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What did you do in KSP1 today?


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My first asteroid and a successful flight test of Mosquito.


Not a big one, RXR-929, but being on a collision course with Kerbin meant half the time within which to work and necessitated a rather large apogee..

Altogether, pretty satisfying!

[And, yeah, tip of the hat to @Atkara for the push to get this bucket-list item done!]

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*sigh* After realizing the original 2-seat EAV couldn’t survive entry at Eve, the EAV-2 passed simulated testing (Mission Builder) and was sent to Eve. After establishing a very low 90x95km orbit, I realized that this iteration didn’t have any science gear, or the “elevator” pod!

Luckily, the original EAV is still in orbit, and managed to rendezvous with the EAV-2 ( no mean feat at 800 tons and 600 tons). Now I just have to move the science gear over, thank Kod for KAS! Hopefully I can move the Telepod over too, but I’m not optimistic. Rendezvous maneuvers dropped my Pe to just under 88km, and now I only have 6 minutes until entry, but I don’t think that will be too hazardous. I just hit F5 and am taking a break. 

And I was so hoping to be waddling around the surface by now...

EDIT: Yeah, that's not working. Having these massive ships sailing broadside (turning them is hard) through the upper atmo is dropping my AP too much And Seandan got cooked working out there. Time to back it up and arrange a rendezvous at a slightly higher altitude. Also need to reboot the game and let my laptop cool off...


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I made more renders for my Cassini plaque.I will upload them later.



Changed the Enceladus image size

From :





Yeah just changed from 720p to 1080


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I've spent about half the day today fighting what I'm now convinced is a bug in MechJeb.

Last night, I tried to launch the vessel I last posted (Orbiter One) in my "Take Five" RSS/RO/RP-1/Principia career.  Since I've managed to find information on what settings to use in MechJeb's Ascent Guidance module, I tried to launch with that (as I'll need it soon to launch in specific inclinations -- for sun-synchronous orbits, and when I'm ready to send probes to the Moon).

Unfortunately, the first time I launched, MechJeb failed to keep close enough to the prograde vector, and the vessel broke up at around Mach 1.5 and 14 km altitude.  A minor change to the vessel (increase the Tiny Tim boosters from three to six) and a change in MechJeb's AoA limit setting, and I ran a simulation to verify the changes without risking another vessel (and taking nearly three months of my contract period to do so).


I found that now, for no reason I can find, MechJeb fails to start the timer to count down the vertical ascent time after launch before initiating the pitch over into the gravity turn.  What should be a ten second delay (or whatever other value I input) fails to end after as much as a minute or more.  This occurs, not just in simulation, but also with "live" launches in my sandbox.  Naturally, I'm not very interested in expending 100+ days and around :funds:10,000 (vessel and roll-out costs) in my career just to find out if the same thing happens there (I'm pretty sure it will).  Above, you can see MechJeb reporting "Vertical ascent 15.00 s" -- still, more than a minute into vertical flight.  MechJeb is working for some things; after starting, it stages the launch clamps once the core engine comes up to thrust, ignites and stages away the Tiny Tim boosters. 



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Redneck Space Program: Complete with lifted 4x4, trailer, and two waverunners. Perfect for hooning about and mudding. The 4x4 is fully submarine capable. This is what happens when you mix rednecks and radioisotopes. AG1 to roll coal, AG2 for the waverunners.

https://www.dropbox.com/s/b2cgi9amyq4oqlc/Redneck Hoon Program.craft?dl=0



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Been a busy weekend, so about the only thing I got done was I finally visited the sites around the KSC...

The Mk. I pod memorial...


The Monolith....


The Old Airfield....


Friday I continued working on airbreathing heavy lifters for a few mining missions I have planned here on Kerbin, sort of a trial run set up before I moved on to other celestial bodies. Well.... I'm.... I'm embarrassed....


.... I mean, to be fair, they all survived... :/

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Testing an ore-powered thruster, basically mass driver cannon firing ore as propellant


Combined with LBSI's electric generators, Solaris Hypernautics Dust accumulator/ compressor and Near Future Electrical high-capacity batteries, it is basically a self-sufficient craft with perpetual propulsion. It's able to go anywhere with literally unlimited fuel (Electricity charges magnetic coils, which attracts cosmic dust, and compress it into ore chunks for propulsion). The only drawback is, despite being able to go anywhere, it cannot land anywhere, due to the tall engine profile, no RCS due to the weight constraints and extremely low thrust (60 Kn)

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The last tests of the W262.

Final adjustments to the control surfaces, pretty satisfied with it.

Next is the lifting capability, carries the large belly tanks with no issue. It comes with its own belly tank so this is only just purely to test its performance.



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All I did was return a science experiment from Minmus. Now my space center is under about 20 meters of water. Still, not the worst its been. Worst I've seen it was when the water level was above the VAB's helipads. Silly Scatterer.

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4 minutes ago, Cyrious said:


All I did was return a science experiment from Minmus. Now my space center is under about 20 meters of water. Still, not the worst its been. Worst I've seen it was when the water level was above the VAB's helipads. Silly Scatterer.

Kerbal warming?

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Took a quick trip to Kerbol to see how close I could get... as the PSP was launched today, it seemed appropriate.

Things started heating up significantly at around 100,000km and the first of the 16 stacked heatshields exploded at a bit over 80,000. The last of them failed (along with the probe core) at 77,509km.








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Debating whether it's worth it to not to part clip. I wouldn't do anything nefarious, just partially embedding tanks into other parts to change the shape of them as well as the practical benefit of extra fuel without dumb looking parallel radially attached tanks.


I really like how your SSTO looks @NHunter You may have just corrupted my wholesome, stock, no-shenanigan tendencies singlehandedly.

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4 minutes ago, Delay said:

Kerbal warming?

Dunno, I've also seen it go the opposite direction by a significant amount. Fine thing to return to the space center only to find the coastline is several kilometers away because the sealevel dropped by almost 200 meters while I was out.

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Well, random flooding of the KSC aside, now that I've returned a Mun crew, I need to panic-launch manned and unmanned landers for Ike and Duna to the Duna control station in orbit, then start loading both Duna ships/mobile space stations with crew for the imminent opening of the Duna transfer window.

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4 minutes ago, AntINFINAIt said:

And also it's my birthday today

Well Happy birthday! I'll be actively not celebrating mine in two days. Birthdays just make you older, and who needs that?


In the quest for cash in my latest career save, I have been doing tourist missions until I couldn't stand it anymore. Then, I noticed there were missions for expanding my Munar station. These are more fun but the station is getting a bit large.


Just two more contracts to go. But, one of them is expand crew capacity by 10. And that means I'll have to upgrade the power systems for the life support and by then there will probably be another contract to expand and on and on.


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4 minutes ago, AngrybobH said:

Well Happy birthday! I'll be actively not celebrating mine in two days. Birthdays just make you older, and who needs that?


In the quest for cash in my latest career save, I have been doing tourist missions until I couldn't stand it anymore. Then, I noticed there were missions for expanding my Munar station. These are more fun but the station is getting a bit large.


Just two more contracts to go. But, one of them is expand crew capacity by 10. And that means I'll have to upgrade the power systems for the life support and by then there will probably be another contract to expand and on and on.


Thank You ! And yes yes , you are right!

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Quick check: Duna landings don't require heatshields when coming in from Mid Duna orbit right? I have some unmanned science landers I'm setting up and 2 of them have to come down on Duna (other 2 are for Ike). Bad enough they need parachutes and atmospheric only science hardware.

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