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[0.90] LazTek SpaceX Launch, Exploration, Colonial Transporter & Historic mods (1/25/14)


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  Ser Brynden said:

Was just about to post this. Interesting note, the parachutes look like they're in a compartment right below the crew hatch, with lines running up along either side of it.

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Wheee! Nice booster, Laz!


With my default launch profile, MCT 1st stage was only 188m/s short of putting your entire loaded Falcon Heavy w/Dragon Explorer ship into a 100km orbit all by itself. :) I'll play with the profile and bet I can get her all the way there.

- - - Updated - - -

Good news, Laz. While I was screwing around with the MCT I managed to break it so it falls apart at launch. I saw others were having that problem but it didn't sound like you'd gotten a logfile yet.


Craft files (MechJeb and Procedural Parts required):


The first flight, ship T4, falls apart. Next I did ship T3 as a control, it's the one from the screenshot above, and it worked fine. Finally I created ship T5, which is T4 but I got rid of the Procedural Parts tank and replaced it with a stock orange tank. It flew fine, so it could be a PP incompatibility, or could be because of the 420t mass of the single PP part. I was stress-testing your booster...I win! ;)

Happy troubleshooting!

Edited by Beowolf
Whoops forgot craft files
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Tried the heat shield codes from DRE for the pods and no heating? Cant even get past 2c in temp. Is this a mesh issue?

- - - Updated - - -

Tried the PROPER heat shield codes from DRE for the pods and no heating? Cant even get past 2c in temp. Is this a mesh issue?

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  lextacy said:
Tried the heat shield codes from DRE for the pods and no heating? Cant even get past 2c in temp. Is this a mesh issue?

- - - Updated - - -

Tried the PROPER heat shield codes from DRE for the pods and no heating? Cant even get past 2c in temp. Is this a mesh issue?

It's an ongoing bug for DRE...I think...

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Why do I get low fps when using this pack? It only happens when the first stage is rendered or i'm controlling it. I get about 15 fps when this happens and 40-60 when its not being rendered. I have tried the low, medium, and high packs and still have the problem. This has never been an issue and ever since it was updated to .25 and up this has been happening. With the MCT pack it lags when i'm in control of the capsule or the capsule is rendered, but the first stage runs perfectly.

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Firstly, love the modApologies if this has already been answered, I did try a search on RCS but didn't find the answer I was looking for.

When I try docking the Dragon2 capsule (and I think the other capsules) with a space station using MechJeb 2, the capsule refuses to translate. It will align itself with the axis of the docking port and starts backing up, but seems incapable of translating in X or Y (Z-axis being the centre on the docking port).

Other than 'cheating' by using MechJeb to dock, am I doing something wrong? Do I need to switch something on/off.

When I built my own capsules with thrusters above/below the centre of mass they translate fine.

I'm fairly new to KSP, so apologies if this is a bit of a newbie stupid question.

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Awesome plugin, having loads of fun with it and sorry if this has been said/requested but is it much of a problem to make the SpaceX flight controllers more like the remote guidance units in terms of the "lock" options? I'm adding that instead which isn't a nice looking due to the fact the part with this mod doesn't provide things like retrograde hold etc, seems like a stage capable of landings its self on a barge in the ocean would be able to hold retrograde :P

Thanks for the epic mod though! :D

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  DarthVader said:
The flight controllers already do this, check the .90 downloads on KerbalStuff.

Strange, I'm running the latest version and I don't see any "lock" options left of the nav ball using the SpaceX controllers. SAS works and tries to maintain stability but there are no lock options =\ strange, will replace the mod files soon as see if anything changes I guess, thanks for the reply though

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Awesome mods! I have had the Launch pack for a while now, and just found the Colonial pack with even bigger rockets, haven't played it yet but I hope it satisfies my "5m diameter rockets are too small and not powerful enough" need!

I have noticed though that when in the VAB and I tried to search by manufacturer to find your parts, there was no entry for Laztek. Just wondering if this is a bug or intentional, it would be nice just to find parts from this mod.

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  Falcon Coupe said:
Awesome mods! I have had the Launch pack for a while now, and just found the Colonial pack with even bigger rockets, haven't played it yet but I hope it satisfies my "5m diameter rockets are too small and not powerful enough" need!

I have noticed though that when in the VAB and I tried to search by manufacturer to find your parts, there was no entry for Laztek. Just wondering if this is a bug or intentional, it would be nice just to find parts from this mod.

Have you looked for SpaceX? (No idea if this is the case as I play with Realism Overhaul and that could be why I see SpaceX as manufacturer)

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Amazing work Laz, but I'm also having some issues that others have reported:

First, details:

I'm using the latest Launch Pack, standard resolution. KSP 0.90 on Linux x64. Tons of other mods - so it may very well be odd interactions at work, but, as your SpaceX pack tends to use stock modules it should get along well with others. :)

Second, the one issue is to do with the (cargo) Dragon capsule and when loaded in to VAB or Flight, the following message floods the log file:

Actor::updateMassFromShapes: Compute mesh inertia tensor failed for one of the actor's mesh shapes! Please change mesh geometry or supply a tensor manually!

Third, the next issue seems to be something not quite right with the Falcon Lower Landing Gear/Leg. (FalconLowerGear is the part name.) The following NullReferenceException is logged repeatedly:

NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
at ModuleLandingLeg.StateUpdate () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
at ModuleLandingLeg.FixedUpdate () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

I believe if it weren't for the preceeding updateMassFromShapes error being logged, the NullReferenceException would drag performance down noticeably. As it stands, for me, performance doesn't seem affected, but clearly there's something wrong - the landing leg doesn't interact with the surface when landing, it mostly falls through the surface to the hinge and then wobbles. As a modder, I did some looking in to what might cause problems in ModuleLandingLeg, and also in my log is this:

ModuleLandingLeg.cs :Failed to find named Collider GameObject

This is logged when the wheelColliderName doesn't match anything on the model. I checked the part.cfg for FalconLowerGear and wheelColliderName is set to wheelCollider, then imported the .mu file to Blender to cross reference the name but there doesn't seem to be an object named wheelCollider. There is a LegCollider, and modifying the .cfg file does change the error but doesn't eliminate the NRE and now the log showed:

ModuleLandingLeg.cs :Failed to find WheelCollider on the named transform

This is logged when the wheelColliderName matches an object on the model, but isn't a WheelCollider. Also, at this point when the landing leg interacted with the launch pad surface, the launch pad exploded. :D Next I decided to compare a stock landing leg's model to its .cfg file to try to understand how it works. This led me to try putting wheelColliderName back to wheelCollider but change suspensionTransformName to FalconLowerLandingGear3c. This repeated the original problem, and so ended my adventure in learning about landing legs!

I figured at this point it was time to hand off the information and offer any further assistance I can. :)

Edit: I decided to try switching to the HD version to see if there was any difference. It turns out, the FalconLowerGear works fine. :cool: The (cargo) Dragon still floods the log with the updateMassFromShapes error, however.

Edit 2: I think the suncatcher (raycastTransformName) is oriented in a way that the Dragon V2 Trunk only gets sunlight when the panel side is facing away from the sun.

Edited by ozraven
Added more new information.
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LazarusLuan - Thanks a lot for all of your hard work on the space x pack...I can really appreciate the vast amount of work a quality release like this entails. You've done an outstanding job!

@ozraven - Thanks for tip on the landing gear...I noticed the errors as well. Going to replace the standard one with the one from the HD pack.

Edit: Just did a file (hex) compare and indeed there are differences between both models. The difference with the HD pack is supposed to only be textures, right?


I wonder is there are any other differences between the standard and HD models....if I have time later I'll try to compare the other models.

Edit 2: I also checked the part.cfg files between the standard and hd versions of the lower leg and there are several differences between them as well.


Which values are the correct ones...the standard or HD? I'm starting to think there may be many differences between both packs.

Edited by ATG
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Ok, I just finished checking all the files between the standard and HD versions of only the Launch pack. Here's a summary for your reference Laz:

The following parts have 2 different models between the standard & HD versions:

- Sherpa Core

- Separation Engine

- Merlin 1D Vacuum Engine

- Falcon Upper Landing Leg

- Falcon Lower Landing Leg (also as previously mentioned, both part.cfg files have differences.)

The Separation Engine HD version contains 2 textures that the standard version does not:

- UVFalconSeparationEngineLR.mbm

- UVFalconSepartationEngineNormalLR.mbm

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