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What did you do in KSP1 today?


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Launched Kerbals on the Negi Star spaceplane for the first crewed mission to Dres. Lemzor Kerman installed KIS struts between the modules of the interplanetary ship Negi Maru.



Edited by Pipcard
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4 minutes ago, SiriusRocketry said:

That is cool! GT40/Corvette/F1 Longtail rearend?


How many parts?


The looks are inspired by the GT40, yes. Part count is 141, mass with tanks full 7.65t. Propelled by four Juno's.

More images.

Edited by Azimech
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Since I didn't do much in ksp today, I'll tell you what I did yesterday.

Again, we had loads of free time at school. I returned Jeb & co. from my first kerballed Duna mission. I also got Val back from her Mun base.

I simulated a wedding between Jeb and Val, since I saw something funny on the forum and wanted to add to it.

I also sent a scanning satellite to Moho, and completed both biome and altimetry maps.

I also set up a KAC alarm for a Dres launch window, since it needed love scanning.

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I made an attempt at the X-20 spaceplane (or I used that as the basis). Actually... This is in no way meant to be a high fidelity replica. This plane has its own fuel and engines, and needs them.... It cannot handle re-entry without a braking burn. (This is in 2.5x... Entry speed is over 3km/s)




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8 hours ago, Pipcard said:

Launched Kerbals on the Negi Star spaceplane for the first crewed mission to Dres. Lemzor Kerman installed KIS struts between the modules of the interplanetary ship Negi Maru.



That is a most interesting needle you have there. Is it stable during acceleration?

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Today in KSP.


My 1700 ton Pelican finally takes flight! with the addition of new engines this thing now produces over 11000 kilonewtons of thrust.

I mean, the CoL is too far forward so the thing pitched up uncontrollably and stalled.


But hey! After months of work I'll take what I can get.


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[quoting shakespeare]

"Be not afraid of greatness. Some are born great, some achieve greatness, and some have greatness thrust upon them!"

Great job dude!

(why am I quoting Shakespeare? I guess I'm just in a shakespearey mood today :P)

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Today, I am heading to a memorial service for a former co-worker of mine.  Very casual, on the beach in Florida where his ashes will be spread.

DJR5899, this is a KSP forum, why the heck are you telling me this?

Well, I got the idea today to begin construction on a ship in his honor in my main sandbox game.  Dave was big into aviation, always going to air shows down here, and he was also big into space exploration. He went to multiple shuttle launches here in Florida, as I can always remember several of the NASA STS tickets hanging in his cubicle from a few of the launches he watched from Kennedy Space Center.  I also remember when maybe 15 years ago, we had Chuck Yeager speak at one of our company events and people got to meet and take pictures with him, and I recall the picture of my coworker and Yeager together. 

Haven't decided exactly where this memorial craft is going to go yet.  Thinking of either a close or distant orbit around Kerbol.  Will post a pic or two when I complete it and launch the craft.

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1 hour ago, Delay said:

Secondly: How did you do that?? I want to mess around with it.

I think it's due to Scatterer? That would make sense since the ocean disappeared as well, but I have no idea what caused it. I've never seen anything like it before.

Edited by Kronus_Aerospace
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1 hour ago, Delay said:

What happens when you try and get into orbit?

Not much,


It appears that it's literally just a negative reflection of Kerbin.

If I had to guess I'd say that this "Negative Kerbin" is actually the scatterer atmosphere, as normal Kerbin appears to have the stock atmosphere

Here they are overlapped


Other than the fact that Negative Kerbin is flipped upside down, the resulting effect looks like how scatterer normally functions

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I came up with a new concept for a Mun-lander design, so I built it and took it to the Mun.





Hey, that's Farside Basin down there!  Can you believe that after playing KSP for five years, I've never landed in Farside Basin?  Turn around!  We're going to Farside Basin!







Humph...  It looks like pretty much everywhere else.  Oh, well.





I almost forgot the flag!  Ok, let's get out of here.












The Grasshopper lander stays docked in munar orbit for reuse by the next crew.


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