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Everything posted by Finnan

  1. Received an email a few minutes to change my password. Didn't click in the link provided incase it was a scam or something. Came here to the forum to change it. The last time I was here was 5 years ago and have just just found out about KSP2.
  2. It can also denote group identity meaning that they belong to the same tribe or originally from the same area in Kerbin or the whole planet itself. Or it could be religious and that Kerman means "the Chosen Ones" or "the Blessed Ones".
  3. 1.2.2. I have a modded 1.3 in a separate folder but I won't play it until I start a new game.
  4. I accepted an contract to bring 1200 ore from Mun to Kerbal. Since I already have a base on Mun I thought I'll expanded to make it a mining base. The base was by built using the Planetary Base Inc mod. A launcher bought the two sections to Mun orbit where an "Eagle" based on the craft of the same name from Space 1999 took them separately to the surface. One land a tractor joined them together. The new sections of the base are a greenhouse, a solar array and two mining rigs. This time they are connected to each other and the original base using the KIS mod. I had to use Hyperedit to get them in the proper positions.
  5. Career. Never played sandbox or science.
  6. I had 3 rescue Kerbal from low Minmus orbit contracts available at the same time in mission control so I decided to do them together. First I rescued Mirny along with her craft followed by Lisya and Theodous. The KSC is behind the capsule where the box is located.
  7. A fresh install of 1.3 takes about a minute.
  8. Yes, before I submitted my last post. A fresh install of 1.3 works for me inside its Steam folder. I don't want to start a new game. I want to continue playing my existing game but like I post earlier, this game, a modded 1.2.2 upgraded to 1.3, crashes. Yes it is. Module Manager was updated today. The new version for KSP 1.3 is 2.8: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/50533-130-module-manager-280-may-26th-2017-better-late-than-never/
  9. The updated to 1.3 copy of my 1.2.2 game crashes while loading. It's always at the point where the MM patches are loaded.
  10. I landed the class A asteroid I captured some days ago. I moved it to the KSC using Hyperedit.
  11. 9 minutes. Stare at the screen for the whole time expectantly.
  12. I sent a couple of landers to Minmus. The first mission was to test the T-1 Toroidal Aerospike "Dart" engine. The four Mk-55 "Thud" engines were too powerful so I had to reduce their thust to 2% to make a successful landing. The second mission was a gravimeter mission covering five locations so a rover was used. This design has less fuel that the previous land and the 4 thuds were replace by 3 LV-1R "Spiders". The landing was a lot more smoother this time.
  13. Tell them their craft need moar boasters.
  14. I was sending Jeb, Bill and Bob on a science mission to the Mun when I noticed a asteroid on a collision course with Kerbal. So I modified my standard Mun / Minmus rocket to capture the 'roid crewed by Val and an engineer. Putting the 7 ton Class A 'roid into a 2000km orbit and changing the inclination from 79 degrees to 0 degrees left only 9 seconds of thrust remaining.
  15. Sent Jeb on a mission to Mun. He returned with 821 science.
  16. That cat is Nyan Cat. It's an internet meme that was added to Module Manger for some reason.
  17. 6.69GB total. 4.33 GB and another 2.56 GB of mods from version 0.90 to 1.2.2 in a separate folder.
  18. Persistent file size for a career game for 1.1.3 is 33,606 kb. Getting single digit frame rates.
  19. In my 1.1.3 I edited the persistent file to give myself 20000 science and 1,000,000,000 in cash. Lacking the tech and money to do want I wanted to do got frustrating in 1.1.2. I want to go to the Mun now not later. When I start a new 1.2 game I'll do it without cheating.
  20. Just completed a contract to build a station orbiting Mun. I call it Mun Station.
  21. I feel the same way about my first girlfriend. Duna reminds me about this red-headed woman I once dated.
  22. Completed a contract to put a station with a resource converter with it. Since it would be a shame to waste a station I am returning it to Kerbin SOI where it will be part of a refueling station attached to an asteroid.
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