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What did you do in KSP1 today?


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I built a bigger kethane drilling ship to speed up refueling operations.


I have never flown anything so underpowered. Taking off from Minmus looks ridiculous, when there are just four nuclear engines to move the 221.9-tonne ship. It's surprisingly maneuverable, however, so it looks like it's just hovering in place, when it turns immediately after takeoff.

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Ran my single launch, kethane enabled RSS Mars mission through some tests, and successfully launched the entire payload into LEO.

It looks like the mission might be doable =D

The whole package weights 91 tons, so it's also the largest useful payload I've launched in RSS :)



Your launch vehicle is very inefficient. Your boosters are barely lifting themselves let along contributing to pushing a payload to orbit.

This launched over 100 tons into orbit. Even though mod parts were used, it can be done with a similar amount of stock.



Stock without SRBs but only the nuke powered section achieves orbit. With about 12 or 18 of the big stock SRBs, the payload in orbit should be similar.


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My most capable space plane to date. Foldable wings, manoeuvrable low level, some missiles for fun (or can be used as a climb boost), capable of climbing up to a 150km circular orbit, can dock and refuel and/or able to return to KSC on a single tank of fuel if required. It's also Kethane equipped with 2 drills, a tank and converter, has an ejectable command pod with parachutes in case things go really wrong, and has some drogue parachutes if I need to stop quickly :)

Some images: http://imgur.com/a/taQAx

Enjoy :)

Edited by Zatie12
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Last night I finished tweaking the design of my tow cart/tanker. Jeb can now get in and out of the cab, climb down, go plug in the winch cable and climb back in. I haven't actually used it in an operational situation yet; that was supposed to happen last night, when I sent the Auk VIII on its first operational mission to refill a Thunderbolt Very Heavy 7. For some reason, the aft ballast tank fell off the plane after I switched over to IFR, taking the center jet and its fuel tank with it - the winch plug was on the center jet's fuel tank. So, so much for the notion of filling up the Auk and towing it back to the near end of the runway this time around.

Actually, that flight had a lot of weirdness to it - aside from the engine falling off for no apparent reason, when I came back to atmo, at 10,000 meters and 400 m/s, over 1 full unit of IntakeAir, I fired up my engines - one of them refused to output more than 7 kN of thrust, so I had to kill the corresponding engine on the opposite side. Landed the Auk on four engines; just glad I didn't lose any more. And then I couldn't keep aligned with the runway; I knew I was high coming in and I had a pretty hairy landing on the taxiway. But at least I didn't blow her up.

To top it off, I refueled the wrong target - I wound up going to an older version Thunderbolt in orbit (one with a quad port that I had attempted (and failed) to dock an adapter module to. Plus side of that - I have an excuse to make another flight today, see if the engine falling off is going to be a persistent problem or if it was just a fluke. I'm still anxious to see if the tow cart is going to be able to do the job I want it to do or not.

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I finally reached the North Pole! This is the latest uploaded video of my personal challenge to circumnavigate Kerbin on a rover, no mods, no hacks, only stock because HARDCORE.

Hat tip to Cupcake for the inspiration for my refurbished VTOL Flatbed Carrier "Hermes", don´t forget to visit his Dropship Dealership here on the forums to download his latest designs.


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My most capable space plane to date. Foldable wings, manoeuvrable low level, some missiles for fun (or can be used as a climb boost), capable of climbing up to a 150km circular orbit, can dock and refuel and/or able to return to KSC on a single tank of fuel if required. It's also Kethane equipped with 2 drills, a tank and converter, has an ejectable command pod with parachutes in case things go really wrong, and has some drogue parachutes if I need to stop quickly :)

Some images: http://imgur.com/a/taQAx

Enjoy :)

Can we see a video of this thing flying?

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Yesterday I descended into madness trying to land on the Mun in 0.12.0. I tried and failed for 10 hours.

<iframe class="imgur-album" width="100%" height="550" frameborder="0" src="http://imgur.com/a/m6uEt/embed"></iframe>

Today I tried to keep my sanity and land on the Mun in 0.12.0.

<iframe class="imgur-album" width="100%" height="550" frameborder="0" src="http://imgur.com/a/iCeqz/embed"></iframe>

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I think you missed the where the op said "RSS".

Your launch vehicle is very inefficient. Your boosters are barely lifting themselves let along contributing to pushing a payload to orbit.

This launched over 100 tons into orbit. Even though mod parts were used, it can be done with a similar amount of stock.



Stock without SRBs but only the nuke powered section achieves orbit. With about 12 or 18 of the big stock SRBs, the payload in orbit should be similar.


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Your launch vehicle is very inefficient. Your boosters are barely lifting themselves let along contributing to pushing a payload to orbit.

This launched over 100 tons into orbit. Even though mod parts were used, it can be done with a similar amount of stock.



Stock without SRBs but only the nuke powered section achieves orbit. With about 12 or 18 of the big stock SRBs, the payload in orbit should be similar.


Well, since it was made it for the Real Solar System mod my rocket is infinitely more efficient than those because it actually has the 9 km/s required for orbit :)

But I jest. The booster stage could be slightly more efficient if I could get the TWR up a little, but I tried that, and when rockets become this big the Kraken hides behind every joint.


Edited by maccollo
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Well, since it was made it for the Real Solar System mod my rocket is infinitely more efficient than those because it actually has the 9 km/s required for orbit :)

But I jest. The booster stage could be slightly more efficient if I could get the TWR up a little, but I tried that, and when rockets become this big the Kraken hides behind every joint.


SRV Ron obviously missed the RSS part. When I read your post and saw that rocket I had to go back up and make sure that you said "RSS"! That's pretty monstrous, god know what something like that would do in normal KSP.

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Project Iron Orb, throwing together silly planes.

Iron Orb A (landed almost intact!)


Iron Orb B (skidded to a halt along the runway, with only the centre section intact)


Iron Orb C (silliest SSTO spaceplane I've ever flown - got up to 35000m or so, flipped on end and lit up the Aerospike to orbit) :cool:


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