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What did you do in KSP1 today?


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Managed to badly mess up my "let's try SCIENCE!" career-mode persistence file while trying to edit a rover near a polar Mun lander... Things went very ugly. It's OK though, I was using that save to test out experiments and the tech tree and learned what I needed to know. So I started a new career which began with a good chuckle for Mission Control :)


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Managed to rescue Jeb's failed mission to the Mun (didn't have enough fuel to get back into Munar Orbit, let alone back to Kerbin!).

Landed within 2kms of Jeb with a probe lander, then used the fuel I had left in the failed lander to 'hop' within about 500m of it.

Got Jeb home nice and safely.

Next Stop, Minmus! First Orbit/flyby, then probe lander, then manned orbit/lander. Never actually been there so working my way up to it.

Hopefully soon I can unlock nuclear engines and can start going out to Duna, etc. (and it won't run out of power like my kamikaze probe I just sent out into space to get some science :P yay for solar panels!)

EDIT: Just been to Minmus. Landed pretty well (2nd attempt), collected science and took off... Funly enough, im on my 3rd approach to Kerbin, first 2 times I've crashed when trying to land...

Edited by pantner
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After my four days forced vacation from KSP I found a probe named "South Pole Survey" with Goo and lots of fuel (for its size) - so I plotted a flyby to the Mun and after that was done emptied the tank to enter a Kerbin parallel Kerbol orbit - all the way sciencing like hell and depleting the batteries over and over (the obligatory eclipse stopped me for quite some time ...) due to the weak solar panels.

Went for a spontanous Munar landing - craft was top heavy, decoupled the first two stages while darting downwards from 25km to turn it back up, third stage was two weak at this altitude, the light lander with its three landing engines supported by the return stage managed to reach orbit from about 10km, landing engines and legs decoupled midflight, return stage circularized around Kerbin, reached the Muns orbit, made science 20km above the Mun and returned to Kerbin.

Dont know if FAR helped to salvage the mission or killed the original craft in the first place.

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Currently busy with other projects. A painting presentation for my uncle, Museum inventory, and yard work. Like some others, I archived a bunch of scenarios from the Save folder to start fresh with 0.22. Will soon continue Career Mode with a second Mun flyby, this time with scientific equipment, a Minmus flyby, then some landings and returns.

Dr Jeb will soon return to Sandbox with his crew in the Tardis to continue the tour through the Kerbal Solar System. Currently, they are planning their landing on Duna.

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In career mode I did two things. One, I finally landed in the dessert to the west of KSC, across that small section of ocean. For some reason it was more of a problem than landing on the north polar area. The same ship should have easily made it but kept missing. I think it was changing the first stage that messed it up a tad - SAS had problems with that first stage trying to go off in strange directions.

After a fatal landing in the mountains I decided I needed to either make a aircraft of some kind to land on the gentle slopes of the mountain or make a rocket car to take samples from the airfield and the shoreline near KSC. Which I did. Sad to say the shoreline near KSC counts as KSC. But I did get some more science points.

Now I have two projects. Try to land on or near the mountains, again, without exploding. I think that will require some kind of flying machine and me developing new don't-crash-into-mountains skills. OR try to, without MechJeb, put a craft into stable orbit (which funny enough may be easier to do than landing on the slopes of a mountain). You know, no slopes to slam into. Of course, that would allow me to bring the ship down in a totally different part of the planet, so I may wish to bring two science labs and double on the other science stuff. Which of course would add mass and so on...decisions, decisions.

Funny enough I have no yet transmitted anything yet. I have always planned to recover everything. Maybe the put-thingie-into-stable-orbit project should start using unmanned probes first?

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In my sandbox save, I'm doing my 3rd trip to Eeloo. My 1st one I'm not sure counts, because I used cheats to bring the crew back (got them on the surface without cheats, though). My 2nd was a round trip without any cheats whatsoever, mainly to prove I wasn't a lying cheating scumbag. This 3rd time had a lot of firsts for me, though. I got there when Eeloo was near apoapsis, I got into a polar orbit (planned a landing site near the north pole), and I brought a rover (now much easier to develop, thanks to sub-assemblies).


In my career save, I'm experimenting with Munar free-return trajectories in order to get as much Munar Orbit science with as little delta-v as I can.

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My most successful balls up to date!

Sent a probe to Minmus to do some science. Except that somebody's slide rule clearly needs new batteries because the fancy pants Mun slingshot didn't work out and the probe took off on a Kerbin escape trajectory.

What to do? There's only one thing for it lads, burn like hell! And what do you know; Jool encounter! Much science!

I knew the probe was overpowered for a Minmus mission, but that's ridiculous.

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Finally got the small solar panels unlocked in career mode, so put a satelite into low Mun orbit and then followed it up with a probe landing on the surface. Then did some hardcore SCIENCE!

For some reason I'm having a helluva time managing my fuel in this release, I haven't run out yet, but I've had some really close calls.

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