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What did you do in KSP1 today?


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Toyed with helicopters. Ran into pilot/design/mechanical difficulties.....Started working on a new CF plane. Experimental planes in the stable in the Backyard rocket company do not start with X but start with a CF designation for Cluster (insert word here)..


Ironically Philbus is the one who lives here.


Unlike the lift chopper, the plane below is showing quite a bit of promise in fitting and testing.



Edited by sumrex
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I downloaded a few mods today;

ScanSat (now I feel more productive! -if I'm doing it right... looks like it)

Kerbal Alarm clock - haven't fooled around with it, yet.

KAS - but, I accidently hit "Launch" (program) before remembering to install it.

And, I tried to get 'Astronomers' atmo mod (to add clouds and such) but, it ain't working.

*I see the SCANsat company works in conjunction with the local railroad company!

[cuz the antenna looks like a rail road section, son!]

Edited by Mahnarch
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I downloaded a few mods today;

ScanSat (now I feel more productive! -if I'm doing it right... looks like it)

Kerbal Alarm clock - haven't fooled around with it, yet.

KAS - but, I accidently hit "Launch" (program) before remembering to install it.

And, I tried to get 'Astronomers' atmo mod (to add clouds and such) but, it ain't working.

*I see the SCANsat company works in conjunction with the local railroad company!

[cuz the antenna looks like a rail road section, son!]

Did you install just the pack or did you go through each folder and get the right piece into the other folders needed to work? If you did just the extract to gamedata you need to go through the 'Astronomers' folder and follow the directions for each sub folder ( didn't know this when I first installed it either).

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I was running low on funds after building my LKO station, down to 3 million dollars, so I launched my Jool and Eve missions.

Both were ion powered probes. Last night the Eve probe completed its mission, just.. Landed on Gilly, completing the Gilly portion, then headed for an Eve landing.

Tucked in the solar panels, turned of SAS and deployed the chutes. On the way down, took an atmospheric reading in the upper atmosphere.

Once the chute was fully deployed, I decided I wanted to get an additional atmospheric reading, so I deployed the solar panels for power, so I could transmit the old one. Then I watched as they disintegrated from traveling at ~4 m/s. Still, I managed to land, and gathered some science and transmitted enough to complete the mission, before the probe died.

I now am back at 4.4 million dollars, with still the Jool mission to complete!

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Some more work on the parts-pack I'm making. Replaced all of the collision meshes, to make them simpler, more stock-like, and more friendly to radial attachment on them. Plus a minor beauty pass on the parts.

And, I also finally figured out RCS thrusters, and made a 5-way thruster block.


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I launched an 11-ship flotilla to Jool to establish a self-sufficient OKS space station in Laythe orbit. I did a pretty good job of the transfer burns with a nice, tight pattern.


Everything got out of Kerbin's SOI just fine, and then it was time to plot mid-course corrections. At which point the game went black, and all saves from previous points in time also went black at the same point, or loaded that way from scratch.


So the whole save is tango uniform, down the drain, with all the clever over-engineering nipped in the bud before it could strut it's stuff :(.

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I don't see any need to recreate this thread. I like it the way it is :)

I'd prefer to see it go on to page 10.000 :D

Now, I gues it's time for me to sew me a "I created a moster-thread" patch.

Ah yes, and I started a small challenge over at the challenges-forum. I don't expect very many entries, but thats fine with me.

Edited by Xeldrak
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Some more work on the parts-pack I'm making. Replaced all of the collision meshes, to make them simpler, more stock-like, and more friendly to radial attachment on them. Plus a minor beauty pass on the parts.

And, I also finally figured out RCS thrusters, and made a 5-way thruster block.


oh man if you could let me in on this RCS business that'd be tops, I made an RCS thruster and just to test the meshes I stole Squad's .cfg for the 4 way thruster, which then loaded into the game and promptly had 0 ISP both atmospheric and orbital

stuck the landing I see

Today I worked on an ICBm launcher that..well, it didn't work as well as planned. I then fixed up my systemic satellite so it's orbital path crossed as many trajectories as possible, then I moved on to a space station. The core went up without a hitch into a circular LKO at 84300pe/84800ap above the surface. My only issue now is getting the modules attached to the core, as I have no idea when the optimal launch time is. Not knowing that means I can't intersect and stay with the core in order to dock my habitation module.

On the plus side, the batteries + solar panels on the core give it 36000 Electric Charge.

Also made a super duper tiny rover. Thanks, TweakScale!

<iframe class="imgur-album" width="100%" height="550" frameborder="0" src="//imgur.com/a/SStvl/embed"></iframe>

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I don't see any need to recreate this thread. I like it the way it is :)

I'd prefer to see it go on to page 10.000 :D

Now, I gues it's time for me to sew me a "I created a moster-thread" patch.

Ah yes, and I started a small challenge over at the challenges-forum. I don't expect very many entries, but thats fine with me.

OOOOOOOOH that's tempting. Being the spaceplane nut that I am, I might give this one a go. And being the nutter/mad scientist that I am, I am going to try to go above and beyond. Make orbit you say? Done.

But you never said what you can orbit.

Mun orbit on full SRB's. Seems reasonable, right?

Oh God why do I keep doing this to myself?

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Very, very happy! After several disasters with SSTO planes, I went back to basics and built something with a couple of RAPIERs and a TJ. Took of, got it on to a steady 10 degree incline and switched on SAS. I got called away from the PC and came back 20 minutes later expecting a crash. I found this:




As I say - very, very happy. Now to add a docking port and get the thing to dock with one of my space stations having got it up manually and in to a sensible orbit, but if SAS can do it, I know I can!



Edit: Hadn't even got as far as raising the gear when I left KSP running...

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Don't mind me, just flying around testing stuff. I'm trying to come with a design that I haven't done before with part of SP+ and other mods.



It flew pretty well and I decided to park it in the hangar on the island.

After that I made a simple prop plane just for fun and turns out this thing doesn't want to land, it glides so much.



I build another plane too after this but that is for tomorrow. :)

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OOOOOOOOH that's tempting. Being the spaceplane nut that I am, I might give this one a go. And being the nutter/mad scientist that I am, I am going to try to go above and beyond. Make orbit you say? Done.

But you never said what you can orbit.

Mun orbit on full SRB's. Seems reasonable, right?

Oh God why do I keep doing this to myself?

Well, I never said what you can orbit - but leaving kerbin SOI will disqualify you. So I guess there is not much choice.

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I was finally able to sit down and finish the prototype for my Eve lander stand, The Prospector. In its naked form it has 1159 dV on the bottom stage and another 922dV on the small stage, I think that will be enough to land and return from the surface*. Next up is to make the landing gear and parachutes all detachable, or a majority of the chutes detachable at least. After that it is the matter of a lift stage to get this into orbit around Kerbin, and I think I have a solution for this already I just need to see if it will work the way I want it to. Then lastly comes the tug to carry 3 Kerbals to orbit around Eve, my only fear is doing a areobraking around Eve might be bad with DE unless I use a massive heat shield.


(*void where prohibited)

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I downloaded some craft files for some jeeps (Thanks Mr Overfloater) as I lack imagination and patience to create nice looking stuff. Took a tour of the KSC and discovered there are steps to the rooftops of the R&D building. I've played for ages but never really had a good luck at the KSC. Usually just see it in the rear view :D

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I sent a Scansat mapping satellite to the Mun after it was done with Kerbin, and left timewarp on for a few minutes to get all the anomalies. Now I'm preparing to launch an expedition to explore some of them... except the rocket hates me and keeps blowing itself up.

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Put my SSTDuna into orbit in anticipation for the rest of the mission. It's too late at night to do the remainder right now, so the horizontal landing attempt on Duna's surface will have to wait a day. Again. :(

On the bright side, I've made orbit with more fuel to spare than ever before. about 50-60% oxidizer and accompanying fuel, with a little to spare for when we get back. Not bad on an 83 ton plane :).

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Continued working on my parts-pack.

Added a second type of RCS block, one that is angled at 45 degrees with two of the thrusters, for more efficient use on the diagonal "corners" of your ship. Notice in the screenshot below, the upper ring is a combination of both of my new RCS blocks, working together to thrust all in the same direction. The lower ring is 8 of the stock RCS blocks, and some of those have to thrust diagonally relative to the direction you're trying to steer.


Secondly, also made a "docking helper" light ring. It's a flat piece that can be stacked inline beneath the docking port. It'll help save on the part count if you're used to using Z-100 batteries to do this.


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