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What did you do in KSP1 today?


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Love how Nedory is not alarmed at all by the stack of hundreds of tons of rocket fuel toppling over.

Agreed, it's beautiful. "We're going to space right?"

Today, I killed a Jeb.


But, his death was for a worthy cause.

Also, the next bit of Oceans of Eve has been released! You might consider going for a read.


Edited by Tw1
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Today I switched TAC Life support of cause I couldn't sacrifice Ernie Kerman. I sent a ship to Jool and it appeared that I underestimated the food consumption of my 4 kerbals Jebediah, Bill, Bob and Ernie. So There was too many guys in the ship and I had to choose one and throw him trough the hatch. But...


How the hell could I shorten the life of a so cute little green guy? So I went back to the space center and switched the mod off. :blush:

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Since I finally finished wrestling with stupid space rocks, I was able to give my Eve mission the time warp it needed. Successfully to place a probe lander on the surface, rendezvous'ed with the Science lab in orbit to clean the experiments, then headed to Gilly for an RCS landing. Just after that was done, I got to launch a trio of ships for my Duna surface mission.

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I technically did this earlier this week, but just released the video today. In honor of one year since my first KSP video (July 4, 2013) and for reaching 50 subscribers, I put an asteroid around Bop in Alternis Kerbol (Bop is a moon of Kerbin, with Kerbin being a moon of Jool), thereby making a moon of a moon of a moon! (Also my first asteroid redirect, ever)

Edited by magico13
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Today I switched TAC Life support of cause I couldn't sacrifice Ernie Kerman. I sent a ship to Jool and it appeared that I underestimated the food consumption of my 4 kerbals Jebediah, Bill, Bob and Ernie. So There was too many guys in the ship and I had to choose one and throw him trough the hatch. But...


How the hell could I shorten the life of a so cute little green guy? So I went back to the space center and switched the mod off. :blush:

Bob "Hey Ernie, how would you like to go on an EVA?"

Ernie "That'd be great! what will I be doing? does something need repaired?"

Bob "uh...yea, um, we need you to test the uh...EVA pack's ability to sustain long term exposure to the vacuum of space..and radiation...."

Ernie "Sweet! when do I start?"

Bob "Before snack time."

Ernie dons his helmet and eargerly zooms around the ship squealing with joy into his headset "SPAAAAAAAAAAAACE!"

A few moments later Jebediah floats into the habitation module from the command module ...

Jeb "Hey, I've got good news, Mission Control has determined that we now have infinite snacks."

Bob "I don't follow...

Jeb "You remember how on Kerpollo 13 they had to build an air filter that recycled the air so they didn't die?"

Bob "Yes..."

Jeb "Just like that, but for snacks."

Bob picks up the radio "Ernie, come back inside I'm going to be taking your place."

Ernie "Oh come on...you always get to do the fun experiments like floating in space forever."

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After Bob had been exploring every Biome on Duna during the prior stage of his mission, it was now time to move on to Ike.

The 2nd lander, which was specifically designed for Ike with goo canisters, science junior and all the other experiments, was moved into the moons orbit...


A few hours later, Bob arrived in his travel ship (the one top right)


After manning the lander, the Kerbalnaut landed on the moon, put down his flag and performed all the experiments.


Shortly after, he rendevouszed back with the travel stage and docked up with it.


The lander was not designed to return back to Kerbin. But the experiment canisters had to be brought back to get the scienctific data from them. So Bob had to do a construction EVA as planned and tied the head of the lander to the travel ship.


Once that was done, the main-section of the lander was jetted and left behind.


After a brief return to the Duna service station for re-fuelling, the travel ship accelerated out of the planets orbit to get back home.


Two month later, Bob arrived at Kerbin with loads of science to be analyzed in our labs.


After transferring over to the Ike landers head, it became the re-entry vessel. Though there was a minor design flaw discovered. The stack decoupler which seperated it from the lander was mounted into the wrong direction and thus it was now blocking the return-vessels heatshield.


Thankfully, that didnt cause a fatal catastrophy to Bobs descend, since the decoupler simply exploded once it overheated and freed the heatshield flawlessly in time. Shortly after, Bob was hanging on his chutes and returned home safely...


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Perfected my Saturn V replica to make yet another Apollo mission.


To orbit.


To the Mun! This stage has a lot more fuel than it actually needs.


Transposition and docking.


Done! I hope they all still work.


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I docked for the first time ever! Here's a picture of my Orbital Science Lab orbiting the Mun.


This is a better view of just the lander.


I've chased and brought an asteroid into a vertical circular orbit around Kerbin, but that was way way easier than orienting and docking a lander to a tiny docking port. I was REALLY lucky to have enough fuel. I didn't make any mistakes either.

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Still rovering in the dark side of the Mun in the dark :D ...


I take everything I said bad of this rover, especially after seeing it climbing the walls of the canyon that comes out of the east farside crater in a 35º+ angle for atleast 1 km. Now, with the help of the Kerbal maps site, I'll continue to rover out the Mun grabbing all the science I can ...

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Developed the mk1 and mk2 'Lawndarts'. For some reason Jeb didn't want to be my test pilot for them, so I grabbed the 2 kerbals in the complex with the most courage at the time.......for some reason they were the stupidest too.

here's the pic of the mk1 right before impact in the mountains


and the mk2 again in the mountains


Amazingly, the mk2 actually survived initial impact, and 2nd, however the 3rd impact onto the command pod was more than it could take.

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I brought one of my kerbals home from Duna after he was stranded out there for years! I am so proud of myself, even though I had to edit the persistence file to do it because of fuel problems >__> The poor guy had to run 22km to the rescue ship, which is an achievement all on its own.

Also I sent a probe to Eve, which I have no intention of bringing back. I feel like I'm getting the hang of this interplanetary thing, just a little.

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I am starting to establish bases on Mun (no idea how to put the two dots above), and Minmus in preparation to build...... well bigger bases. I also want to use these as a 'rest stop' for ships to maybe get new parts to travel and bring them to other planets.

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Here is my duna retrieve mission that i did few days ago. Trip was fine but duna landing almost failed horribly as you can see from the images, other than that the DRV performed nicely on both landings and transporting crew from the SSC. First time retrieving crew from other duna and ike. The IPEM has too much parts so i wont use it on other mission, probably just refuel and send to minmus orbit as a reserve ship.

<iframe class="imgur-album" width="100%" height="550" frameborder="0" src="http://imgur.com/a/OGK79/embed"></iframe>

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Installed a new version of KSP with the KSPRC Rennaisance Compilation and started the career mode from scratch again and my first impression is Wow, it looks so much nicer. even though my Laptop has a lot of power I had to ditch a lot of my mods so I am basically running the stock game with a lot of graphical enhancements, plus mechjeb, chatterer, hot rockets, cool rockets, mapsat and Dmagic Orbital science. Getting large payloads into orbit is going to take a bit more effort without KW rocketry which if I'm honest is a bit of a cheat. Just managed to get my first ship into polar orbit and the view of the Aurora is really stunning. Absolutely love the new suits and textures of ..... well everything. But I'm looking forward to the 64 bit v 0.24 so I can start loading some more of the more memory hungry parts packs.

The link to the mods are here. If you decide to install it make sure you follow Proot's instructions to the letter and have all the dependencies in place before installing his mod or it won't work. I don't think I will be playing with regular KSP again. Even though it looks really nice it's not even close to this.


A view of my first Aurora from Orbit. :)

<a href="http://imgur.com/Y3UPG6s"><img src="http://i.imgur.com/Y3UPG6s.png" title="Hosted by imgur.com"/></a>

Edited by HavelockVetinari
Noticed a spelling mistake
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Love how Nedory is not alarmed at all by the stack of hundreds of tons of rocket fuel toppling over.

I wish I had a video of it. What you don't see is all the motion. The ship looked like an octopus tentacle lashing about in random directions. :confused:

Agreed, it's beautiful. "We're going to space right?"

Hehe! I also couldn't resist a launch attempt. The flight was shorter than hoped for.

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14578718712_cdeb58a153_o.pngScenery by cantab314, on Flickr

Last night I flew the Aeris 3A back from KSC West to the main space centre. Just straightforward cruising while I had the football on on the other screen. Had to drop the speed to conserve fuel, I'd took off with 90/300, and doing 135 m/s I expected to have enough to land safely.

I got within 80 km of KSC, by then flying at night, when my whole computer crashed -_- There's no autosave in atmosphere and I hadn't quicksaved, so that was a couple of hours flying wiped out.

I shan't be redoing it. *Clicks Recover*

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