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What did you do in KSP1 today?


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^ is that from the new planet mod that I heard about?

Regarding what I did. I'm planning for a mission series to Duna. I successfully sent a really simple rover a while ago. Landed a more substantial rover utilizing a basic sky-crane that collected all kinds of SCIENCE as a means to test a new heavy lifter that will eventually carry a two-kerbal pod. I had a "failure" on aerocapture, as I went in too low and could not establish an orbit as planned. Still, I came in with a near equatorial inclination and landed in a nice flat spot. Could have been worse!


Next step is another probe that I'll use to practice my aerocapture technique, and test to see how much Delta V I need to get home. After that...a manned mission!

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Münar midlands for science!! Unlocked enough now that I finally have NERVAs. Duna, here we come. Been seriously neglecting my career game, what with all the stuff I've been doing for the Constellation Program challenge.

Speaking of, I also reviewed my sandbox flights in progress to see if I had anything else to do before warping to the next Duna transfer window to wrap up my Constellation entry. Protractor's telling me I've got a Jool window coming up first, so I'm thinking of getting something ready there. I could use a practice run out that way, to say......oh, Vall maybe.

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Today I made a rover to clip into one of the cargo bays from B9. I made it so the command chair is on a powered hinge from Infernal Robotics so it doesn't clip through the roof of the cargo bay when attached via the docking port. I was proud of myself.



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Made yet another program or two for calculating simple things for KSP obits.

De-orbited my 4 earlier molniya orbits because they were not in sync at all, went back and did it right the second time with actual launching intervals. Getting mechjeb would probably make them more accurate, because staging causes a several km shift in orbit (and I'm not exactly a craftsman at super-accuracy). Oh, and got the remote-tech mod to make things more interesting recently.


Edited by SourMonkey
pictures are fun
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Nothing too spectacular, landed a Starbug on the Mun, at my Prograde Base's landing area.

This one is equipped with a tiny rover to help explore.


Making tiny rovers is more tricky than it first seems, especially when they need to fit beneath another spacecraft, and be re-dockable. But I'm sure the "Shortboard" rover will be very useful.

The Starbugs stationed at Minmus got an upgrade.


They were lacking powerful landing lights, bottom docking ports, and a few other features that the newer ones had. All fixable with KAS.

I also fixed the RCS port which had been installed crooked.


Danbro was pleased with his work. The shadow angles at dawn here are awesome.

Edited by Tw1
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Nearly finished work on my station today. Now my RemoteTech network is complete and I can start with the planned unmanned space program. Jeb won't be happy.


The first probe has already reached the Mun and will now deploy two small impactor probes which will "land" near some anomalies.


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Remote Control made it necessary to push forward a manned expedition to Mun to ensure enough funding and support for establishing a communication relais system.

The lonely kerbonaut is already flying outside of communications range. He should have established orbit by now - but ... who knows ... *looks up into the night sky ruminatively*

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Today I learned how much I rely on aerobraking. Should have brought SRBs with me to slow down for the moho orbit--- needed to burn 3600 dV to get into orbit. I might be able to get back to kerbin.

But probably not.




Thats Jeb. At home at last.

Edited by thiosk
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Built an automated probe lander/rover combo to take out to Vall. Drove it around on Kerbin, even flew it to the top of the VAB and drove around up there a bit. It's a bit heavier than I'd like and its steering is more than slightly over-responsive, but I think it'll do the trick. I should probably mention that the intent is to send ten of those things in that general direction. My first trip to the Jool system...

I must say I hate the very small rover wheels.

Did a Minmus mission, for Science! Not as much as I'd hoped!!!

On the plus side, I've finished unlocking all the Tier 5 techs. At this point I need to make a beeline for Mainsails and PB-NUKs.

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Last night I tried to complete an ambitious mission to Laythe that I have been working on for a few days involving a refueler (which went first and went into Jool orbit) and a manned ship that was designed to land and return. Unfortunately the mission was plagued with problems:

1) Originally I did not think about aerobraking directly to Laythe - instead my refueler aerobraked around Jool but then I had to spend almost 2/3 of its fuel getting to Laythe and then doing the plane change to match the orbit of the manned craft.

2) The lander segment was planned for enough fuel to return from Laythe's surface for orbit but had virtually zero reserve. Unfortunately my orbit did not intersect any land and a plane change burn would have pushed me past the point where I would not have been able to get back to orbit after landing.

3) This is my own stupidity: the NERVA booster stage that brought the manned part to Laythe did not have a docking port, and hence had to be abandoned when I decoupled the lander.

Fortunately I have developed OCD about backing up my save files at crucial times during the mission, so I decided to start over with an improved design; a multi-part ship built in orbit with a better-designed lander stage. The original manned part of the mission was built with the limitation that I only have reliable launchers that can get a maximum of 75T into space, hence the close margins on the lander stage. Assembling in orbit removes this limitation. We shall see how this pans out!

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