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What did you do in KSP1 today?


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Yesterday I updated my mod to 1.2, including some new solar panels, complete with custom shaders for the 'glow' effect on the back-side.



Sorry, no Scatterer/EVE yet in my 1.2 dev install, will likely be adding those back in soon as I miss the clouds and flares...

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12 minutes ago, ThatHomelessGuy said:



6 minutes ago, CatastrophicFailure said:

FASA launch towers. They also feed fuel so you can do proper "fire the engines, then liftoff" launches.

Actually, it's Bluedog design Bureau.

the current FASA download doesn't work IIRC, so you have to use BDB to get them.

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With Numinor, mission control has brought the exploration of the outer planets back towards the more traditional snatch-and-grab operations of yester-decade. The landing lasts just long enough to set up the two non-splodey surface experiments, and for the crew to get falling down drunk...


Turns out that kerbals do not know how to handle being asked to re-orient the selfie camera... if the frame flips upside down, so do they...

(Ed: didn't really want to do Wal first as it's on the outside of Urlum's system, but it was the only explore contract on offer... oh well, won't make much difference in the long run.)

Edited by eddiew
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10 hours ago, Bill the Kerbal said:

I blew up the legs of my return vehicle for the duna base by driving around with the rover:(. The impact also flipped the rover. P.S. Does anyone know if a landing leg says: "overstressed" can it be fixed by an engineer?

AFAIK this means that your landing gear has exploded an thus there is nothing for your engineer to fix.

Edited by EpicSpaceTroll139
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21 minutes ago, EpicSpaceTroll139 said:

^Sorry Andem, these forums are horrible on mobile. I can't get rid of this text box

You have to click in the box you want to delete as if to type, then hit the return key (or next line or whatever it's called nowadays). This should bring you to a new line outside the quoted text, then backspacing should allow you to erase the quote.

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I rescued Bob from the Mun! As it turns out, I am no good at calculating delta-V, so Bob ended up stranded with insufficient fuel for orbit, and the rescue ship only just had enough to land on the Mun and get back into orbit. The second rescue ship was able to rendezvous in Munar orbit and collect Bob and his experiments.

It's dark in the dark

The most frustrating part was trying to land the rescue ship on the Mun near Bob's lander which was now on the dark side of the Mun. It took about four dozen tries in the end to land in the dark, and on the flat, and with enough fuel left for orbit. I was quite pleased to make the landing only 3km's away!

I stuck Jeb in to pilot the second rescue ship as remote control with only the KSC ground station and one HG-5 relay in orbit of the Mun was getting frustrating!

Anyway Bob is back at KSC now bringing with him 650 science!

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Heading for the moon-moon.


Sized somewhere twixt Minmus and Gilly, Tal turns out to be a relaxing destination. Even the 20 degree slope doesn't really matter in the low gravity, and for once all the surface experiments behave themselves.

Although the science team did forget to take any suborbital data readings. Great going, nerds. At least the explore contract was lucrative.

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1 hour ago, EpicSpaceTroll139 said:

^Sorry Andem, these forums are horrible on mobile. I can't get rid of this text box

I found that when you highlight the quoted text box,  tap "insert other media"  and add a direct link to a image on imgur,  the image will replace the quote box.  Delete the image then it's business as usual.

 A little long winded but it does the trick

Edited by Galileo
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I started to play 1.2...

And I made a good plane with the first level of technology...



The autonomy of the plane is low, but allow me to fulfill several contracts and give a good number of science reports..



The original version, the only change in the actual version is the landing gear... but both versions are capable to land and take off in almost every part of Kerbin


But I find that I can not take Screenshots in the resolution that I usually play 1920x1200... I only can make them at lower resolution, the ones of the previous versions...

At this point I remember how to make a Screenshots in mac... So I will continue to play at the same resolution.

With a several trips to the moon... I love the new parts of USI mods...


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Today I put an orbital laboratory in, ...well, orbit around Minmus.  I prefer to play Science rather than career mode (I rather like building hotel like structures on Minmus Flats)  As I started a new game to celebrate the release of KSP 1.2, I'm aiming to unlock the entire tech tree without visiting anywhere other than Minmus.

Although, as we now have a stock means of gauging the elevation of the surface, landing on the Mun won't be quite so harrowing.  Playing on an aging laptop with all the graphics setting on minimum, it can be pretty difficult to judge your altitude - at least, it is whilst still having enough height left to bring a speeding lander down to a reasonable velocity.  I've lost count of the number of Munar rescue missions I've flown, where the pilot has survived, but precious little else!  On the plus side, I've got much, much better at pinpoint landings :)

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2 hours ago, kraden said:

You have to click in the box you want to delete as if to type, then hit the return key (or next line or whatever it's called nowadays). This should bring you to a new line outside the quoted text, then backspacing should allow you to erase the quote.

I do that, but for whatever reason backspacing doesn't get rid of the quote. Same thing for if I mention someone's name (ex: @kraden). :confused:

Another problem I have with mobile is that a lot of times when I try to write a post, it will open with a quote that I put in post a while ago. :huh: It's really annoying and means I post a lot less via mobile than I would otherwise. :mad:

Edited by EpicSpaceTroll139
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18 minutes ago, EpicSpaceTroll139 said:

I do that, but for whatever reason backspacing doesn't get rid of the quote. Same thing for if I mention someone's name (ex: @kraden). :confused:

Another problem I have with mobile is that a lot of times when I try to write a post, it will open with a quote that I put in post a while ago. :huh: It's really annoying and means I post a lot less via mobile than I would otherwise. :mad:

Huh. I have the same issue with previous quotes appearing but I don't have quite the same problems trying to erase stuff. It's frustrating for me, so I know it has to be even more so for you. Sorry I don't have any helpful advice. 

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1 hour ago, ThatHomelessGuy said:


Is are the parts not ported yet?

They are in BDB, under the structure tab, I just saw them and knew that from now on this would have to happen. Also there's a mod somewhere that does a countdown to launch...

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35 minutes ago, Kertech said:

They are in BDB, under the structure tab, I just saw them and knew that from now on this would have to happen. Also there's a mod somewhere that does a countdown to launch...

Thanks I'll check it out have some rep. I saw the countdown to launch thing but I figured I wouldn't bother since it starts the whole fuel burning thing before the launch and I'm not too keen on making my rockets bigger than they really need to be. That fuel could be lifting me up the first koupla thousand meters or so. But if this launch clamp has a fuel feed for prelaunch then I might install it once I find the part and just pretend my kerbals are lust getting more professional with experience. Though it would be funny if there were random kerbals added to the launchpad who run for the VAB during prelaunch. Would give you a good excuse to utilise the abort launch function if one of em didn't get clear in time and they were a multistar.

Though to be true to kerbal lore if I made the mod I'd make it so the abort function just did nothing at all most of the time and had a 1% chance of actually aborting the launch 10% chance just exploding the rocket or the tower and a 25% chance of the rocket just falling over and destroying the launch pad. I mean we all love lore friendly mods right?

Or in ksp do we call that a stockalike feature?


Edited by ThatHomelessGuy
Spelling plus I wanted to add a joke
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2 minutes ago, ThatHomelessGuy said:

Though to be true to kerbal lore if I made the mod I'd make it so the abort function just did nothing at all most of the time and had a 1% chance of actually aborting the launch 10% chance just exploding the rocket or the tower and a 25% chance of the rocket just falling over and destroying the launch pad. I mean we all love lore friendly mods riight?

I had been thinking for a while that the abort procedure wasn't normally necessary so never made LES towers, since came across this

Essentially every now and then (1:50) times things will go south fast!

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20 minutes ago, MagicFireCaster said:

Made a Tech level 5 rocket launching plane:
(I Still have find a way for the plane to not crash while in getting into orbit)


Install stage recovery. If it has the engines + fuel to land or enough chutes it will be recovered when it leaves physics range. Not sure if it works if it's the main vessel and you are flying the debris though. But even if it doesn't just make the Mk1 crew capsule the root part if it isn't already. Looking at your staging I get the feeling it might be.

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3 minutes ago, ThatHomelessGuy said:

Install stage recovery. If it has the engines + fuel to land or enough chutes it will be recovered when it leaves physics range. Not sure if it works if it's the main vessel and you are flying the debris though. But even if it doesn't just make the Mk1 crew capsule the root part if it isn't already. Looking at your staging I get the feeling it might be.

I'm going to do some tests and then install the mod 

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1 minute ago, MagicFireCaster said:

I'm going to do some tests and then install the mod 

You have actually given me an Idea for some cool deployments I wanted to do around Kerbin. I think the virgin galactic style of delivery to orbit is somewhat of a step in the wrong direction but a valid exercise in space exploration and future transport.

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