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What did you do in KSP1 today?


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Practiced some docking... if I want to build the ship I want to build, I need all the practice in the universe! Here's a quick structural brainstorm (no, I don't feel brave enough to launch this in one piece!):


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Well, I had a good day, I fixed up some issues on the command pod, got the 3 textures fixed, I implemented the IVA Sirkut nicely did for it, so you have a very good visibility now, the entire cockpit pretty much. Will add some nav balls and other doo dads soon..

I built things, I blew things up... and I finally got a flag on the mun :)


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Do you realise your flag says "LABREK" hehe... An experimental wreck eh?

I didn't realise, yet it's quite true! Richbin Kerman and I went and carefully inspected each bit of debris, to see what had survived, and what stayed together, etc. For reference when bulding future, non-collapsing versions.

I found a few parts I thought I'd taken out....

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Sent a orbital scout to the Mun. Sent a lander to the Mun. Planted a flag on the Mun. Sent a ship to orbit. Sent the scout home. Sent to the orbiter home. The orbiter disapeared as I was looking at debris. Quickloaded. The orbiter was still at the pad and my scout still orbiting the Mun. Ragequit.

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Started working on the various puzzle pieces required to build my spaceborn monstrosity. Each part is ready on its respective launcher, and all can get to LKO fairly easily; ok the main drive units take a bit more doing but I can get 'em where I want 'em. Now I need to practice docking a whole lot and maybe tweek the pieces a little. This is what the result should look like (apart from the main drives which I couldn't get Subassembly Loader to load properly; the launcher version is OK though):


Officially christened KSS Charles Yeager :)

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First time to orbit Duna. Was a test mission for a lot of things, namely for me to learn more about cyclers/schedules, check out MechJeb 2.0.2's features, and to check tonnage and fuel consumption of what will be the basis of my Duna transport system. And of course, for Bill, Bob and Jeb to enjoy lovely views of the red planet. Returned to Kerbin via a Hohmann transfer maneuver.


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(still working in 19.1 due to DR dependency)

Ok, I think I deserve some kinda "supreme dumb-ass" award for this;

Just sent a 6 man vessel out to Duna to replace crew at a base and bring the old crew home. Only I forgot to load the crew onto the vessel before launching it and only noticed once I'd got to Duna and rendezvoused with the orbiting station where the crew exchange was going to happen. DOH!! oh well, guess I'll call that a test run.

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I have been running missions from my 'random mission tables'. Mission number 6 today was a manned mission to Jool. While I played the rest of family were watching the Tom Baker Dr Who episodes and this happened (from the Facebook post):

Playing Kerbal Space Program I had a manned mission to the game's equivalent to Jupiter go wrong and only one astronaut there. With no hope of a return I was able to place the ship in to a semi-stable orbit for hopes of a future rescue. Right as I finish, I hear a song coming out of the Dr Who episode (The Talons of Weng Chiang) that The Wife and The Boy are watching, the song is 'Daisy'.



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I sent a rover to the Mun, Jeb and Shersted rolled it 5km from home base. The recovery flight used too much fuel to even make Munar orbit and they became stranded. I sent a rescue ship to pick everyone up, that did have enough fuel to make munar orbit, but not enough to get back to Kerbin. So I'm in the process of sending another ship to rescue the rescue ship.

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