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What did you do in KSP1 today?


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I did a munshot. Jeb went out, landed, and did science.


- Lack of stability; the ship had to have Jeb leaning on the controls to stay upright where it landed.

- Lack of SAS when EVA; Jeb got out, ship fell over.

- Lack of dV; Stuck in Mun orbit.


Got all the funds I needed from it. Science/plant flag contracts ftw.

Now I just need to launch a second mission, to rescue Jab.

And train Bill or Bob up.

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Today Jeb landed on Laythe, after many attempts to find the right aerobraking height (without aerobraking at Jool first).


But like all field trips it ended too soon, and Jeb found himself back orbit. This was a bit tough though as I ran out of oxidizer and had to finish the rest of the burn with just RCS.


Now I just have to redock to the tug and head back to Kerbin, I hope I will have enough fuel to complete this mission. :sealed:

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^^ Surely the next step in that experiment is to see if a kerbal can levitate in there like he's training for skydiving. For science, of course.

It is inevitable Jeb will always be the next test subject of anything..


EDIT: Okay that is just awe, catapulted Jeb with max thrust threw him to 340-ish altitude and drop landed. Didn't think he would survive that height.

Edited by TokiTech
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sniff ... sniff ... sniff

What the heck is that I smell burning?!? Oh... it's Jeb.

Almost (almost) missed my window for Eeloo. I'd been rovering around on the Mun, good thing I thought to check the probe's progress. I made a successful burn(s) and insertion into Eeloo polar orbit... with fuel to spare. Yay for seat-of-the-pants construction and flight planning. My SCANsat is now mapping Eeloo, lo-res right now. Once finished I'll boost altitude and do hi-res. :cool:

TokiTech, I'm going to place my bet that it's the Engineers who don't want to fly. lol

Edited by LordFerret
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Hover Station need an overhaul, new and precision aim design since not all kerbals want to float. They only do when stand exact point on the thruster.


You should try "main sails" then. From 0 to 100% thrust gives them some nice lift. Can even get a Kerbal from Duna to Duna Orbit. Minmus to Solar and Mün to Munar orbit all with EVA fuel. With the exception of Minmus.

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You should try "main sails" then. From 0 to 100% thrust gives them some nice lift. Can even get a Kerbal from Duna to Duna Orbit. Minmus to Solar and Mün to Munar orbit all with EVA fuel. With the exception of Minmus.

Seriously? You jetpack kerbal with 'main sails'? lol


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. Sorry flooded this thread abit. In the end of day looks like i created a catapult then a true working hover station.
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Spent some time resupplying my station.

Where's your stars man? Or is the mod simulating camera exposure or lack thereof in case of stars?

Conquered Minmus yesterday for the first time in career. Took me a while and several close calls before I managed to land on the ridge overlooking the flats, then just zoomed down to the flats with the jetpack to get more science.







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Trying to fly an orange tank out of the atmosphere on one turbojet.

I think I need to add some drop tanks (I burned over 800U of fuel to get to 18km, might as well get the boost from dropping some dry mass), then trade some of those reaction wheels for intakes. And probably add a few wings. And learn how to burn less fuel at low altitude.

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Bill surveys the next leg of the journey in an attempt to find the "desert temple".


Oh this is the Rove Boat MKII not only can it go across land and water it is also much faster than the original version, clocked in at 117m/s full on in the water. It can also go about 40m/s on land as well. I am thinking of making it bigger so it can hold even more Kerbals kind of like a Kerbin tour bus, and maybe give it wings so it is a triple threat. :D

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Absolute disaster of a day. Tested a new 3 man crew transport vehicle, to take crew back and forth from LKO stations. Mundorf rode solo on the ascent and after a lengthy stay at the 6 capacity Goliath I station, Jeb, Bill and Bob were on the return flight. Joeald was already on the station and remained there.

On re-entry, I decided to detach the engine stage a little later so I could have some more precision in the landing site. For some reason I then switched craft using ']' and lost focus of the crew capsule. I pressed again expecting to go back to the crew module but instead the focus went to a random RCS thruster which had detached. I didn't react quickly enough once I realised my error and before I knew it, I was out of range to change craft back to the command module and at this point the result could only be fatal. All three crew died instantly on impact with the ocean. My worst KSP disaster. The worst part being the 2 minute wait for the capsule to crash.

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