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What did you do in KSP1 today?


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I wonder if that particular breed of kraken is associated with KAC. I had that happen when I switched to my Eeloo probe last week using KAC. I quit the game right away and when I reloaded all was well again when I selected the ship through the tracking station.

I've gotten it in pure stock, no mods at all :(

I restarted a career when Jeb walked out of a pod on the launchpad and got krakened to death.

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I sent two Kerbals to minmus in my "S"STO.

Unfortunately, one of them got excited about the potential for long-distance travel under EVA jets, forgetting that while falling doesn't hurt, landing does.

One Kerbal had a nearly flawless landing back at KSC.

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I did some tests on the viability of large scale ion propulsion. I wasn't expecting it to be practical at all but it worked surprisingly well. The goal was to leave Kerbin's SOI and retrieve a satellite in Kerbolar oribt.


The solar panel wings need work and it needs better attitude control.


Unfortunately I got a null ref and had to terminate the flight ;.;. I'll build an upscaled version for class A asteroids soon.

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After ages of only messing around in the Kerbin system I finally made a ship (probe, really) to go check out other planets. Duna and Ike have no secrets for me anymore!

I also sent a probe to Eve, but after time-warping to get to the rendezvous point the game crashed and the entire probe just vanished. Vanished! I think there might be an interplanetary version of the Bermuda triangle somewhere around Eve...

No big deal for most of you, but finally reaching another planet is still quite an exciting achievement for me

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Slowing down: not check :(

If you're using FAR/NEAR: S-turns and air brakes are your friend. Stock aero: I would consider vertical S-turns or loops at lowish altitude.

As for myself: after having to restart my 6.4x career for mod issues, I launched Vokshod II into polar orbit, and after a successful 12-hour orbital mission, came down at the poles after a rather awkward reentry.


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I did a test flight for a large two stage lander I put together about a week ago. Big, Nice, Works well :-)

Start of the trip.


Revisit the memorial to Neil Armstrong: http://imgur.com/5brj3Ji

Revisit the large arch: http://imgur.com/m4R1NZv

Landed near a monolith: http://imgur.com/eUi9ZSU

Approaching Kerbin : http://imgur.com/KUjRPHp

Safely back home :-) http://imgur.com/f6CmANZ

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Scratched up enough science from doing test contracts to get the Gravity Science Module (whatever it's called), and I made a flag for my upcoming mission to Jool, the main ship will be the K.S.V (kerbal space vessel) Green Halnie.

(aka I found some clipart on google and put it together)


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Today i created the MARV-II out of its now decommissioned predecessor MARV-I. The "Mostly-Automatic-Rescue-Vehicle" Mk. II performed well and reached an 80km LKO on SRBs alone with a final boost of its LV-909 LFO engine for circularization. It had plenty of delta V left and it was confirmed that it can easily do any rescue mission around Kerbin or even the Mün and Minmus if necessary.

Top row (left to right): The MARV-II under construction - MARV II on the launch pad - Launching

Row 2 - 4 (top to bottom): A few seconds till MECO - Fairings away - MARV II in stable equatorial orbit.


...and i did a little excursion to one of the Mün-Archs, close to my permanent Mün base. I tried to reach it with a rover, but i had to cancel the mission and go up using the brand new Ferret Mk.I science lander. Bill and Jerlin were quite happy, reaching the destination, after their failed attempt with the rover.

Top - Bill and Jerlin returning from their failed attempt to reach the strange object by rover. It was simply too dangerous.

Middle - Jerlin enjoying the view from the top of the Ferret Mk. I while Bill plants a flag at the anomaly, identified as one of those strange Mün-Archs.

Bottom - All safe and in place back at Münar Camp I.


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After a 25-year mission criss-crossing the system, my pair of probes reached their penultimate destination of Jool. And for the second time, despite their routes having wildly diverged, they reached their destination at relatively similar times.

Now for one the course is already set for Eeloo, its last target and completing the flyby grand tour. The other shall be sent plunging into the fires of the Sun itself.

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