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What did you do in KSP1 today?


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Had a pretty busy weekend - especially as compared to the last week - and was able to get a lot of loose ends tied up. Jeb's bunch came back from Minmus and successfully docked at Kerbinport; the ship was refueled, a new batch of tourists was loaded into his ship (renamed Bockscar), and they're headed back that way now. Meanwhile, my plan to refuel the Project Peacock 7 in orbit of Mun was successful; the new Munport 7 space station's transfer stage had enough fuel left over to refuel the Peacock successfully and a rescue of Granie commenced, which was successful - despite both the station and the Peacock originally orbiting the Mun in the opposite direction. Also wound up getting paid for putting the space station in orbit, so all is right with the world there. Bill's Project Peacock 7 craft has arrived at Minmus and plans are in the works to refuel his craft so that he can repair the Sojourner probe in orbit of Minmus and mining operations can begin, and at long last Bob has returned from Minmus, collecting 3500 science points on that final sci run to the green minty moon. Aerospikes, RAPIERs, Drone Cores and a few other parts I didn't really want - I'm into the "mopping up" part of the tech tree, finally - were unlocked.

Then there was last night. It was a simple plan - send up a Raven spaceplane with two tourists for contract to Kerbin orbit, dock at the space station and bring down Val and two other tourists that were ready to go home. I should've known there'd be trouble after undocking when the craft's RCS thrusters didn't want to fire...but I went ahead with deorbit ops anyway. Quicksaved right before atmospheric interface. FAR bugged out on me sometime during the descent, which became apparent at 15k when the plane decided it didn't want to pull up. Craft broke up and I hit the quickload button...except, it wasn't the quickload button - it was the quicksave button......

Definite facepalm moment there. I'm just hoping the two tourists I picked up weren't from that contract I had to deliver six tourists to their assorted destinations - that one is/was an unmilked cash cow......plus I'm bummed to have lost four tourists and a white suit.

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Successfully soft-landed a rover on Duna! Even more impressive (to me, at least) because the atmospheric entry did not go as planned, so it was a bit of a nail-biter. It's transmitting the science data from the entry and then pausing to recharge-- necessary, since I landed at sunset-- before starting to investigate the Red Planet.

The orbiter did not manage to make its planned orbit before running out of delta-V, however, so data coverage from that perspective will be spotty. Fortunately, there are two more probes inbound (on slower, more economical trajectories), so that's not a total loss.

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Got my Grand Tour vessel back home(went to Duna, Ike, Gilly, Eve's upper atmosphere, and Moho), just had to make a quick hop to Mun to finish a grand tour contract. Should have been paying more attention as I forgot to refill the tanks form the on-board ore before I went suborbital. Finally got a safe landing by dumping 2 of my 3 ore tanks and refining most of what was left while dropping from the sky.

All topped up I headed home for a nice safe landing about 15km from KSC. Worried that I would waste a lort of the science if I did an immediate retrieval, I sent jet powered rover out to swap out the crew and return some of the science. Left the 'first copy of everything' data in the cockpit and took home some of the duplicate data(stored in the lab). Got over 14K science from the return vessel, for about 10K over and above what I needed for the last node on the community science tree(the 10K node), then I put 100% science-> rep(I have over 60M funds so not much need there, and my rep meter is not at 100%). Also gave all four of the grand tour crew(Including Jeb and Bill) their last 2 stars.

Recovering the grand tour craft got another 15K science(but no obvious change in the reputation meter).

After that my Jool scansat entered the Joolian SOI and after I captured, I realized I was close to retrograde(150 degrees), so I burned a lot of fuel getting closer to prograde, capping it off with a fly-by of Tylo which seems to have gotten me pretty much lined up when I had been > 45 degrees off.

I am currently hoping to get into a roughly polar orbit of Vall with about 400m/s dv left to start scanning.

I'll probably want my outer grand tour to visit there first so I can refuel my scansat and go look at the other Joolian moons before landing on them. I am hoping to bring a Desteroid with me to Jool as a drop-tank to leave in space in case I find myself without enough dv to get safely to Bop or Pol after launching from Lathe or Tylo.

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Whats your max safe service ceiling in that?

I actually haven't gone high enough to figure it out. Max I usually take it to 7km above sea level (can usually cruise at 150m/s at that height with 4x timewarp, likely faster with a lighter payload), but I think it could hit 10km probably. Not sure where the atmo really starts to thin out, honestly.

My biggest consistent issue has been getting the right amount and angle of solar panels to provide enough power at most/all times of day. Lately been moving towards having a row or two of backup RTGs for night-time charging and extra daytime running power. And help charge the capacitor.

Edited by Slam_Jones
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Yesterday I spent hours trying to land in the general vicinity of stranded Bill Kerman on the Mun. If I managed to land safely (about 50% success rate) I would then destroy my ship upon taking off again (SAS disabled and I did a nice flip, turned the wrong way, everything went wrong). I finally saved him!

Then I sent a ship on my first interplanetary mission (aside from sending probes to orbit the sun because why not?). I safely arrived in orbit around Duna!! Jenette is almost as excited as I was. (As you can see it was a very long boring flight for her.)


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Is that small habitat from civilian population?

The hut is, I believe, the Large House from Civilian Population mod. Most of my bases look boring, so I figure a few of those buildings will make it look nicer. :)

Only thing I added was the dome on top, using Procedural Parts with a (sort of) matching texture.

Also going to build a few biodomes (the best looking of all, IMO, for off-world bases) when I get the chance.

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Inspired by XTI's trifan plane design, I built this right here! A fully electrical fan-driven VTOL (she uses L/OX and fuel cells for power generation though)

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pretty proud of this one. Functionally she doesn't actually do much of anything, but she looks pretty cool and handles pretty well. Unlike XTI's design though, my design has fully fixed fans that don't rotate other than for RCS purposes, essentially making it a weirdly-shaped helicopter.

Pretty fun flying this thing though!

for those wondering: the mods used were Roverdude's FTT (Freight Transport Technologies) mod (http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/91706-1-0-2-Freight-Transport-Technologies-v0-4-1-2015-05-15 ) for the parts and RCS build aid mod for construction aid: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/35996-1-0-2-RCS-Build-Aid-v0-7-2

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Sample pic (ignore the completely nominal takeoff profile). This is the same font I see in every KER screenshot, maybe I need to poke around in the settings.

Absolutely love the sample pic. I think the reason I found it so amusing is that I'm glad someone else has those "now how in the world did that just happen..." moments...

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sent an ion powered probe to jool. it was supposed to gather science from orbit of jool and it's moons but i only hit up one moon and jool itself before the probe exploded for some reason.

i also flew valentina, siunia and bob back to kerbin after a 5 year stay on the surface of the moon. thousands of science points they processed in their little laberatory and now they get their day off on kerbin before being sent to somewhere else

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Aerobraked a remotetech mother ship carrying 4 satellites to provide a comms network around Eve, got two sister ships heading out to their destinations, one to Moho that used Eve as a slingshot to lower the fuel needed, which may not be enough still, for i will have 1000m/s delta v left after adjusting the orbit. Of course, it isn't to much a problem, since the satellites have 2km/s delta v of fuel, so they can slow down as needed. The second craft is heading to Duna, where it too will aerobreak.

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After a small adjustment of the post SOI entrance node, i have finally found the setting for a good Tylo/Laythe gravity assist : now only 500 m/s to be captured by Laythe, no aerobraking and nearly free capture.

(edit) In fact Laythe is orbiting Jool at 3200 m/s, so the ship just need to come tangentially at the right time. (the Tylo assist is very optional in that case, i manage a 700m/s insertion without it)

Grand Tour going on !


Edited by xebx
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Built this for the boys on moon patrol.pOJ2c3P.jpghs1uger.jpgbQKpTqR.jpg

The Engineering department is getting this,the craft docked is a mock up of my new standard vessel,

one of which could be totally dismantled and stored in the yard,

and that is pretty much what is going to happen to Fitting yard 1 in a few days.


Elsewhere the all female crew of a research vessel came very close to disaster after a night on the Lambrini.


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