTek SpaceX Launch, Exploration, Colonial Transporter & Historic mods (1/25/14)


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Not sure what happened to the ships between setting up the distribution folders and compressing them, but I've fixed and reuploaded the files. I'm not following the "legacy install" question, which makes me think I missed some change they made in Kerbal while I was busy working on the new updates. What do I need to change?

Mods go in the GameData folder now. The file structure would be as follows:

KSP/GameData/LazarusLuan(or your name of choice)/Parts(and the Internals)

Ships still go in ships

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How have you set up your GameData Folders? One large folder with all the parts in it or 3 seperate folders one having MJ1.9.8, one having MJ2.0.9 and one just using SAS no MJ.

With the new ASAS/reaction wheel setup in Kerbal .21, an FCS isn't even necessary, so I no longer build MechJeb into my parts. MechJeb 2's attachable boxes work great from the testing I've done.

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Mods go in the GameData folder now. The file structure would be as follows:

KSP/GameData/LazarusLuan(or your name of choice)/Parts(and the Internals)

Ships still go in ships

Thanks for the info - I had thought that only applied to the included parts from Squad.

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Thanks for the info - I had thought that only applied to the included parts from Squad.

You are welcome. Its that way for all parts and plugins now.

Let me add that this is the first time I have ever seen these in game (with the low Rez pack) and I must say that your work is just awesome! Thank you for making and releasing these.

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Ooohhh... ouch. I tried to launch the F9H/RedDragon using MechJeb 2.0.9 and baaaad things happened as it swung into the gravity turn. One side booster broke away and the whole thing few itself apart. We;'ve had a similar issue with he SRBs on BobCat's Ares V too, it seems something aboutt he dynamics of decouplers or boosters has changed in 0.21.x that's made the connections weak.

EDIT: I think I isolated this (again, as it was in BobCat's) to the 'Limit to Terminal Velocity' option. It seems to cause undue stress between the main stage and booster stages. Porbably due to it boincung the throtle too viloently? I dunno, anyway I turned it off and life is sweet again.

My only possible gripe is people on lesser computers might find the 27 thrust transforms on the F9H slow their computer almost to a stop. Mine's pretty meaty and even it choked on them a bit.

Great job all round Laz. Get the 0.2x folder structure set-up right and we'll be cooking on gas, or er, monoprolellant, or something that burns.

EDIT2: Can you tone down the blue light inside the capsule? It's shining on stuff outside the module and it looks weird. It even creates a blue patch under the F9 on the launchpad!

Edited by MDBenson
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Second the GameData Conversion. I have a suggestion though, in the release .zip folder titled GameData you should have three sub folders, one for each option you have In the pack (MJ1.9.8,MJ 2.0.9 SAS) this would make it simpler.

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Awesome update Laz....Let the SpaceX launches ensue!!!

The new Capsule looks amazing, the light is a tad bright as mentioned before, but overall its awesome. The whole pack looks great, and with low res pack its very very acceptable memory footprint.

Did you decide to ditch the 3.75pack?? If so could you at least sneak the 3.75 nosecone in a future falcon 9 update?

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I must be missing something about the red dragon misson, why is there an extended nose cone for the red dragon config?

I created a small one-kerbal rover that is attached to the top of the capsule in the Red Dragon/Falcon Heavy ship build that requires a taller nosecone to accommodate.

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You are welcome. Its that way for all parts and plugins now.

Let me add that this is the first time I have ever seen these in game (with the low Rez pack) and I must say that your work is just awesome! Thank you for making and releasing these.

Thanks! I'll take everyone's constructive comments and apply those to my next build.

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Another question: Is the Trunk section deliberately skewed off from 90-degrees? Not an issue, and if it's deliberate I learned something new, but I'd like to know either way. It's bugging my OCD ;)

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even thou u state neding a 8gig+ system for the hd one no matter what ksp wont use more than 3.7gigs of ram it crashes then at 3.7

but its a awsome pack thou just wish ksp could handle it.

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Another question: Is the Trunk section deliberately skewed off from 90-degrees? Not an issue, and if it's deliberate I learned something new, but I'd like to know either way. It's bugging my OCD ;)

It's like that on the real thing.

even thou u state neding a 8gig+ system for the hd one no matter what ksp wont use more than 3.7gigs of ram it crashes then at 3.7

but its a awsome pack thou just wish ksp could handle it.

You can allocate more RAM to a single app through CMD if you have a lot of RAM so it doesn't crash.

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@Sarbian: I take it you dont use linux...from what I hear the linux 64bit linux client is bugged to no end...

@SyncV2: You can allocate as much ram through CMD as you want, a 32bit program running (in compatibility mode as it has to) on a 64bit system can only use around 4gigs rams, regardless of much your system has or how much you force allocate....

@Spooks: these parts are still set up to use 'legacy' install method. The parts and internals need to be put in the respective folder (unlike most mods that go in gamedata). I think is going to update it to use GameData install, but for now its legacy.

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I've got a bash script around somewhere that adds the part{} to every file in the folders with .cfg at the end, it doesn't help with memory usage or anything like that, but it lets you use the post .20 install for everything for organizations sake. I also wrote one to change command module parameters in the .cfgs for .21.

You do still have to change references to internals in the command pod .cfgs based on what folder the internals are stored in after the conversion, but as this pack only contains one command pod with an internal as far as I know, that should be easy. I'll see if I can find the scripts and post them later

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@Sarbian: I take it you dont use linux...from what I hear the linux 64bit linux client is bugged to no end...

@SyncV2: You can allocate as much ram through CMD as you want, a 32bit program running (in compatibility mode as it has to) on a 64bit system can only use around 4gigs rams, regardless of much your system has or how much you force allocate....

@Spooks: these parts are still set up to use 'legacy' install method. The parts and internals need to be put in the respective folder (unlike most mods that go in gamedata). I think is going to update it to use GameData install, but for now its legacy.

finaly someone that understands u cant force a program to always work how u want.

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Is the first stage actually turning around and going back to KSC? Or does it continue up into orbit on it's own and land as it comes back around to KSC?

What are the dV stats for these?

I fly the first stage directly back. The second stage (and the third and fourth, on the Falcon Heavy) is designed to orbit and return.

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Also, before you set up the files into that sector of the Gamedata, you need to make sure that all the .cfg's start with:



and end with


Then the game will recognize the components.

Thanks - I just figured that out this morning. I should have the update ready shortly.

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