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What did you do in KSP1 today?


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Got 2.4k science with my Minmus mission. Got a rover and a lab station in orbit. The rover went to different biomes to gather data and send back to the station, the lab then cleans the goo canister and materials bay, refuel the rover and back to surface. I sent previously one satellite with scansat dishes to get info about minmus biomes. Did 4 landings in total, then took the whole thing back to LKO and sent another ship to rotate the crew and gather all the science. Now the station will go to mun, but probably a new rover will go, the old one could have some fixes.

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I docked my lander to my interplanetary stage over Ike in a 20km polar orbit. Sounds easy, right? The interplanetary stage had no electricity and had a slow, inclined spin to it. And it only took me 10 minutes to perform the intercept to docking! :cool:

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I successfully conducted my first sample return mission to Duna, worth more than 1100 science! Its not the first time for landing at Duna but its the first time doing it career mode. Bill was the lucky Kerbalnaut in the pod for this historic achievement. Jeb was too busy blowing up various designs for a Jool flyby.

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Today I sent up my first space station of 0.23, and the first rocket to contain more than 100 or so parts (I haven't played much KSP recently, and the little time I have spent playing has been put into messing around with SSTOs). Unfortunately I accidentally undocked the wrong part of the space tug when sending the fuel tank used to circularize the station back into the atmosphere and now it only has a 1m port (1m port was originally docked to another 1m port, an adapter used to up to 2.5m and then a 2.5m on that, so I could interchange fairly easily).

That gave me a nice little opportunity to test out KSP in two new situations, both in 0.23 with a decent number of parts and in 1920x1080 resolution (Gotta love Christmas). Squad, your game is beautiful and the performance boost is unbelievable when looking away from Kerbin.

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Well, not exactly today, more like on the 24th, but anyway...

I decided to use HyperEdit to go to Eve, so I could wish her a happy Christmas Eve(and explore it's cave system powered by KerbTown), but when I got there, this is what happened:


Yep...Eve and the HUD apparently dislikes christmas and left the Kerbol system together, leaving Jeb sad. :( Either that, or Danny2462 hacked into my computer and had some 'fun'.

Edited by Commissioner Tadpole
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Tonight I took a big leap by trying to see if I could dock a small craft to my test saves space station. The craft in question was a return pod for a Kerbal who has been on a mission and returned home safely. Though there was a staging problem with the craft, this has been since resolved, it went off without a hitch. While I am not a complete pro at it I have taken my first steps in removing Mechjeb from my system, as I have only used it to help with docking a ship. I will try bigger ships another day, but I feel this is the first of many steps in a long road to more fun. :cool:

On the orange tank you can see the return pod that was docked to the station without Mechjeb on it.


Edited by Liowen
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I just had my very first successful atmospheric jet flight. Woohoo! All my other attempts crashed on the runway or VERY shortly after takeoff and I had sworn off jets for a while. This one however, flew and landed over at the island strip just fine with SAS on (although the controls are weird to me):


BUT, then I saw something sticking out of the hangar (I don't know if it's debris from one of my many rocket failures or if it's always been there, I've never actually touched land over there) and I wanted to steer the plane on the ground to go check it out. I was having throttle issues because I don't know what I'm doing with planes, the engine wouldn't turn on at low throttle so I kicked it up to a little less than 1/2 while turning and this happened:


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Was zoned out watching a movie and just couldnt face docking my latest refueller to my depot. Already sent up 5 similar launches today.

So I slapped mechjeb on the sixth and gave him full control for the first time ever. Ascent, rendezvous and dock while I enjoy some hollywood SFX. I've finally found a mission profile that actually calls for the crazy amounts of monoprop in a 2.5m tank, that mechbugger uses insane amounts of both LF and Mono to get anything done.

Be the last time I do that for sure

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Rofel Kerman decided he was bored of Kerbin and wanted to live in space. He joined the program and, not wanting to learn any of that dull numbersy stuff, just had his pod strapped to the largest SRB KW Rocketry has with a big red launch button that sent him into a solar orbit.

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Launched the upper half of my Eve space station. It only took six tries -- apparently mainsail engines have a tendency to rip through the bottom of the ship at full power, especially when there's six of them going at once. I had to be very careful with them during the ascent.

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Today, I landed on the Mun, did some SCIENCE, and successfully splashed down in the ocean. Brought back over 400 science, and I'm about to go hit another biome, and MAYBE get into some docking shenanigans, but that might have to wait till the weekend. I want to put a fuel station over the Mun so I can hop between biomes at my leisure.

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Today was a day filled with accomplishments, first off I landed the first kerbal(in my current save) on Gilly, then I sent a kerbal to orbit Jool and land on Vall(First time I've ever done that), and finally I put a small satellite in orbit around Moho.

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Update: I instead went to Minmus, did a LOT of science, but accidentally ran out of fuel in Kerbin orbit. It's a pretty odd orbit, since I was in the middle of a re-entry burn, and I don't think I'll be able to rendezvous with the capsule. At least, not without a TON of practice. Might look into hyper-editing him onto the ground....

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Update: I instead went to Minmus, did a LOT of science, but accidentally ran out of fuel in Kerbin orbit. It's a pretty odd orbit, since I was in the middle of a re-entry burn, and I don't think I'll be able to rendezvous with the capsule. At least, not without a TON of practice. Might look into hyper-editing him onto the ground....

If you're going to cheat your capsule back to the ground with hyperedit there might be an easier method: edit your persistent.sfs

Back-up your persistent.sfs with any text editor.

Search for the exact name of your ship.

Scroll down looking for a resource tab that talks about name = LiquidFuel and a next resource tab talking about name = Oxidizer.

On both change the amount to the maxAmount on the line below.

Save and restart KSP.

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