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How To Speak Kerbal! With Translator!

Tanner Rawlings

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Here are my translations of the Kerbal language, as we know kerbals speak Spanish, that is reversed.


please pm if interested in helping out with the language, i didnt expect so many people viewing this and interested so this is starting to be too much for one guy, mainly it involves finding suitable phonetic alphabet words and just updating the language and maybe adding some language rules, also needed is someone who is Mexican or of Spanish decent who is fluent in Spanish to help check the translations as i'm just a american whos better at German and has been using Google translate, and someone who knows html or batch to help with the offline version, if you know java thats better, my java coding is rusty at best, Cheers! :cool:

Also its best to pronounce these words with a German or Russian accent

Thanks to astropapi1 for more words

Only 1 planet so far is know to have multiple names, Eve which some kerbals call "Víareps" or "Ave"

depending on the dialect, Eve is a central/equatorial name while northern regions have been known to call it "Ave" then the southern kerbals call eve "Viareps", most likely because the southern regions representatives got lost and ended up in the bar drink naming section.

I am working on a offline version, it will take awhile but it will also include the different dialects of kerban, like a english german and hardest one, russian equivalents, if you wish to help please PM me, THANKS! :P

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These words will remain here but will not be updated, there is now an online application for easy translation

Yes = is

No = on

Hello = Aloh

Goodbye = Adidepsed

How are you = Cóom tseás

I am fine = Yotse neib

I am not fine= Oy on yotse neib

Good = Oneub

Bad = Olam

Water = Auga

Fire = Ogeuf

Goodbye = Soida

Good night = Sehcon Saneub

Launch Escape System (LES) = Otneimaznalc ed Epacse ed Ametsis

Sunrise = Recenama

Sunset = Recehcona

Re-entry = Adartneer

Heat = Rolac

Spaceship = Laicapse Evan

Fuel = Elbitsubmoc

Explosion = Noisolpxe

Tanker = Anretsic

Plane = Noiva

Moon = Anul

Boat = Ocrab

Outer Space = Roiretxe Oicapse

Station = Noicatse

Satellite = Etiletas

Capsule = Eluspac

Module = Oludom

Runway = Atsip

Useful = Litu

Useless = Lituni

Unexpected = Odarepseni

Peaceful = Ocificap

Peace = Zap

Docking = Otneimalpoca

Lights = Secul

Ladder = Arelacse

Battery = Airetab

Probe = Adnos

Orbit = Atibro

Failure = Ollaf

Explosive = Ovisolpxe

SRB = Odilos Etehoc

Abort = Otroba

Technology = Aigoloncet

Rocket = Etehoc

Man = erbmoh

Women = rejum

Baby = ébeb

Brave = evarb

Scared = odatnapse


One = onu

Two = sod

Three = sert

Four = ortauc

Five = ocnic

Six = sies

Seven = eteis

Eight = ohco

Nine = eveun

Ten = zeid

Eleven = ecno

Twelve = ecod

Thirteen = ecert

Fourteen = ecrotac

Fifteen = ecniuq

Sixteen = siceidési

Seventeen = eteisiceid

Eighteen = ohcoiceid

Nineteen = eveuniceid

Twenty = etniev

Thirty = atniert

Forty = atnerauc

Fifty = atneucnic

Sixty = atneses

Seventy = atnetes

Eighty = ochenta

Ninety = atnevon

Hundred = neic

Thousand = lim

Million = llimón

Billion = llibón

Quadrillion = llirtaucón

Quintillion = llitniuqón

Edited by Tanner Rawlings
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Goodbye = Soida

Good night = Sehcon Saneub

Launch Escape System (LES) = Otneimaznalc ed Epacse ed Ametsis

Sunrise = Recenama

Sunset = Recehcona

Re-entry = Adartneer

Heat = Rolac

Spaceship = Laicapse Evan

Fuel = Elbitsubmoc

Explosion = Noisolpxe (Yes, explosion is exactly the same in Spanish and English.)

Tanker = Anretsic

Plane = Noiva

Moon = Anul ( :0.0: )

Boat = Ocrab

Outer Space = Roiretxe Oicapse

Station = Noicatse

Satellite = Etiletas

Capsule = Eluspac

Module = Oludom

Runway = Atsip

Useful = Litu

Useless = Lituni

Unexpected = Odarepseni

Peaceful = Ocificap

Peace = Zap

Docking = Otneimalpoca

Lights = Secul

Ladder = Arelacse

Battery = Airetab

Probe = Adnos

Orbit = Atibro

Failure = Ollaf

Explosive = Ovisolpxe

SRB = Odilos Etehoc

Abort = Otroba

Technology = Aigoloncet

Rocket = Etehoc

I only included words that seemed relevant to KSP.

Edited by astropapi1
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  cesarcurado said:

Kerbals speak a form of spanish?

Assuming kerbals aren't humans and kerbin isn't Earth, they should speak a completely diff lang IMO.

Kerbal speech is Spanish played backwards. If you were to download one of Squad's trailers (like the mission control one, or the one where they revealed they got onto Steam) and reverse it, the voices would (in theory) be understandable to anyone who speaks Spanish.

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Licífid sám se rehgih/dn2 augnel anu ne albah, licífid se anretam augnel us ne sárta aicah odnalbah. Olralbah somedop etnemlaer euq acifingis on labreK ralbah omóc sortoson olih aznañesne anu somenet aroha euq ed ohceh le! :P

Yes, speaking Kerbal is hard...very hard.

It's to see someone made a 'guide' for it though :D

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  cesarcurado said:

Kerbals speak a form of spanish?

Assuming kerbals aren't humans and kerbin isn't Earth, they should speak a completely diff lang IMO.

I believe it's safe to assume the Devs are based out of Mexico, so Why not use some form of your native tongue?

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  Canopus said:
I really don't understand why that is insulting to your country?

'England and America are two countries divided by a common language.' - George Bernard Shaw

There is a similar belief between Spain and Mexico.

Like the English, Spain believes their former colony has 'run down' or 'degraded' their mother tongue into a lesser beast. That belief, of course, does not go over well in the now independent- and occasionally more powerful and influential- colony; they believe that they speak the language in a perfectly acceptable manner.

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