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What did you do in KSP1 today?


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Managed to land a plane with part of it's wing missing after misjudging the distance to the rocket I were trying to destroy. Also did my first ever flight to eelo, an unmanned lander which was able to touch down with no problems. And killed a bunch of kerbals testing ridiculous planes and rockets

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Got the fuel generator working - note to self: learn to read :P - and docked.

Was quite a pain ... RCS way back at the tug and tons of module in the front ...

2 pictures

third row of solar sails is blocked by the first - should have rotated them against each other - yet the four panels further behind is not blocked at all ...

I think I will leave it as it is and wait for the next update to built something nicer with a docking area.

Edited by KerbMav
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Jeb brought back from Minmus for a 10,000m reentry window that gave him 7.1 G from the return. Launch a second Vanguard Explorer. This time got a better capture and had fuel left in the second stage after orbital insertion to 20,000m on Minmus.

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Designing and testing equipment in preparation for the projected 0.21 blowout. Removed mod parts and made slight alterations to a bunch of designs (which was easy because I don't use many mods), deleted some redundant and old designs, redesigned my Mun buggy (now the Mark 4) and lost twelve parts (down to 36), altered my Mun house design to work with the Mark 4 so I can spam the Mun with them, and then built, launched, landed, tested, and made alterations to this small Mun base station (you can see the first Mark 4 in the picture as well)


Wife and kid are away on vacation and I had a four-day weekend; it's amazing what you can get done without distractions.

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Found one of my favourite vehicles was corrupt. So using images, I rebuilt it from scratch, and gave it a new name.

The Kerbmobile!


Cut down the mod usage by quite a bit, and I still fully intend to use it all all bases where possible.

Took it on a drive west of the KSC, to test its limits, and wrecked it on the side of a mountain. Damn gravity.

Using my new launch vehicle, I assembled this station in three parts. As it was just thrown together, I call it Slapdash station.

Also fiddled with my starfighter's launch vehicle so it wouldn't leave debris in orbit, and docked a few of them at the station.


And lastly, in 0.19, the Duna team made orbit with fuel to spare, and I had the recovery module rendezvous with them.

Docking went well, and the capsule that holds my crew is now safely in between its arms. Hope the clampotron Jr stays on when I turn on ASAS for the transfer burn.


Edited by Tw1
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Lets see...

-Launched another Pangolin Lander bound for Minmus and had it refueled using my Tanker craft launched earlier

-Brought the stowaway crew from my interplanetary tug to my Space Station

-Undocked and deorbited the dock test vehicle

Videos coming up! :D

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Installed Kerbal Engineer. Figured it was time, WTH and all that.

Farted around a bit with my new asparagus lander design; it gets some pretty wicked spin going once it gets down to the final asparagus stage. SAS helped but lowered its delta-V to around 5,200. Still trying to figure out how that happened (remember this is the same design that my initial number crunching suggested would only have about 3600 delta-V). Used it to put Jeb up at my space station and bring Seeley home; he'd been up there for about ninety days.

Redesigned a barn burner to be compatable with my superheavy tug. After half a dozen tries, I got it into orbit on the back of a Zenith Supernova booster. Lesson learned: stick the mainsails into the ground a little ways in the VAB so that they're flat on the pad when you go to launch. Otherwise that 130 tonne payload is going to collapse the center stack...

Made another attempt to put the expanded docking pier on my space station. Botched the launch pretty badly; burned up all the fuel I had reserved for docking in an attempt to get the orbits in phase. Kind of annoyed at that one.

In preparation to send Bill and Bob to Duna; they're riding an Igneo Nex on the Enyo 3 tug with a heavy barn burner. Duna window's in thirteen days. Hell of a long time to spend in a lander can, if you ask me...

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De-orbited this back to Kerbin due to the upcoming 0.21 change as well as for the fun of it.


And this pic. You can see at least they lived through it with not much remaining unlike some of my others that had parachutes on them.


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Fired up the Kerpollo 14 mission (designed to be as close to the Saturn V using stock parts even including the escape tower and such), brought along some rovers in the lander, was going just fine, burned to Mun flyby, attached LEM and CSM, adjusted to come around the other side of Mun, then burnt into munar orbit and dropped lander. Unfortunately I figured I had enough spare fuel on previous landings that adding two rovers would be just fine, but I ran out of fuel in the descent stage about 4 kilometers above the surface and travelling straight down at 138 m/s. With some quick unexpected action group usage I dropped the descent stage to explode on the ground, and the rovers before activating the ascent stage for a suicide burn to just barely pull myself into an eccentric low mun orbit, and had to use a combination of my remaining RCS thrusters and the CSM itself to rendezvous before heading home, disgraced. Managed to still pull it off within my self-imposed life support time limit (3 hours for lander, 24 hours for total mission), so I'm happy Bob, Bill and Jeb were okay.

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Sent an explorer lander/probe to Minmus in preparation for the Pangolin Mission.


Also, I've just finished testing a light and heavy lander in preparation for a Jool Conqueror Mission, although I still need tips and recommendations for the heavy one, specifically Tylo (since I assume I won't have any problems at Vall). I'll take advantage of the current planet alignment to finish everything I'll need. Also, the Laythe lander is now on the works.

Heavy lander for Vall and Tylo:


Light lander for Pol and Bop (no testing needed):


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Most folks shoot for a 150k Jool orbit so they have a bit of room to maneuver without going in.

So far today I've designed (on paper anyway) a lander that should be more than capable of handling a round-trip Tylo mission and had a thought about how I might turn it into a single round-trip Eve lander. Won't know if it actually will work until I get home...particularly the bit where I turn it into an Eve lander.

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Today I was working a little on my new SpaceStation. I wrote recently that I first ever docked something in Space at KSP and then I realised, that i didnt have Dockingports on the other Side of my Solar-Array to attache something there. So I had to redo this whole operation and to drown everything into the Ocean.

But reassembling everything gave me a big Docking-Practice which really comes in handy now and i got a little addicted.

Check out what i have build up:


From the left to the right:

-Space-Tug inspired by Scott-Manleys Reuseable Space Program, which is a pretty efficient tool to toss payloads around.

-Quad DockingPort als inspired by Scott, but established on Rockettanks to have more Storage-Capabilities.

-My Solar Array, 2 Big Radial Batteries on both sides and a lot of Small Batteries on the Girders, 8 small 1x6 Solar Panels and 6 Big Solar Panels and 8 Lamps to light everything up (and to burn the Power at Night) :)

-And the last Part is the SpaceStation-Core with a big ASAS-Ring, Hitchhikers-Bay and some RCS and Rocketfuel-Tanks. Ouh, almost forgot the Big Docking Port on the far right for Big Orange Tanks to transfer their Payload.

Right now, I have played KSP for 119 hours and 7 hours after i docked my first ship in KSP.

I think I was in some kind of flow :D

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