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What did you do in KSP1 today?


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I finished my 0.22 Space program by sending a replacement lander to my crew stranded on Laythe (0.21 lander was no longer able to get to orbit o.O), it still was so-so, docked with the orbital base with last 60 units of fuel. Then guys went down again, planted a flag on the North pole and returned with 40 units of fuel, with most of rendezvous done by RCS. And then they of course safely returned to Kerbin.

Then I started 0.23 career mode and did some Kerbin land/atmospheric research. Funny thing, you still get enough science to uncover the first node in the tree just by deploying a pod on the launchpad and taking EVA report and surface sample.

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Went against my usual policy of waiting a few days to download a new version and got 0.23 last night. I don't think I tweaked the graphics settings properly; so far its performance has been the worst yet on my box. Will try again tonight.

Did the usual spamming around the launch pad to get enough sci points to unlock Tier 1 and two of the Tier 2 level techs. Tonight I might actually go to space.

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Hi! This is my first post and I'm very excited about this game. I have been playing for 3 days. So I'm new to this thing. I looked at YouTube tutorials and killed a few Kerbals... I did not "import" or copy any rockets. Did my own...

Sorry, no pictures.

1. First day, I was able the get in orbit. But I did not understood how to stay there... I also learn how to make beautiful explosions…;.;

2. Second day, I did make my rocket orbit around the planet and learn how asparagus rockets works… And I must admit that I’m proud of what I have done and it works really well.:)

3. Last night, I was able to send my rocket to Minimus and land it ON MY FIRST TRY!:cool:

This game is crazy!

Edited by Bidule
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I was able to get the Aeris4A around the planet a few times and back to KSC AND land on the runway WITH fuel to spare. So happy!

I also went on to start constructing a launch vehicle to start putting a space station and its parts into orbit around Kerbin. The vehicle on it's first unmanned trial run was extremely flimsy and didn't have the power I would have liked, but did get the Aeris Space Station Core (yes, the new station will be called the ASS :P) up there, albeit barely and left a large hunk of junk in orbit. The junk has a small amount of fuel left in it, so when I get a shuttle capable of docking with the station up there, I'll hopefully be able to rendezvous with the junk and suck the fuel out of it, then use the shuttle to deorbit it (hopefully). Another alternative is, because it's a Jumbo orange tank and I believe it has decouplers on tanks that are still coupled, I'll redock the tank on the station and drop the smaller rockets off and hopefully deorbit those and leave the large tank attached to the station. Then I can use the large orange tank as fuel for other things if I so need them.

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Today I started to work on the basic setup for my space station, called the Kerbin Interstellar Snack Station (K.I.S.S.), and put it into an orbit. While I know there a few things I am lacking on this right now this was just a test run. I found my lifter for this is WAY too powerful for what I need, that or I need to go into a higher orbit (it is at 111km by 180km). Yes I know I could have used a hitchhiker can to achieve this, but the science lab looked cool, I just wish it had an IVA mode. Bill and Bob are currently making this their home on my test save.

Here it is looking down on to Kerbin, what a sight indeed!


Bob decided to see if anything had fallen off during liftoff and did a big EVA (From one door to the other).


One thing you have to had is a command surface I found, as this does not count as one although you can load it to start with. I found that odd. I also realized I need lights.....I like lights.

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I rescued good ol' Jeb from a ship he wasn't even intended to go inside.

You know when you put the reaction wheels, batteries and solar panels in the wrong stage and it gets too heavy for your parachute? That happened. At least I quicksaved while in Low Kerbin Orbit.

I restored the save, built a ship and made my first orbital interception of all time :D

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Started my .23 career mode... Not so sure I care for the new way to do science but at the same time it isn't all that bad, I do like that it slows me down (somewhat).

Havent unlocked the new science thingy yet though so its been pretty humdrum so far.

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Well would edit my post. But, let us just say I'm very happy right now. Landed a SSTO space plane on uneven ground at night time all with out the need of parachutes. And in this picture you can see I had almost no fuel left too:


BTW: anybody else notice the resources menu looks kind of broken now? I mean, it works and all, but the GUI seems to have reverted to something much less polished than it had been.

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BTW: anybody else notice the resources menu looks kind of broken now? I mean, it works and all, but the GUI seems to have reverted to something much less polished than it had been.

I thought it was just to go along with the new style they're using for the context menu's.

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I did my third flight in career mode, a circum-munar/free-return trajectory flight...


I really like the fact that you can now retrieve data by EVA, just like how the Apollo astronauts would retrieve the micrometeorite packet in the SM during cislunar flights.




Makes more sense to me now. This way, I was able to store a lot of data on the main capsule by direct transfer through EVA.

Now the funny thing was, since I carried two capsules, once, I inadvertently entered the wrong capsule and accidentally stored the data there. During re-entry to Kerbin, I realized this, and it was already too late to do EVA (Jeb would have tumbled away), so TRANSMITTING the data at that point made perfect sense! It saved the data!

This also means that Apollo-style landing craft (i.e. separate LM-CSM, with the LM having a dedicated ascent and descent stage) can actually be feasable now, because you can transfer the "samples" and data from one ship to the other via EVA.

Edited by rodion_herrera
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I just made my second ever successful docking. The first time it was purely a test with two identical ships and took me 3 tries to get it right. This time it went very smoothly with a ship I'm using as a tanker (mostly recycled parts from my Mun rescue vehicle) to refuel a smaller one for another Mun trip :) I already know this smaller ship can barely make it there and back with a landing with no refuel, but it's cutting it too close for comfort and I'd like to take the same lander to Minmus if this works out well. As you can see, Bill is pretty excited.


As a side note this smaller ship is irritating me a little. If I burn the side and rear engines at the same time on the stage I dropped while circularizing orbit, it cartwheels through space. If I burn the side and rear engines in it's current (pictured) setup, it works fine. Just the side engines or just the rear engine, no problem. I'm scratching my head on that one. It didn't do that before and I barely modified it last time I had it planetside... If I could burn all three I wouldn't have to drop the other stage while stabilizing the orbit and I'd have that much extra juice after a refuel to go wherever.

Edit to add these other exploits:

A pic from my first successful Mun landing and return last night (this is the same lander I just refueled, with slight modifications). Before I've orbited and got stranded, sent a rescue ship, orbited and returned, sent a probe, crashed landers, etc.


And I built a rocket car because why not:


Edited by Duke23
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