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What did you do in KSP1 today?


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More spaceplanes. Tried to make a small one, but ran into a few problems. A 50kN thrust radial engine with a high atmospheric ISP would be perfect, but alas. Also, asymmetry is hard to make work. Revisited an older design that achieved orbit (barely) and made some modifications, but didn't get to see it to orbit because I forgot to plug in my laptop, and the battery died a couple of thousand metres into the climb.

Going to do even more spaceplaney things, because I am absolutely determined to make an SSTO spaceplane that can dock with Station Aleph without the High Altitude Flight and Advanced Aerodynamics nodes and their dependents. Perhaps an LV-T30, then two Basic Jet engines on Engine Nacelles with circular intakes on the front... well, we'll see.

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Today a light somewhere in the vacuum between my ears turned on and I finally understood that TWR and the time of the burn don't make one damn bit of difference in where you are going once you leave atmosphere, allowing me to FINALLY (after 76 hours of game time) to build a ship that will take a Kerbal from the landing pad to the surface of the Mun and back. So instead of doing that, I used the 3 Kerbal capsule with a 7700Dv and took off. Just as I was about to dance with glee, my lander with the Nuke engine and heavy landing gear exploded on contact with the Mun, going less than 1m/s hz and 1.2m/s v.

My landing gear were not as long as the nuke engine. No problem. Reload at 75k and do the 10 minute landing again, but this time I decouple the engine as designed. Victory! Oh wait...the landing gear were on that stage...No sweat, my monoprop tank will break off the decoupler and I can take off. Oh wait, my return engines were mounted to the monoprop tank....sigh.


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I launched the last probe from a scout ship orbiting Laythe, and piloted it to Pol. It was an interesting challenge, because the probe could only sustain about 15% thrust, producing something like 0.3 m/s2 acceleration. Maneuver nodes were almost completely useless, so I had to do most of the planning manually.


I ended up doing something like this:

  1. Burn prograde near periapsis over several orbits, until apoapsis is almost out of Laythe's SoI.
  2. Do the final escape burn when periapsis is approximately retrograde from Laythe. Laythe's gravity will turn the escape trajectory by approximately 90°, so the probe will depart prograde from Laythe.
  3. After leaving Laythe's SoI, continue burning prograde, until apoapsis touches Pol's orbit.
  4. Match Pol's inclination at the next ascending node.
  5. Burn prograde at apoapsis, until you get an orbital period that should ensure an approximate encounter after two orbits.
  6. Wait until the last orbit before the encounter, and fine tune the approximate encounter into a close encounter.



I was a bit lucky, because I didn't have to do any course corrections to avoid encounters with the other moons of Jool. And while MechJeb sure looks ugly, the information it provides is really useful for manual piloting.

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After getting the probe to its destination, I decided that it's time to launch some interplanetary ships.

First went Jebediah's unnamed rocket to Gilly. It's basically something that can land on Gilly and Kerbin safely, attached to a transfer stage with enough fuel that it doesn't have to care about launch windows and enough nuclear engines that Jeb doesn't get bored.


Next was the Nostromo carrying habitation modules to the Laythe colony. I wasn't even sure it would survive the escape burn, but contrary to my expectations, the ship was nice and stable under thrust - and not so nice when I shut the engines down. Next time I'll use big docking ports for the main cargo, even though it will increase the already too high part count.

Due to its low TWR and poor maneuverability, I decided to launch the Nostromo from a 1600 km orbit. Then I had some bad luck with a Mun encounter after the launch, but the ship still ended up heading to the general direction of Jool.


The final ship was a fuel tanker carrying a refueling station to Laythe, before heading to drill kethane at Pol or Bop. I didn't notice that the ship was on a 80 km orbit, so it went below 60 km during the burn. Add another unlucky encounter with Mun, and the tanker will need almost 600 m/s course corrections to reach Jool.


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Built a challange (okay, refined a crummier challenge) and then attempted to build a 16-tonne spaceplane capable of completing it. Ran out of gas at 27,000 and 1700 m/s - still trying to figure out why that happened, all the numbers said it should've made it. I'm thinking I've got to be doing something wrong during the ascent.

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Ahahahaha! Success! Revisited one of my earliest spaceplane designs, stuck a pair of Cylindrified tanks, a pair of circular intakes, some RCS thruster blocks and a docking port on it and managed to dock it with Station Aleph. And all without High Altitude Flight or Advanced Aerodynamics, so no structural wings, no turbojets, no ram intakes, no aerospikes and absolutely no RAPIERs. Refuelled a touch at the station, then returned to Kerbin's surface. Now to refine it... and put on a solar panel or something, even if there was plenty of battery. Might add a touch more fuel, maybe switch the cockpit, possibly use Delta Wings, fix the struts, put the undocking on an action group (awkward location)... et cetera... But anyway, turbojets and the like are an entirely unnecessary addition to spaceplanes for most uses. That's proof positive.


Also this.

Edited by Concentric
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I believe this sums up what I did today nicely:


Had to detach the nuke that I had docked to the craft just to make it able to land as well as manuelly switch to jet mode as the auto switch refused to do it. Might have to add 1 or 2 more reaction wheels to help make the craft more stable in space as well as in flight on Laythe at least.


Oh yeah. Had to unlock the front steering wheel just so I could use my momentom from landinging to turn the craft around.

Edited by Aragosnat
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Well successfully lited off Laythe and this was what I had left for a 330 km + circular orbit roughly:


Now. I need to wait and see if. My refueler / pusher can get to laythe and then push it back to Kerbin. With hopefully enough fuel to then have the SSTO land back onto Kerbin (hopefully on flat land and not water, at least I have a chute if need me).

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