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What did you do in KSP1 today?


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  On 2/10/2017 at 8:09 AM, Norcalplanner said:

You may want to consider the extendable radiators.  The fixed radiators will only draw heat from the part they're attached to, and one part further away.  The extendable versions act like they're pumping coolant throughout the craft, so it will pull heat from all parts, no matter how close a particular part is to the radiator.


The orange/white tanks are actually a single welded piece, so technically those radiators are helping...

That said, I didn't know about the coolant mechanic, and having the miner attach to the side is a bit tight, so I'll look at sending out a 2.5-1.25 docking adapter with some extendy radiators on it and solve both problems :) 

This also explains why my Thalia rover struggled...

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Haven't had much chance to play ksp this week, but that hasn't stopped me from thinking up ideas.

Right now I'm thinking up a plan for an automated mining operation of Minmus. I'm working out the best way to get it done within the capabilities of my current launcher assets. If it works though, I'll cut the cost of getting a large payload to Duna down to about 20,000 funds - half of what it is currently.

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  On 2/9/2017 at 10:13 AM, Zeiss Ikon said:

You sound like me three weeks ago.  I deleted a save after I managed to strand all three of my sandbox pilots in Munar orbit, one in EVA, one in a Mk. 1 Command Pod with dry RCS tanks, and one in the Mk. 1-2 rescue ship without enough fuel left to get back to Kerbin.  Prescription: multiple LKO rendezvous and docking practice flights before returning to Mun and beyond...  :wink:  Only took me a few tries to get to where I was able to dock an orange-tank transfer stage to a slowly tumbling, uncontrolled lander.  Hint: learn to fly the navball on docking, and use cap-lock to reduce RCS translation authority when you get close.


I think that that was a bad day for you... Am I correct?

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Woke up at 5 AM. Couldn't sleep. Decided to send a probe to the Jool system.


Rest of pics in spoiler 

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Well, I'm going to Saas Fee tomorrow (Skiing holidays :D) and I decided to finish a planned rescue mission today since I can't take my gaming rig with me.

The contract included rescuing a guy from the surface of Minmus and bring back his craft to Kerbin. I launched a craft I designed especially for this task, The Squid Retrieval Device, to Minmus. Sadly I don't have any shots of the landing :(


Ascent went nominal, just lost two fins on the first stage due to booster separation


Here it is after grabbing the cabin, ascending and circularizing. As I said I didn't take any pics because I was really concentrating when I grabbed the cabin. Luckily I'm quite good at precision landings (I landed the squid right next to the cabin before grabbing it, without landing legs!)


I was worried about reentry into Kerbin's atmosphere because the cabin could stick out behind the heatshied and get destroyed, killing the Kerbal inside. But it went really smoothly, the attitude holding buttons really helped me.


It landed in a desert near a cactus. Greetings from Kerbins deserts! 

The entire mission took 34 Kerbin days. That's a lot for a Minmus mission. Its partially the retriever designs fault since the thrust of the engines would collide with the cabin, reducing its DV and TWR. But it certainly was fun!


Edited by ZentroCatson
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The days are slowly counting down to the transfer window to the Duna system where numerous missions shall take place.  Another 80 days or so to go; in the meantime though a few other missions are taking place.  This report covers two, the first being the completion of a contract to put a satellite in a specific solar orbit.  The satellite has been in space for about 250 days; after launch and the initial transfer burn which put the periapsis of the destination orbit at the desired altitude, a burn to match a 11 degree inclination took place halfway into the mission.  Today, upon reaching periapsis which is about hallway between Dres and Jool, was the final burn to raise apoapsis which is as far out as Eeloo's orbit at its furthest.  The burn was performed nicely, and the over-engineeredness of the project means that the satellite could be re-tasked to another mission in the future.  In fact, after ensuing that the contractor paid their dues (close to 200k funds), mission control took a look and determined that the satellite will cross paths with Eeloo's orbit in about 300 days, so a manoeuvre for that date has been tentatively set up.



The real mission of the day, however, was to save our planet from colliding with an asteroid, albeit a small one.  A few weeks ago a member of the FOOD (Foreign Object Observing Department) called to say that impending doom was a possibility.  A certainty was the fact that a small asteroid would, if not directly strike, then pass close by our planet.  And just a few days ago as the rock came into Kerbin's SOI, we could determine that indeed it would collide with our home, so we sent up a ship to deal with it.  And, thanks to a third party, we gots paid!  We sent up a copy of a design that had previously proven it could do the job, dubbed the Assteroider.  The path of the rock was in a very southerly inclination, about 170 degrees from the equator as you can see in the diagram below.  Our ship, once it made orbit and matched inclinations, waited until the ruthless rock was inside the moon's orbit, then rushed out to meet it, grabbed it, and pushed it enough so that it missed us by a mere 100km!  The ship then slowed the bugger down into a stable orbit, and used the remainder of its fuel to bring the inclination down to about 20 degrees.  In the future we will probably send another ship to bring the rock to a place where we can study it and perhaps use its resources, but that is for another day.







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I had a surplus Duna rover and decided to misuse it by landing on Minmus.

It was designed for a remote chute landing, so I had to use the deorbit stage throughout all the powered descent.



With almost no attitude control I had to slow it down to a safe speed and cross my fingers.. tumbled a bit before reaching a complete stop without damages.



Time for some exploration!


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Tonight consisted of testing a small mining probe, it can't do anything useful except refuel itself, purely to toy with the concept on a cheapish probe.

second activity related to refuelling my science ship around eve, the first supply ship docked, with about 600 units of liquid fuel left.. um.. yeah.

So a second one was assembled, modified to have heat shields to have a bash at aerobraking to save a bit of fuel. Launched, LKO easily enough, set up the Eve transfer, initiated the burn and got a nice encounter, set to 80,000m which I figured was enough for a test. warped out of kerb SOI and dropped back to the craft...


Bang. Apparently it had "collided with the sun", which only managed to destroy two (empty) fuel tanks, though sadly severed the engine from the body, also changed the orbit enough the surviving bit got to about 95k from Eve, not enough to try the aerobraking with what was left.




Went to play minecraft for a bit after. roll on the console update

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I did a lot of fiddling with my Minmus base. Among other things I send off a refuel tug. To get the right inclination, the takeoff had to be at night, and I think this shot from launchpad turned out pretty good. The tug has a contract sat piggybacking in the fairing, and the booster is a Raven IV-B without the transfer stage. It is probably the most used booster in my entire program, 20 t to the Mun and handles like a dream. I can get it to LKO almost in my sleep. It is quite overpowered for this mission, but hey, go with what you know.


I had planned to use Pathfinder for the base, but in the end it turned out to be a bit cumbersome. The distributor system is very neat, but to many containers ends up being a drain on the system, and the inflatable domes just was not my style. So I am going to disconnect the entire thing and uninstall the mod, just keeping the Buffalo. As a new solution, I threw up this concept:


Someone showed how he made bases using a small rover carrying the modules on docking ports. Well, now Konstruction is around, So I made a lifter, as seen in the background, and a set of modules: Hab, lab, drill and refinery, fuel tanks (LF and LFO versions) and a spine for attaching six fuel tanks. Each module is roughly 20 t, and total part count is about 175. Everything was tested in Minmus like conditions at KSC (yay Hyperedit). Everything is welded via large Konstruction ports, and sits on the Konstruction flatbeds. The hab is based on MOLE for two reasons: Firstly, the models as well as the IVA is extremely well done, down to the teddy bear on the bed. Secondly, the Dolores module is the only module I have found that has beds in the correct orientation with this setup. I used MOLE for my Moho mission as well, and am a very happy customer at Wild Blue Industries on these occasions.

In the Foreground is Fenja, my large mobile drilling unit (a similar unit is already at Minmus in my career save). I like how the RoverMax XL3 makes the Buffalo cockpit and lab look small, and that the base makes Fenja look small.

Next up: Getting the modules to Minmus and assembled in my career save. I guess I will be sending out a lot of Ravens shortly.

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In honor of Galileo Planets Pack, a great friggin mod that I just now discovered, I made a space station. This is a space station with name, with personality. Now Gael has a logo up there in orbit. No longer can the aliens claim this blue planet!


Clarification: SS = Space Station. Completely original, I know! What? SS stands for something else? You mean I copied it? I don't know what you're talking about.



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Well, I made it to space, but not to orbit.  After adjustments to the launcher (less liquid fuel, more SRB) to sort out TWR issues, I found the handling very squirrelly during ascent, right on the edge of controllable.  So, after main SRB burnout, I dumped it and the external tank and turned the mission into a suborbital test.  I had launched toward Bermuda anyway, as it makes a nice abort option.













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Lots of nice pictures here. Lots of likes i have to give.

OK. Small report of mine- Have my mother ship refounded and also a lot of oxidizer taken to land again on Thalia, because there is no ... (I do not know what I wanted to write)

The heat battle continues - with my windmill.



Since I wanted to save fuel I slowed somewhat late. The reaction wheel did not come quickly afterwards. The rest shows the picture. F9 fixes that again.

I think I now have all biomes. Let's see how much dV I need to come from here to Icarus ...... Dear God ... almost 6000dV. Since I must first think about it



I also noticed that there is something for ISRU here - but where you have to find out for yourself. I do not want to spoil you the fun. And I thought there is no Ore.




Edit: I just discovered this order. That would interest me very much. A hard chunk.



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Final approach with second set of sails....all good so far....


Full sails set ... ready for science modules...


as fate would have it ....missed the runway , but made a solid landing...."All souls survived"....funny how that works out...;)


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Today I did like any beginner modder should and I started modding tanks!

I've learned to apply FS and IFS fuel switch as I want, but since I don't know Unity it will be some time before I can do IFS texture switching. (Ignore that the custom resource selections are not in these ones as shown by KER.)


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  On 2/11/2017 at 2:29 AM, JadeOfMaar said:

Today I did like any beginner modder should and I started modding tanks!


I'm intrigued to see where you go with this incredible skill you've developed. Do you have any eventual plans for what sort of mod you make, or are you just going to see where this path takes you?

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