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What did you do in KSP1 today?


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Discovered it really does help to have most of the weight in the back of your plane.

Only if most of your lift is back there too. Easiest thing to do is make sure your CofG is slightly in front of your centre of lift.

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For the design I wanted to build I needed the wings closer to the back (at least far enough back to not interfere with the operation of the ejection system); I couldn't move the wings forward further and still had the center of lift well behind the center of gravity (off the ball). She flew, but not well, which is why I was thinking it needed more weight towards the back.

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Continued playing around with my shuttle in sandbox (there's four more images at the end of this album)

In career mode I decided to put together a new launcher/satellite system and a research jet to squeeze a little more science out of the Kerbin system.

Welcome to the shuttlebug club!


Mother Ursa Welcomes you!

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I just finished a 100km real-time drive on the Mun, from my Kethane Base to the nearby mun arch where I did my first Mun mission of this sandbox save (the 100km counts the return trip too). It took *forever*, and managing speed / not toppling end over end in low gravity was a supremely painful experience, and yes I had to reload backup quicksaves multiple times... But it was worth it to get this screenshot!


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Built a 1200t, 51 Kerbal, Mun rocket.


It doesn't work (no surprises there) but I haven't killed any Kerbals with it. I refuse to send it up fully crewed until it stops crashing.

Needs more struts.

It's probably capable of Duna with the amount of fuel it has on it and considering how light Hitchhiker Storage Containers are, but I'll just start out on easymode.

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Began a "Science Blitz" campaign on Minmus. All my repeatable experiments (seismometer (landed), gravioli detector (landed and orbital), thermometer (landed), KDEX dust sensor (landed), crew report (landed), EVA Report (landed), surface sample (landed)) are going to be repeated in all of the different Biomes on Minmus. Just completed Polar, Greater Flats and Highlands (THERE CAN ONLY BE ONE!!!! :P). Next stop: Great Flats.

EDIT: BTW, I'm using this map of Minmus's biomes, assembled by the friendly neighborhood ninja at Orbiter Forum to help me find my way.

Edited by MaverickSawyer
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updated some mods and suddenly, my science mun lander had less dV than before.... too little to land and return to munar orbit.... what to do now? go home and forget the whole thing? scrap my science station and crash the lander frustrated into the mun?

salvaged the whole mission by flying the whole science space station with the docked lander to minmus and collect science there :) like a baws!

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Tried to dock my Fuel Tug with LKO Science Station, however I broke most of the solar panels (re-design need to remove solar panels from docking arms!) on the first attempt. On the second attempt, it dock but Mission Control sent the wrong message and the thrust kicked in again, ripping the command module from the station. On evacuation one scientists pod didn't survive re-entry, and now Mission Control is prepping a rescue craft to meet up with the out of control Tug and Command Module before it's too late!

RIP Dr Shelrick Kerman

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Today I tested my interplanetary 8 passenger plane:







And now it's stranded there with barely enough fuel to make orbit :(

So naturally I designed a plane specifically for rescuing those three goons. Lighter cockpit, no RCS, just ONE hitchiker module, and MOAR fuel...




Night landing...darn...





...And failed. The 2nd plane could rech only halfway back to Earth so I travelled back in time with [F9].

Now I have 4 goons to rescue and an even bigger plane to build :confused:

Edit:No mods or cheat codes. Pure stock gameplay ;P

Edited by Overfloater
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Well. Yestarday I found out the Grav detector could be used in low orbit around the Mün. Developed a craft that could gather all the bits. Going to do that for Minmus next.

Have a nice picture of one of two Stations around the Mün this one has a lander that has return from the Mün:


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It's less a question of what I did, and more of what am I going to do...

I'm going to leave a mapping satellite in orbit around Kerbin while I'm at work for 8 hours today. Should turn up a nearly complete map. :) If not, I'll retrieve it, collect the data, and then launch another one with some more dV to fill the gaps.

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