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What did you do in KSP1 today?


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I did a bunch of troubleshooting to figure out why my spaceships are suddenly unable to undock from anything. Conclusively proved the bug must be related somehow to Procedural Parts, which absolutely sucks because I love Procedural Parts and am completely dependent on them for this save file. Other people aren't having this issue, and PP has always worked well for me in the past... so I'm still missing a big piece of the puzzle. Troubleshooting continues.

edit: It's always the simplest thing, isn't it? I didn't realize the mod was updated weeks ago.

Edited by White Owl
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Somehow, last couple of days I ended up fixing my old sin of not using spaceplanes.

After a couple crashed prototypes (no, I didn't put Kerbals in until the planes proved to be flyable... and landable), I ended having a few working SSTO models, managed several unpowered runway landings (and a few more successful runway landings that required igniting the engine) and even deployed a ton of... a satellite.


Yeah, the payload capacity of the biggest of these ships doesn't exceed couple tons.

Turns out, I can fly a properly crafted spaceplane, it's just a rather shallow margin of them being "properly crafted" for my piloting skill.

P.S. Properly placed gear on wing tips not only prevents crashing wings during landing (that's what happened to my second prototype) but also can protect from breaking the tail on takeoff by pitching up too sharp.


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Got this little Cicada class lander back home. He aerocaptured at Eve and sampled it's atmosphere, landed on Gilly and nibbled its surface, and came back with 960 science (at 40%). And he discovered that the roof of the VAB had never been experimented on and did that too :)


Science package by DMagic's Orbital Science, underbelly engine from Lack's SXT. 278,000 roots of advanced tech back in the storage locker. Starting to think that bringing probes home is the way forward! :)

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Today I've ditched my previous refueling stations project in favour of my first manned Duna mission.

First three modules (crew accomodation and power supply) are assembled today on 350km orbit in two launches.


Lag-free during EVA (if no other bodies on screen), almost smooth during docking.

If I manage to assemble less than 5-tonn landing module, I will fit into budget from two largest kerbodyne tanks.

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I've launched ScanSat probes to Moho and Eve in preparation of manned missions. Launch window for Moho opens in 11 Kerbin days, my mothership carries about 10 km/s of dV...should be enough (fingers crossed

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Thought I killed Samney Kerbin after he deorbited a space tug. Shortly after he undocked it. He aimed the small vessel retrograde and punched the throttle. Samney bailed out seconds later so he could EVA back to Space Station One. Not planning I forgot got to pack up the solar panels and he crashed through one of them head first. He spun around for a few minutes lifeless...I couldn't activate the backpack but then I realized the game treats it like he fell down. He snapped back and made the short 5km EVA back to the station. Mission Successful.


Edited by hellblazer
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I started working on my crewcabin part. Pilotseats are mostly for size comparison, I'm going to make new ones. Mostly this is for testing that I can get a working IVA ingame before making a cockpit.


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Ooh, that looks good. Are you planning on using the Boeing six peices mission profile?

I will be studying several architectures. Mars Direct, 6 pieces, Mars semi-direct. and also that completely ridiculous Mars DRM 5.0 plan.

The idea is just to try to create the best mission architecture I can, using as many real life restrictions as I can. For example I will not allow myself a Mars lander with a higher payload fraction than what is considered possible in the real world. and using as much existing hardware as I can, and hardware that is likely to exist in the near future. Also any new hardware that's needs to be developed will add cost and thus reduce the figure of merit of the plan. This is why I'm starting with the SLS.

Speaking of which, today I started modelling the EUS. The RL-10 engines are very rudimentary at the moment, it's just the engine bell and the hydrogen fuel lines =P


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After few months without KSP, in last two days, i`ve:

1) Redesigned mission parameters from my old 23.5 Minmus Fuel Depot, and completed it in just 5 launches (i couldnt wrap my head around it back then). 3 unmanned Karbonite drills, modular fuel hauler (4k dv to spare), OKS space station holding 20k+ of every fuel there is, + conversion ifrastructure, + self-sustaining life support and facilities for 6 Kerbals.

2) Did research on, and filled 5 A4 pages of paper with notes and ideas for my first interplanetary trip. Im going for Duna, unmanned at first, comm-sats, surface fuel depot on Ike, maybe with small MKS outpost for 2-3 Kerbals. I have yet to design SSTO Ike-Duna craft. Its going to be fun.

3) Finally deployed 8 solar arrays with Intersellar microwave transmitters in low Kerbol orbit. On paper they`ve seem magnificent. Due to design error, all of those together cant propel a single 1.25m thermal rocket...

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Flew around for a bit.

Discovered that clipping a lamppost outside the Mission Control building makes the entire building explode into a pile of burning rubble.

Repeatedly struggled to make orbit in a rocket that had "3500" m/s of delta-V, which should be enough in FAR. Realised after ending my stream that it doesn't have anything like that much, I messed up in the VAB somehow. *facepalm*

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Continuing playing with SSTO spaceplanes. This one is a crew shuttle (crew capacity: 6) and I docked it to an old station


Guess what's missing...



Now should I try attaching something or should I try landing it as it is?

Update: it needs no tail! Managed to land the ship at KSC, almost got on the runway (didn't risk it, so landed on the ground parallel to it). The crew was left on the station for safety reasons. Maybe another qualification run of the plane?

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Learned that engines don't work with ship parts too close the the exhaust which rendered me confused for a bit, and my first interplanetary mission attempt a failure shortly after LKO docking. :blush:

Oh well, I got the crew back and thankfully the tug has a second (larger) docking port at the bow of the ship. So my remaining tasks today will be performing a quick redesign of the lander, so it mounts to the front of the tug (which will happily save some weight for new and unplanned for experiments), then heading, hopefully, on over to Duna.

Live and learn I suppose. :)

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So I hadn't played in a while and decided to see if my crafts still work: Saturn V here


Gemini MOL


Skylab I in orbit around the Mun


Quick Curiosity landing at the pole of Duna


Completely rebuild LEM, my God these new building-aids are awesome. Slam a part somewhere on a craft, move them around until their in the right place. I think I saved about 15 % of parts


Munar Direct mission to the South Pole of the Mun


eehr yes no photoshop .. :o


And a rover on it's way to Moho.. I was a bit too stingy on the fuel -> new crater on Moho :( (but only 600dV short)

Damn I missed this game :-)

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I developed three (five, if you count the "oc"-suffixed variants) vacuum-only stages on the same tank + battery + fuel cell assembly (CEEUS = "Chemical-Electric Expendable Upper Stage"):

  • CEEUS-QHT: 1.25m Near-Future Propulsion Quad Hall thruster (low thrust, low efficiency, medium cost). Has the fairings on the lower fuel cells enabled
  • CEEUS-PIT: 0.625m Near-Future Propulsion Pulsed Inductive Thruster (high thrust, low efficiency, low cost). Also available as CEEUS-PIToc with argon-electric RCS.
  • CEEUS-VS1: 0.625m Near-Future Propulsion VASIMR (low thrust, high efficiency, high cost). Also available as CEEUS-VS1oc with argon-electric RCS.

I then added a few things to a CEEUS-VS1oc:

  • Solar panels + a probe core
  • Galileo atmosphere probe from the US Probes pack + a solid propellant spin-up ring (inside the payload fairing)
  • Communication dish (under the atmosphere probe; it opens after the probe is ejected)
  • Solid-fuel Kerbin Ejection Assist stage (not shown, discarded during the ejection burn).

...and sent it to Jool (pic taken just after 2 years of waiting and the Kerbin ejection burn)



Mission post-mortem from several hours ago:

  • Atmosphere probe missed Jool's atmosphere by about 3.5 billion meters due to misjudged decoupler kick.
  • Atmosphere probe's spin-up ring fell deep into Jool's atmosphere and was deleted by the game.
  • Orbiter captured into Jool orbit, on track to catch a periapse-boosting gravity assist from Tylo.

collided with launch pad

That's probably a clipping issue. I had a similar problem (same "collided with launch pad" message, different broken part) with one of my experimental spaceplanes; I eventually traced it to a pair of parts clipped into the wing roots.

Edited by Fail-Man 3D
Forgot to add the results, then forgot to add a [list] tag
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