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What did you do in KSP1 today?


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Made my first truly successful interplanetary probe. All previous attempts had kinda failed in some way like relying on RCS to kill the last bit of orbit.

Also, Landed my first ever rover on the Mun, and it's delivery vehicle then took off and made a polar orbit, keeping a direct LOS to Kerbin at all times, and once every thirty minutes it does a direct fly-over of the rovers location. And the itself is exploring the Mun's north pole. Does anyone know if it can maintain constant power from that location? Or if there is anywhere it could remain in sunlight?

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Downloaded 'Deadly Re-entry' and 'IonCross Crew Support' and started a new save. Currently have launched a bunch of unmanned Mercury-esque missions to figure out proper re-entry profiles as well as launched six KSO comsats so RemoteTech works.

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Built a Jool ship with a lander in orbit, did three docking maneuvers (third one to top off the tanks). Feeling on top of the world and like docking was becoming a rather routine thing, I then added a new module to my space station. Think I'll make a Mun station this weekend.

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Nothing, my KSP was so laggy as to be unplayable(last time that happened was when I installed the LazTek SpaceX pack with the 3.75 m stages and 1024x1024 textures) it was working perfectly fine except for lagg and stuttering/flickering and a weird rainbow of colors where the launchpad grass is supposed to be. So I installed the new soviet pack with the smaller textures which sped up loading time but Didn't help with the lagg. I then removed more mods that I actually liked (American pack, the enterprise mod. A bunch of plugins and dozens of flags. A further reduction in loading time and some lagg reduction but still unplayable. So I gave up and came here.

Edit: fixed it

so I crashed the lionhead aerospace curiosity replica on Duna and tried to figure out maneuver nodes to send out my Mün probe to the Mün.

Edited by DarthVader
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Had a successful test launch of my docking port extender, determined my superheavy tug - which must be launched upside down - cannot be launched upside down because its weight crushes the sr. docking port thereby causing the whole thing to disintegrate.

Seriously - I took the booster off and launched it right-side up. No problems. Turned it over - no booster on it - and the damn thing completely disintegrates.

Cannot launch something upside down which must be launched upside down...gonna have to think about how I'm gonna handle this one......

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Mapping Probe I finished a great run about Kerbin, and did several Burns (NERVA) at Periapsis to stretch for Mun... Only to find it had overburned on the last one, and was Exiting Kerbin's SOI. A small amount of immediate Retrograde dropped it into an EVENTUAL connection with Minmus (some year, they'll be close).

Mapping Probe II promptly launched, and headed out for a (relatively) immediate Mun rendevous. Hoping to drop into something approximating a polar orbit, initial plans look good.

Meanwhile, Jebediah (of course) was the hero. Station Module I suffered a structural failure in ascent (no clue why, test flight worked fine) and started spinning wildly when one of the last pair of Asparagus tanks came half off the docking clamp. Under manual, Jeb throttled off at 45k feet, ejected the tanks, and headed for orbit on the final NON-station stage... which lost it's engine to the asparagus debris. Unphased, he ejected that stage, regained control on the station's internal engine, and somehow established a circular orbit with a few drops of liquid fuel left!

...and I need to develop the reflex of taking screenshots when things go wrong. :( I really didn't think that launch would end up working!

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Compared to you old hands at KSP, my events are hardly heroic but very satisfying but surprisingly intense for a new comer like me...

A while back Jeb took up a training Space Station, and was left up there to wait for trainee Kerbalonauts to come dock and as a side effect bring up a ship for Jeb to come home in, and Jeb was promptly forgotten about while KSP scientists spent time experimenting with huge lifters, means and schemes to send large amounts of fuel to orbit, dreaming of Mun landings and even designing portable landing pads with mining attachments to make fuel and re-fuel landers...

... till the administrators realised Jeb was on double time overtime pay, and relaxing in the Space Station (they didnt know Bill had stolen the snacks) , so the admins hatched a evil plan to send up a rookie with some of the worst pilots to dock with the station... unforeseen accidents, collateral damage and letters of condolences all sorted out, the training craft launched to relieve Jeb in his lofty perch high above Kerbin.

The plans of the administrators failed, the rookie Kirtbro successfully docked, all the pilots were rotated (and Bill was dumped in a snack free habitat with Bob for company while Kirtbro took over Jebs station.

Jeb safely landed on the west coast of the KSC, and was spending his huge paycheck at a seas side resort while all the letters of condolences were re-written to dismissal letters for half the administration of the KSC.

... next the Mun.

(Man docking is a slow painful process, took me less that 20 min to get within 63 m of my station from launch, and a hour and a half to actually dock ... at one stage I was over 130 meters away from the station using the RCS for careful manoeuvring with the fancy docking mode...till I switched that thing off and did it with the old RCS system.

The worst part ? It was a 'easy' dock with a none moving docking port well illuminated with a easy to control small ship with plenty of monoprop to waste... how much worse is a bad dock going to be :o )

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@ASnogarD: if you're not a mod purist, I would suggest getting Romfarer's 'Lazor Docking Camera.' Technically speaking, it's nothing that real life astronauts wouldn't have, and it helps a lot with the whole lack of depth perception thing.

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Finally, I got Jeb to land on the Mun safely, take off, and get home. It took about a dozen tries, but I did it. I know to most people, this is child's play, but I only use MechJeb for ascent from Kerbin, and my building skills aren't too good.


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Finally, I got Jeb to land on the Mun safely, take off, and get home. It took about a dozen tries, but I did it. I know to most people, this is child's play, but I only use MechJeb for ascent from Kerbin, and my building skills aren't too good.


Hey, everybody's got to start somewhere, right? Trust me: almost every player has gone through the same learning process when they started.

  1. Figure out through trial and error what parts do what
  2. Discover the magic of struts
  3. Lose dozens of ships and Kerbals, and go back to the drawing board many many MANY times just trying to get to orbit
  4. Get comfy with orbiting, then start losing many more ships to attempts to reach the Mün or Minmus
  5. Get there, start the whole thing over again trying to land safely

Every major milestone in the game takes what the player has learned so far and turns it on its head before it can be achieved. It's what makes the thing so fun!

Learning how to do things in this game feels a lot to me like all those hundreds of videos of attempts to build a human-powered plane. So complex, so tragic, so damned FUNNY!

Welcome to Hell Gamercow. Jeb's got plans for you. :D

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Made a (single launch) 1-manned Laythe lander + return vehicle, but my lander had too little delta V, so I whipped up another one with a bigger lander on a 1-way transfer to pick up the stranded kerbalnaut and use the return stage (of the first mission, still in orbit) to bring them both home. :)

Also working on my Minmus kethane fuel station + Mun/Minmus space tourism thing. :)

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I finally, as perfect as I could make it (and it was almost perfect except for maybe 2 details) recreated the MSL/Curiosity mission from launch to landing using addons from Lionhead, ULA, and some minor help from Mr. Mechjeb2. It took a lot of MJ fiddling, CFG editing, patience while I waited for modders to release the required parts, and actually some luck but I was completely surprised and 'all-a-flutter' to how marvelously the mission went down. It was truly exciting!

A big thank you to SQUAD for their incredible idea and initiative and another thanks to the modders that make KSP one of the best gaming experiences I've had.

[EDIT] I was in such a sweating concentration (I wanted everything to be perfect) that I didn't take any screens or video, however. :(

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Messed around with a high speed high altitude recon plane, reassembled my interplanetary tug on its mission to Jool and Laythe, designed a new interplanetary ship system that only requires three launches to assemble, and, that's it.

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Replaced the Mainsails on the troublesome Saturn B with clusters of four rocket engines that are used on the single capsule tanks. Results, a very stable controllable flight to orbit with the second stage containing enough fuel for a Mum orbit with fuel to spare. Three Kerbals are now in low Mum orbit with a full third stage of fuel and 641 and 784 units of fuel left in the second stage. Weight in Mum orbit,51.5 Kerbal tons. Launch weight of the Saturn C using onion staging, 451 Kerbal tons. 28 of those engines firing on launch and four when second stage kicks in. With 5 Mainsails, the third stage had to be used to reach orbit. The gravity turn was nearly impossible to control.

The design appears to be properly balanced speed wise for launch through Kerbal's atmosphere which is allowing for the high tonnage getting into orbit and around Mum with a minimal amount of launch weight.

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Replaced the Mainsails on the troublesome Saturn B with clusters of four rocket engines that are used on the single capsule tanks. Results, a very stable controllable flight to orbit with the second stage containing enough fuel for a Mum orbit with fuel to spare. Three Kerbals are now in low Mum orbit with a full third stage of fuel and 641 and 784 units of fuel left in the second stage. Weight in Mum orbit,51.5 Kerbal tons. Launch weight of the Saturn C using onion staging, 451 Kerbal tons. 28 of those engines firing on launch and four when second stage kicks in. With 5 Mainsails, the third stage had to be used to reach orbit. The gravity turn was nearly impossible to control.

The design appears to be properly balanced speed wise for launch through Kerbal's atmosphere which is allowing for the high tonnage getting into orbit and around Mum with a minimal amount of launch weight.

...do you perhaps mean the Mün?

If not, well I won't say anything more. One may actually say "mum's the word". >_>

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...do you perhaps mean the Mün?

If not, well I won't say anything more. One may actually say "mum's the word". >_>

Seriously tempted with a ' Yo momma so fat ... she needed 3 mainsails and 4 stages to ensure a stable orbit around her waist ' joke, but I wont :P

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