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What did you do in KSP1 today?


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4 minutes ago, Kronus_Aerospace said:

Today I decided to take my A380 for a little test fligh-


This glitch is bringing me to my knees, Seriously.

Interesting. Is the A380 stock or modded?

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Another busy day for my career.  My Meridani-Draco probes arrived around Laythe.  I missed an island & plopped Draco down in the Sagan Sea, but it floats with the heat shield still attached & science is science.


Draco descending gently to its watery fate:



Then my first manned mission in this carerr arrived home from Duna.  Also my very first manned interplanetary mission with Snacks installed.

Last minute in interplanetary space before returning to Kerbin's SoI:


Entering Kerbin orbit:


Crew shuttle heading back to the surface after picking up the DTV crew:


Nearly back home.    I undershot KSC quite a bit & splashed down in the ocean about halfway between KSC & Dessert launch site.  Still, brought back over 1900 science.



I still have to send the DTV to a Minmus fly-by & then crash it into Mun for a contract, but ran out of time for that.

Finally, I installed & did some testing with Universal Storage II.  Looks really great & has just about everything I want to make a service module.  One teeny "flaw" - I tried sticking solar panels on top of monoprop tanks under the secondary doors, but they remain blocked even with the doors open.   Otherwise, I'm really liking this so far.  Looks SOOOO much better than the stock service bays.  Not the greatest view of the service bay unfortunately.  I thought I had several shots of the new US modules, but apparently I only saved this one.  I need to move the solar panels, but with this new bay, I have plenty of monoprop, batteries and snacks plus some KIS storage & one open slot for whatever, all in a nice neat package. 


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Having ADHD, it is typical for me to get random ideas on a regular basis. Today I had one so funny I just couldn't pass it up! :D 


Get your Stegosaurus today!


Edit @Kronus_Aerospace I am happy and sad at the same time because that A-380 looks amazing, but I don't know if my surface book 2 can handle it lol

Edited by EpicSpaceTroll139
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1 hour ago, EpicSpaceTroll139 said:

Edit @Kronus_Aerospace I am happy and sad at the same time because that A-380 looks amazing, but I don't know if my surface book 2 can handle it lol

I don't think any computer can handle it, at this point half the time I've spent working on it has looked like this


I'm just glad this thing is done.

With 35 fairings this craft freezes my game for up to 5 MINUTES at a time, my patience has truly been tested by this craft.

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2 minutes ago, Kronus_Aerospace said:

I don't think any computer can handle it, at this point half the time I've spent working on it has looked like this


I'm just glad this thing is done.

With 35 fairings this craft freezes my game for up to 5 MINUTES at a time, my patience has truly been tested by this craft.

Fairing mouse-over RIP.  I've had problems with it before too. I recall a few game versions ago I made a large plane that almost looked like a zeppelin with wings using the fairings.  It would reliably freeze up the game if I moused over the fairing in the SPH... good times. I think the fairing transparency on mouse-over should be toggle-able.

Of course I've never made anything with 1900 parts before... I think. I've definitely never flown anything with that many parts.

You think it can fly? :sticktongue:

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1 hour ago, EpicSpaceTroll139 said:

You think it can fly? :sticktongue:

It flies quite gracefully actually. True to the actual A380, my craft has it's CoL placed in front of the CoM making takeoffs and sustained flight quite easy. Though with close to 5000 kN of thrust I suppose that isn't too shocking.


Edited by Kronus_Aerospace
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Today I imported digital elevation maps of  White Sands Missile Range, New Mexico, into the game. I ran out of time to actually launch rockets, but here is a quick flight survey.



A lot of it is very flat. Good for finding where your test missile crashed. screenshot26

But there are mountains too! Look close, my plane is in there somewhere.


And...its not as flat as it looks...


More pics here >

Any ideas on what part of the world would be cool to see in game? 

Significance to rocketry is a plus, boring flat terrain such as the Kennedy Space Center is minus.

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After a small break I decided to play KSP again today. I designed a really swell lifter that works really well and used it to lift my Commercial lander and it's respective booster into orbit to dock with my orbital station for refueling. Next I'll accept some contracts and start doing dual-leg journeys inclusive to both moons with refreshments and a resupply in-between legs. Very pleased.

Lifter works and looks great, I think.



This tiny booster barely used any of it's fuel but every time I halved it's size, it became more and more redundant so I just left it on in case I send a comparable-sized load in the future.



Here she is docked safe and sound at the station. There was a small snafu where I had missed my mark horribly and needed to catch up to the station burning lots of my fuel, but I'm docked at a fuel station and don't feel like doing the whole launch over again, so I'll just consider it to be an operating cost.



UPDATE: I just finished sending up a small adapter probe to allow enough appropriate docking ports I'll need until I've spent the fuel in the spare oversized booster on the end.



The SSTO is docked and ready to depart. With everything now in place, the next step is to load up the 8 kerbals who've paid for moon trips. A single passenger has not paid to go to Minmus. I'll use that single spare seat to send an astronaut along to perform some tests during the trip. I'll also be hauling up a decoupler for some extra easy cash. My space program is about to take a huge step forward.



I've dropped off the decoupler probe to dock with the commercial lander and booster. Next stop: Money!~ Er, I mean Minmus... Yes...


Edited by MisterKerman
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Following the rescue of Nelbas Kerman he was assigned to be the test pilot of an experimental variant of the very plane that rescued him.

Well, he's back to Mount Treacherous and stuck there once again.


Meanwhile, Jeaneane Kerman came back to life somehow and took a spin in the '36', finding out its top speed at low altitude despite running on nothing but 2 Panther jet engines.


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23 minutes ago, DunnoAnyThing said:

Updated my save to 1.4.5. This save was initially made in 1.3.0

At a bit of a loss here...  So what exactly does that entail?  

Did you do something to make certain upgrades work (different launch pads) in the old save?

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Making refinements to my Krux OFD (Orbital Fuel Dump).  The basic 'jacks' design is courtesy of swjr-swis and has proved very strong and durable.

I've decided to incorporate the Krew compartment directly rather than dock it later.

[Click the first shot and then use right arrow for a full-sized slide show.]


Using a Brikoleur "Wangari Maathai" as a lifter in this shot, but I've shifted to my new Methuselah ultra-heavy lifter now.

The VAB looks like a cathedral in these shots...


And now I'm building a Kraken-trap to see how stable this could be with, say, 5 ganged up...


Five is definitely overkill with a half million kallons fuel capacity, but I'd surely like to have the docking capability!

We'll see.

Edited by Hotel26
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13 minutes ago, Stunkfish said:

looking quite green this...i think the kerbals will like it!

Try putting [ img ] and [ /img ] brackets (without the spaces) around the URL, like this:


to embed the screenshot, if that's what you wanted.  Or go to your screenshot in imgur and click "Copy" on the BBCODE and then paste it from your clipboard.

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2 minutes ago, Hotel26 said:

Try putting [ img ] and [ /img ]brackets around the URL, like this:


to embed the screenshot, if that's what you wanted.  Or go to your screenshot in imgur and click "Copy" on the BBCODE and then paste it from your clipboard.

Ahhhh, thx :targetpro:
sometimes, when I rightclick on the image in imgur and choose "copy image location", and paste here in the forum...the pic shows right up.
Sometimes it doesn't...I am a bit confused by this. There are several ways to copy links/locations/shares on imgur. And they seem to not behave consistent in this forum for me. I am fiddling every time.

Any "bullet proof" way to integrate pics here?

Thx again for letting me know the bracket way, worked on this one time. And I will remember it.


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11 hours ago, The_Cat_In_Space said:

Ok. 1900 parts = my computer wanting to cry 

Cry?  More likely trembling at the thought of melting into a pile of gelatinous goo from the amount of heat generated by the CPU/GPU trying to launch that thing.  At least, that's how my computer reacted to those photos. :)

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1 minute ago, Stunkfish said:

Thx again for letting me know the bracket way

I always punch the BBCODE Copy button.  It's the link to the png with the brackets added.  That always seems to work for this forum.

You're right: there are multiple ways and it's a bit confusing, too.  Good luck and have fun with CommNet!!  (I ignored it for a year and then discovered its intricacies are a blast!)

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So, doing some testing in Sandbox, got polar orbit survey probes up around Mun and Minmus.  I have a 3rd probe waiting in LKO (along with a fuel tanker) for a maneuver window to head to Duna.  Now comes the hard part.....trying to build a decent lander that is capable of mining/conversion to refuel itself once it gets to the surface.  Tried a few options so far that I just haven't liked.  I know I've seen a few examples here of some good ones, but haven't been able to find them again in the 1700 plus pages of the thread.  :(  Worst case, I'll make two separate craft......one that does the mining and contains a rover to haul converted fuel over to a 2nd lander ship.

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On 8/4/2018 at 11:25 AM, linuxgurugamer said:

Last week I finished construction of my Space Camp space station.  Designed to keep 12 Kerbals happy for 40 days, it includes a centrifuge and Emergency Escape Pods for all, as well as 15 tons of supplies.


Very cool! I read once a while back that a bunch of open docking ports can slow down your computer. I believe the reasoning was that the game wants to constantly check open ports to see if there's something in range to connect to.

Have you heard of this or is that outdated info?

On 8/5/2018 at 8:00 AM, EvenFlow said:

You technically shouldn't be making boats fly but engineering stereotypes are not telling me how to live my life for sure, pfsh.


Looks like something out of Nausicca Valley of the Winds  :)

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