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What did you do in KSP1 today?


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What mod/parts set did you use for this?


The probe's dish is a Remote Tech 2 dish, in the top right of the image another antenna is visible which is also from Remote Tech. That sits on an OKTO HECS core. Using a small 1.5m fuel tank from Nova Punch plus two stock Rockomax crappy radial engines to get Eve transfer/orbit injection. There's also a Kerbal Engineer part on it I used for the delta V calcs. The reason for this probe is because with the Realistic Progression Lite mod, you get probes to start, and certain probe cores offer rewards for doing science with them in various places. Honestly the probe was sort of slapped together and just launched... But the images came out pretty nice :P

Scenery-wise I'm using Universe Replacer for the skybox and Eve textures, and the cloud & cities mod. I think it's a combination of both or one of them that shrouds the surface in cloud like the real Venus, which to me looks awesome.

My next step is to drop a probe (like the Venera series ones IRL) onto the surface to find out where I might wanna land a rover. I'm considering throwing Scansat into my mod mix to map the surface under the cloud layer first.

Here's the craft in the shot, in the VAB:


Note: I ended up with this thing in a fairly eccentric orbit of 190KMx1305KM. Probably because I didn't perfectly transfer, and when I slapped the fuel tank on the bottom I went "ahhh that'll be enough".

Could have used aerobraking, but I didn't think that dish would like deadly re-entry much, so I opted for a powered capture.

Edited by Immashift
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I lost 16 Kerbals retesting my Lunar Tour Bus in preparation for a series I had an idea for. Now I need to rethink my idea a bit now. Kind of disappointing to think extra fuel and one drogue chute removed made a big difference.



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Finished assembling the "Dyson" in orbit for a manned Eve flyby. Currently sending up the two man crew and their little CTV, then it's off to Eve! Here's the ship sans crew performing a quick circularization burn to test out the power systems:


Edited by TerLoki
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Today, I started my term with the KSP and, mostly, learned about Kerbal survival. Two important facts sttod out! Always pack a parachute for reentry and always build a reentry system into your craft if you do not want your kerbal floating aimlessly in his tin can out into the unknown regions of space! (This is ground control to ...)

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I made a rover powered solely by pedal power (as in exploiting the reactionless Kerbal-on-ladder glitch). Then I made it amphibious by exploiting the floatiness-of-radial-intakes glitch. At least 60m/s on land, a bit over 22m/s in the water. And then I drove it to Airbase Island.



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Firstly, I did my first ever manned Duna flyby.

Then I decided to try a manned landing missing (was going to do a probe, but then realised I could use the kerbal to repack the chutes, so Jeb suited up :P)

Had a little search for some inspiration on how to do it and this is what I came up with


That is my lander along with my transfer stage.

This is the full launch


Using Asparagus staged Skippers with 3x boosters each for launch and dual nukes for transfer. Then dual nukes and Chutes for landing, takeoff and return to Kerbal.

Forgot to take a screenshot of my landing, but this is the science I got from it :)


*edit, forgot to mention. Made it first try with my first design, though, did load some quick saves a few times, took a few goes to get my landing correct.

Edited by pantner
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Landed the Auk for Bob's test towing run. Beautiful landing, if slightly misaligned; I really need to get about the resetting the ILS on my main sandbox game (all the markers are misaligned because of the KSC redesign a few version ago). Made the mistake of resetting the RCS ballast before I'd hooked up the tow cart; it tipped up on its end and knocked off two more of the engines, reducing the total number to four (too few for a successful launch). I still went ahead and let Bob do a tow and refuel for the hell of it. That part went well and I daresay had the plane been intact at that point I would've avoided the unfortunate incident that Jeb had on the first tow, which knocked off the center engine.

The Thunderbolt probably will be refueled in another three runs; so far this isn't turning out to be the fastest way of delivering fuel, but I'm still thinking it'll matter once economy makes it into the game. Good to get practice.

Went ahead and designed a heavy bomber for a challenge; having my typical new plane woes - CoL is too far back and there aren't enough elevons and canards to have reasonable pitch control just yet. I get the feeling the challenge is designed for folks using aircraft mods anyway, but I still want to give it a go.

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I landed rescue mission number 4 on Duna, got my science and Hadbald to the lander/lifter, which ran out of fuel ~70m/s short of orbit, used the RCS, ran out with 60m/s to go, used Hadbald's jetpack to get him into orbit, switched to the return vehicle, went to bring it down to pick Hadbald up, and discovered that I'd forgotten to provide a power source and it was dead as dead.


Now to plan rescue attempt number five.

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Last night. Sent a Kerbal SSTO Rapier Engine Plane towards Duna after refueling and giving it a nuke engine along with another ship that will refuel it if need be (most likely). But, I might go for Jool instead since I could go for it if I have enough fuel to do so as I can get an enounter instead of doing a long wait and sling shots.

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Things aren't going so well for the Dyson. It got to Eve alright, but only just barely and as a result of the encounter my orbit is dipping too close to the sun to get back with the dV I have left, and to make matters worse my time warp skipped clean over the periapsis and only dropped me down to x1 when I was half-way back to a solar orbit. Currently the plan is to park in orbit around Moho and send a rescue craft to tug Bill and Milbert back home.

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Tested an RCS-only crewman deorbiter/chute-lander for Station Aleph, then messed about attempting to launch five at once with a returnable launch vehicle. Probably should have been a little simpler with it - but wanted to try out my new Mainsail and Rockomax Jumbo-64. Ended up not even managing to get it all to orbit, but I'm sure I can do it with a better designed launch vehicle.

It may just be an effect of the ridiculous amount of monopropellant adding so much dead weight, so I'll test the thing with less. To be honest, there was nearly twice the amount I needed to return from over twice the altitude of the station, so a smaller, lighter mission should make it.

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[TABLE=width: 800]


[TD]Having completed the launch, parking and re-supply of TranStar's latest mobile refinery vessel, Jade Angel, KSC sent an automated Slipstream shuttle to retrieve the launch crew, as well as the Dromedary pilot who had performed the final equipment delivery and re-supply flight.

The final docking maneuver had a few controllers sweating bullets, as Jade Angel wasn't designed to accommodate the shuttle. Clearances were tight, but docking was achieved without incident.


The crew transferred to the shuttle smoothly and quickly, as ground controllers began the shutdown checklist for the massive refinery ship. Jedry -the Dromedary pilot- ran his own final checks on the nimble tugship, itself a unique design that adds a kethane scanner to the hull.


All four of the crew members now aboard, ground kontrollers triggered Jade Angel's parking mode, powering down all lighting and life support systems, as well as locking down the vehicle and equipment bays. In six months, a new flight crew will return to the ship to awaken it for its journey to the Jolian system.


The launch crew relax in the pressurized cabin, which is fully equipped with a generous selection of snacks and refreshments to be enjoyed during the two hour return flight.


The re-entry proceeded as it typically does for the Slipstream shuttles: fast. Most return flights in these shuttles see at least one passenger losing their kookies during the high-velocity descent, and this one was no exception.


As per standard procedure, once the shuttle had dropped below 1km/s velocity, the on-board computer engaged the airbrakes to further slow to maneuvering speed while still high up in the atmosphere. However, most definitely not according to procedure, the port wing suddenly tore away, taking the lower port engine with it, and sending the Slipstream into an uncontrollable spin. The crew were doomed, though none yet realized it, since the shuttles were well-known for their drastic, lurching maneuvers, and they were too engrossed in an episode of Everybody Loves Jebediah on the forward screen anyway.


Ground Kontrol called "Black Shoal" protocol (ship lost, all hands lost) at 11:14PM local time, last received telemetry was approximately 23.6 kilometers west-northwest of the space center.


Good journey, brave crew. ;.;[/TD]



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