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What did you do in KSP1 today?


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Awesome! Well, I did add some long landing legs in MRS not too long ago. Still trying to think of a good beefy design for SpaceY too.

Ah it was updated 2 days after I first downloaded, I guess I need to pay attention more often. :D Going to go build a cleaner heavy lander now!

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I decided to see what sort of Laythe-capable FAR-compatible science-gathering spaceplane I could devise in under an hour.


The end result was this. Though it does need to be refueled once it reaches low Kerbin orbit, once it is, that nuclear engine has a healthy 5100dV available to it. Even subtracting the fuel costs for flying on Laythe, that amounts to more than enough to go to and from Kerbin's little brother in Jool orbit.

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Rescued Jeb, Bob (or Bill? I really don't know) and.....um....whoever else, I don't know or care about their names dammit! Anyway, yeah, I rescued them from being stranded in Mun orbit after leaving the Mun. I forgot to bring solar panels on the rescue craft so I was running into an electric charge problem that my puny engines couldn't mitigate. Once I made my first rendezvous in non-Kerbin orbit, clawed their pod and they transferred into the rescue vehicle, I intended to burn retro a bit and release their stranded pod to crash into the Mun (the science modules are irrelevant, very little science there as I already pillaged the biome they landed in). After meeting the Kraken for the first time (ship blew up every time I accelerated time, a claw bug) and noticing how hard it is to keep a craft on course with an asymmetric payload in tow, I decided to leave their pod in orbit and just bring them home.



Tomorrow I start working towards my first departure from Kerbin's SOI - to Eve. (been there only once in a previous science game).

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Warning! Long rant ahead!

You want to know what I did in KSP today!? I did absolutly NOTHING!! My computer got corrupted, and I have spent hours trying to fix it! I came home, all excited to play KSP, and when I booted up my computer I discovered that it was corrupted!! I am so ........ angry at my computer!


Ok, I'm done.

Dumb computer. :rolleyes:

Sorry for the angry rant.

The moral is: Don't corrupt your computer.

Edited by Engineer Of Stuff
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Today, I planned and built a rescue mission craft.

It will go to the Mun, and land, in order to rescue 5 Kerbals from a previous Mun mission, whose munbase/lander tipped over on landing.

Rescue mission costs are reduced somewhat, because our rescue craft will complete 2 other contracts en route (put a station into Kerbin orbit, put a station on the Mun).

The Mun mission side has located a landing site, with the use of a small automated rover, sent on a previous mission, that has located an absolutely flat landing site, which is however 9km from the stranded Kerbalnauts.

They might be in for a bit of a walk.

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I designed a space station that I am planning on launching.


I attempted to launch the core module but something happened.


The top of the rocket didn't have enough struts and started wobbling over and exploded and the rest of the rocket and debris fell....right over the VAB...:P


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I tried redirecting an asteroid. However, I thought the target asteriod was class B when it was actually class E. You will not de-orbit this asteroid today.

Did nothing with KSP today. Played Payday 2 to get back into thinking my Kerbals were robbing banks to get all their funds. But, on a KSP tip of the day. When playing on redirecting a asteroid. Always bring at least 10 times you think will be enough. Even then it still might not be enough. Also make sure you have a docking port available and easy to access too. Just in case you can keep it in Kerbin's SOI.

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More funding grinding last night. Sent Jeb on a survey mission in Buzzard 7 to collect temperature readings from the region around KSC. Didn't notice that two of them had to be above 17500 (Basic Jet Equipped plane, see), but was able to get them okay. The final one was a surface reading right along a shoreline. Let's just say that for a short time last night Jeb was piloting a float-plane at 5 m/s (and for the record, that's something the Buzzard was most definitely not designed to be). Actually had no problems or breakage, until the damn plane hit terra firma and proceeded to take off without me realizing it. Clipped a wing on the second landing. Still got my temperature reading and finished the contract, but I definitely wasn't flying the plane back to KSC. Still, the site was within 100 klicks of KSC so I got 93% return on the parts, so it wasn't that big of a hit to my pocketbook. I have three high-paying satellite contracts lined up now and I think after the first of them I should be able to upgrade the VAB to Level 2 and think doing a proper Mun mission. Looking forward to not having to deal with the 30 part cap anymore.

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This is almost release-worthy now, with 3.75m tanks/cones added.


And I have it released now. Still working on details, like the forum post, getting it up on curse (later), etc. :)

I don't know how I can fit it into my signature at this point. Adding a word or two puts me past the size limit. ;)

Forum thread: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/108238


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Rather than just sitting about and waiting for the window to Duna to open, I decided to make the armarda heading out there just that bit more impressive. The old tug for the station heading out there has been ditched, and in its place has been docked a massive nuclear lightbulb powered drive section, and a cargo bay. Into the cargo bay I've loaded an old lander that was sat in LKO. It was designed to get from LKO to Minmus, and back, then refuel and head to the Mun. I think it packs about 2800m/s dV, so I'll certainly be able to land on Ike, and with a bit of luck, a Duna one too.

EDIT: pictures

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I'm starting to think the amount of dV on board this thing is a little bit excessive. It's got around 10000m/s, excluding the lander. Burn times sure are slow though - took over 5 minutes to break orbit.

Edited by SufficientAnonymity
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You want to know what I did in KSP today!? I did absolutly NOTHING!! My computer got corrupted, and I have spent hours trying to fix it! I came home, all excited to play KSP, and when I booted up my computer I discovered that it was corrupted!! I am so ........ angry at my computer!

Fixed it. I can play KSP again!!!1!! :D

I am crying for joy! :'D

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Sent up my first medium range satellite into an epically elliptical polar orbit of Kerbin, with a Pe of 300,000m and an Ap of 72,000,000m. I'm now ready to send my first probe and lander to Eve, but before this I will put a large fuel depot into LKO.

Notice the tiny Kerbin near the bottom


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Got my SCANsat on its way to Jool, and so begins the Jool mapping missions. Finished up my Mun rover missions. Put a little over 200km on the last ride... very pleased with the rover's performance, I'll be using it on Minmus next.

Check out these three, hamming it up for a picture before heading home...


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Continued with my MKS Mun-colonization project:

Created and tested a cheap ressource-return system, that is able to bring back mined minerals from LKO to the surface of Kerbin.


With the help of an exploration vessel, that carried eight tiny automated landers...


and a self-propelled scanner-rover, I found a good spot on the Mun surface that has all kinds of resources in (hopefully) sufficient concentration.


Next up, the construction team, consisting of Jeb, Bill, Bob and Podler started their long mission.


They landed their craft, a small temporary base that can keep them alive for a few month during the construction time of the main base, near the exploration rover that found the desired resource-hotspot.


After decoupling the travel-stage, Podler had the honor to plant the colony flag.


Next up it was time to prove that oversized weirdo-rovers can fly as well.


The so-called "Movertron" also landed near the colony-site.


Bill blowing up some left over debries from travel-stages with TNT while watching from atop the Movertron:


Finally the first actual MKS module launched from KSC.


Colony Control Center on landing approach as the sun rises over the Mun horizon:


For the team of Kerbals the actual construction work is now beginning:


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