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What did you do in KSP1 today?


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Objective 1, Reputation!

Got my reputation up to -18 (from low of -284). Spaceship 1's passenger flights are now so routine that the game's stopped giving me tourist contracts. Oh well, it's equipped for eva rescues too.

Objective 2, Science!

Built a rover to snag up some KSC science. I've reached a stage where orbital science is limited to goo, materials, temperature, crew reports and EVA, and I'd snagged most of those.

I could have got more by going to the Mün or Minmus, but my new rule is probes and test flights before manned. And with RT installed, a probe with no solar panels doesn't get that far. Well ok, I managed a flyby. But it went dark long before being able to transmit anything back.

So yeah. KSC Rover. Collected enough to get my first 90-tier science unlocked and solar panels for my probes.

One upside of my reputation calamity is that flying loads of contracts was really healthy for my budget, so I'll be able to upgrade the research centre for sample returns shortly.

Objective 3: To The Mün!

Following the successful Müna 1 flyby, four successive failures of the Müna 2 science return mission (3 Spaghetti booster failures, then, following booster redesign, 1 out of EC before Münar rendevous despite 8 batteries) led to a change in priorities.

New ground-based research has led to the invention of solar panels, which for the first time makes permanent Kerbin satellites a possibility.

A G1 3-probe relay network has been established for near-Kerbin communications, with intermittent Münar capability (the basic solar panels are still insufficient to recharge the on-board batteries following a pass through Kerbin's shadow with a dish powered.)

This new capability (turned on when needed)should be enough  for a Müna 3 probe to establish Münar orbit without the risk of KSC being on the wrong side of the planet at a crucial moment. Müna 3, unlike its predecessor, will new be capable of remaining powered until the close of its mission.

Müna 3 will be followed with an unkerballed test of the Apollo hardware and its heatshield on a free-return trajectory.


Edited by RCgothic
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4 hours ago, Pwnstarr said:

I haven't been able to keep my simple sleek rockets pointed the right way since 1.0 and you guys are launching stuff like THAT? lol

It's basically a case of sticking fins on the rocket until the CoL in the VAB is 2-3 rocket diameters behind the CoM (To make sure it stays there - CoM moves back in flight).


If your rocket is too fat and short, you'll have aerodynamic issues. If your rocket is too long you'll get a spaghetti failure. A way to mitigate spaghetti failure is to make the centre stack shorter and strap on some boosters. Failing that, turning off SAS for a while helps. If your fins are placed right and you haven't pitched too far over too soon that should keep you stable until the atmosphere becomes mostly irrelevant above 40km.

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4 hours ago, Pwnstarr said:

I haven't been able to keep my simple sleek rockets pointed the right way since 1.0 and you guys are launching stuff like THAT? lol

And although I have about 12 or so mods running I am not using any extra engine, aero, or fuel tank mods. Only stock. Most of my mods now are visual as well as KIS, KAS, Kerbal Engineer, ScanSat, Chatter, planetary base mod(which I haven't used yet):confused:, and Kerbal alarm clock.

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Today I am waiting for some of my "must have" mods to be updated for 1.1.1


While waiting I tried to make a stock shuttle in sandbox and I didn't go far from launch pad. Even if I manage to fly it it flips out of control, wings fall off or SRB-s woble into the craft and everything explodes.

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8 hours ago, RCgothic said:

It's basically a case of sticking fins on the rocket until the CoL in the VAB is 2-3 rocket diameters behind the CoM (To make sure it stays there - CoM moves back in flight).


If your rocket is too fat and short, you'll have aerodynamic issues. If your rocket is too long you'll get a spaghetti failure. A way to mitigate spaghetti failure is to make the centre stack shorter and strap on some boosters. Failing that, turning off SAS for a while helps. If your fins are placed right and you haven't pitched too far over too soon that should keep you stable until the atmosphere becomes mostly irrelevant above 40km.

Thanks for the tips! I guess that's what I've been doing by accident when I actually get fins to work. I've found that limiting the gimbal to ~50% helps control SAS corrections.

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Last night and today I sent a small fleet to Duna after working on a fresh 1.1 career save.  I sent a command ship, a science ship, a refueling tanker, and a few assorted landers and probes.  The mission was mostly routine, I gathered more than enough science to fill the lab several times and finish my tech tree without blowing anything up or summoning the Kraken!  Landing at Duna in my prototype small lander went well, but with only 0.7 twr on the surface I couldn't take off again.  Will need to revise the design.  I reverted and continued on to Ike to complete a few contracts and grab a surface sample and several readings for the lab.  Great lag free, crash free day in KSP 1.1.1!



Edited by PointySideUp
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Played with 1.1 for a bit; less crashes than before. Actually had a go at designing planes.. found out that landing gear are still hopelessly borked.

Crashed in VAB some more, giving up for a bit longer. I can't wait until this game is stable again. I rather miss the 0.18-0.19 days when I could run the game all night with nary a crash.

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Well I flew my first SSTO to Minmus and back. Due to a fuel shortage i did a gravity assist around the mun and aerobraked in Kerbins atmosphere. After several passes and no significant speed loss i went in deeper the next pass. And the craft lost its wings...ima count this as mission accomplished!


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A survey probe arrived at Jool...... cue sudden realisation that you can't scan a liquid surface. And just to put the icing on the cake the transfer stage was down to a teacup of fuel.


After mission controls observation that this was an awfully expensive way of getting a temperature report it was decided to separate the lander ( I know I know) and insert it into orbit. The rest would be allowed to fulfil the "escape Jool's gravity" milestone before being reclassified as debris "oooops 24" and quietly forgotten. The lander will probably be sacrificed to a gloopy grave on the big green one.

On a brighter note the Minmus runabout received it's pre-packaged upgrade to a combined science and crew transport.


After checking that Bob was safely locked in the miner a test drive went well, with the proviso that turns should not be attempted above 10m/s following a couple of sphincter tightening moments....... although getting a tad orbital in a straight line proved both survivable and fun.


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Today, I:

1. Launched a satellite called the Mini-Satellite F0-168, Jebediah is lost in space and will plummit to his death on Kerbin. ;.;

2. Reverted the flight, so Jeb wouldn't die, then did it again, it was a sucsess!

3. Made a Science version, which basically means adding 2 goo canisters.

Edited by KerbalSpace
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Today (technically yesterday), I completed the first Eve landing of mine for 1.1, which had went rather well.  Took some time to get there, but I still got there nonetheless. 

Take off had gone well, orbiting could have been better though, burning a lot more fuel than necessary to get an far from circular orbit. 

Getting the Eve encounter only took about 1,300m/s of Delta-V, not bad, though it had still required some changing after the node, however that's not uncommon. 

Once I got to Eve it took a couple tries to find the best course into the atmosphere.  I initially tried skipping orbit and going straight into Eve, however that had failed entirely.  Another time I had went into orbit, and gotten safely into the atmosphere...  Only downside being, when I decoupled the inflatable ablation shield, it smashed back into the craft, destroying the lower piece of the landing module.  Wait for the parachutes, next time. 

Eventually I arrived at the surface, encountering a few moments before arriving what I think may be a glitch?  Maybe?  Disabling SAS while still using the ablation shield had made the craft start flinging out of control, to the point where I couldn't click anything to make the parachutes deploy sooner, to stop the spinning.  Why I disabled the SAS was because the craft was low on electric charge, and disabling it would help the usage. 

Despite all that though, I landed!  Who would'a thought.  Pretty good I think, landed with such a heavy craft, with plenty of fuel to spare as well. 
(Don't think I'll be going back to Kerbin anytime soon though!) 

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I laughed when I looked through my 1.0.5 screenshots: this craft was intended to deliver supplies to a base on Minmus, but instead I loaded them with mulch instead of supplies. The craft was renamed to Minmus Sh*twagon Mk I.


Edited by hendrack
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38 minutes ago, Mjp1050 said:

Accidentally left KSP running overnight... This is a screenshot of what it looked like in the morning.



Um... that dint work...

but always amusing to see where you've wound up after leaving KSP up all night... and wondering what a spectacular explosion you must have missed...

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52 minutes ago, Mjp1050 said:

Accidentally left KSP running overnight... This is a screenshot of what it looked like in the morning.

That's funny, because I've left KSP running for days at a time and had no issues...

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7 minutes ago, CatastrophicFailure said:

Um... that dint work...

but always amusing to see where you've wound up after leaving KSP up all night... and wondering what a spectacular explosion you must have missed...

It was in the SPH, fortunately... no crafts were harmed in the making of this error.

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