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What did you do in KSP1 today?


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I started my plans for intergalactic domination! Err... A mun base, I started a mun base. That is all, just a harmless little ole refueling depot in orbit of the mun...


Tomorrow I attempt to launch the habitat module... Hopefully in one piece, if not I will break it up, then add the orbital construction bits and then design my mun mining station if I can.

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Rescue mission to Minmus, as well as to pick up my three kerbals who have been researching on the surface for... a while now.

I apparently built kraken bait. First launch I was stuck at the launchpad. It seemed my command capsule was frozen in space, I could swing the rocket around like a pendulum under it.


Second launch was fine, until I got up into orbit and went to warp to my next maneuver node. Anytime I try time warping(1-4x warping is fine), this happens:


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Pilot Jeb checking i built this Mimus Drop Ship properly he wasn't a fan of the last one, unbalanced thrust caused the thing to spin only managing 10seconds or so of forward thrust. VTOL was fine though.



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After spending three days trying to undock my crew ferry from my station, I finally succeeded (no, that's not a typo. It really took three days to UNdock due to a docking port glitch I had to slog through the save file to fix), and sent it to high Kerbin orbit to retrieve a particularly hapless rescue contract Kerbal. Unfortunately, I underestimated just how far out he'd stranded himself from a dV perspective, and had to also send up a fuel tanker... blech. Filling and sending that left my station near empty, so I also launched a new fuel reserve for it.

That and I sent a small probe to Minmus to sponge up some "high over Minmus" Science and began rescue missions for two Kerbals that had spawned in retrograde Munar orbit and at a high latitude on Minmus.

And also sent a portable station on its way to the Mun... I guess I did a lot today xD

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I created a 'spot the difference contest'... In other words I spent a couple of hours tweaking the little plane in post #16001:


Now gets into LKO reliably with 250-300m/s left over. I can add a few more m/s by removing the airbrakes, but it means constant finger-poking to keep the AoA up during re-entry. There is a Qube probe hanging from a couple of Cubic struts inside the cockpit (I think Jeb must be sitting on it) so it can be lunched *edit* launched as a drone for rescue missions.

Next up I will try replacing the Rapier with a Turbofan+ 4 or 6 Ants (see other threads)

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I had a little mishap when letting the boys out for some fresh air... to test the munar drill rover. Some how the capsule ran out of power and was laying on the hatch trapping Jeb and Bob inside.

Bill decided rather than ram the capsule and put a dent in his new toy, or using any of the fancified KAS stuff (cause he would have to leave the chair to do it) to get them out he would just drill through the bottom!


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I finished building my Cislunar Space Infrastructure around the Lagrange Point 2 (or rather, its Kerbal-equivalent) of Kerbin-Minmus. How cute is my L2 Shuttle ?


I did a suicide-burn landing on Minmus with a 100-ton ship with less than 2% fuel left. From 13 km orbit you reach more than 100 m/s velocity by the time you have to choose between lithobraking and full thrust.


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Today I managed to bring home something that didn't _quite_ fit in the cargo bay:




Had to fly home at full throttle with the brakes wide open to stop myself from flipping but it was... entertaining, at the very least.

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part two of my first space station around the mun. After some fussing in the VAB trying to get my OKTO2 probe recognised, I finally launched. Then realised I only had 5 battery charge - when I was changing things around I forgot to put the battery packs back on! Still, I persevered, carefully adjusting the mun orbit so I avoided any manouvers in the shadow of the mun. Finally got to rendevous with the space station, decoupled the engine to approach on RCS...then realised I'd also forgotten to put my RCS tanks back on.

Back to square one. Doh.

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Last night kinda sucked... nothing i did worked. Even my old rocket that could land on the mun and come back couldnt manage the come back... i guess its one of those night....

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Landed my 4K liquid fuel mun base with a good 200m/s to spare, then I unlocked my MK3 liquid fuel and have plenty of delta-v to go rescue that stranded kerbal on the surface somewhat near by(once the engine cools a bit).

The new mission that unlocked was another base landed on the mun, so I loaded up a pilot and the last of my unassigned Kerbals without mun flag XP and launched a smaller version of the same base(1 unit long fuel and 1 unit long cargo behind Mk3 cabin as I did not need a lab or 4K unburned fuel at landing, just a hitchhiker pod so I had room for 8, and experiments of course), but I added the Heat Management mod and a couple active heat systems+radiators to try and reduce the time I need to spend watching heat dissipate(I had a bit of anxiety watching them do nothing as the heat rose, but above 600K they started active cooling back to 600K so all was well, but next time I'll try putting the radiators below the active heat management system instead of on it so they can heat up and radiate more)

Aside form that I mostly watched rockets cool down from previous burns, Rescued a Kerbal from retrograde Munar orbit for a rescue mission, clawed a Mk2 cockpit from retrograde munar orbit for a kerbal+pod return mission, and had my mining/ISRU base missions ship finally start producing some fuel as the sun came up on the Mun.

(missions for miner ship: base orbiting mun(complete), 300 ore from Mun to Kerbin orbit, base orbiting Minmus with ISRU, 1100 ore from Minmus landed on Kerbin. Plus a rescue or two should they come up. That thing has 2 Mammoths and uses a Rino for the 'high efficiency space drive'. No to mention too many fuel tanks(and it needed just as many drop-tanks(with engine) to have the delta-V to get to the Mun. I'm glad I have Mk3 parts now so I can do more efficient nuclear designs))

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Worked on my Duna Mission for a few hours. After I landed with Jendra and Asdra, they collected some awesome science and blasted off just before a dust storm. The real problem came when they were trying to dock with the mothership. Remember the scene in Interstellar where the Endurance is spinning and they have to dock? I had to do that and the time warp cheat didn't work either. It just kept spinning. It spun so fast i was wondering when the Kraken would show up and destroy it all. So after five minutes of lining it all up and about to run out of mono the brave crew spun up the lander and pushed forward praying that the Kraken didn't attack. Thankfully it didn't and the mission is still ago. Sadly no pics as I was to busy trying to match the crazy rotation and spin. The KESA Deliverance's mission to Ike continues...

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I planned and prepared a mission to a comet called Ascension, which comes with Krag's Planet Factory mod. No Philae style harpoons required, since this ''comet'' has a surface gravity of 0.66g, despite being the size of Gilly!!!:confused:

The comet:


Its orbit and info:


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I did some testing today, including a rather unfortunate incident where Valentina decided to see how fast she could land a prototype VTOL...


Another test was the first orbiting of my new dedicated Duna Transfer Vehicle, a massive LF/O fueled freighter with 3 max-size MK3 bays, and a massive heat/debris shield to aid in protecting the ship.



(The seemingly white solar panels and other parts are simply lit by the ship's running lights.)

Finally, I test-launched a survey probe into a polar orbit around Kerbin...





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Started working on some ladders to go with the new exploration pack I'm planning to make. I figured I should knock out the easy stuff first. :)


I love it already! I hate using dozens of those tiny 4 rung ladders or several of the extendable ones.

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Today I continued work on my Eyes Turned Skyward based playthrough, and its going well, despite Apollo's 12 and 13 deviating from both timelines and Apollo 15's rover being eaten by the almighty kraken. Bout ready to land 16 in the Twin Craters (Couldn't be bothered trying to land them in more analogous locations) and then I'll do 17 and 18. From there its on to Skylab where I'll start developing some supporting infrastructure around Duna and Eve (namely sattelites and possibly some Viking analogues). After that its Spacelab and the Voyager program. Then I'll probably do Artemis (but center it on Minmus rather than a return to the Mun) alongside the Freedom space station. After that will probably be manned missions to Duna.

Here's some selected pictures from 15:

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