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What did you do in KSP1 today?


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Instead of going to space today, I spend the day building a mining rig and a blimp to tranpost it, I was gonna design a heli but to be honest I'm crap at hovering to gonna use a blimp to move it around instead!

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Attempting to build a Kerbin --> Eve landing (less than 1000m elevation) --> LEO vehicle that requires no docking or refueling going to Eve. (I may have to make this a challenge)

I need to get another 1200dV out of it.

Edited by EdFred
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I killed Kerbals in a spaceflight for the first time in my .23.5 save. I was testing my ship to fine tune the number of parachutes. Two were not enough. The two who lost their lives were the same who'd made my first Mun landing :'(

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Completed my drive at least halfway around Duna - from a base camp on the equator in the vicinity of 60 degrees E, to the South Pole, and then up the other side to the Face. After an overnight stay, I'll be returning via the grand valley. (Thought about going up and over the north pole too, but it's a much smoother drive this way. Just have to land a single kerb there by lander before the ship leaves orbit.)

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Not today, but yesterday and the day before, I made a single stage to Gilly with NearFuture propulsion. Don't have any screenshots of it on Gilly ATM, but do have one of it in LKO.


It would probably be really easy to land if I didn't have DRC, but because DRC, I'm forced to decouple the cockpit and land that, thus making it a single stage to Gilly, but not a single stage to Gilly and back.

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I made some improvements to my reusable winged flyback booster. I've eliminated the parachutes, as it can now fly well enough to make horizontal landings!

It's also been fitted with two jet engines, so it's not limited to landing sites within gliding distance.


how do you get the nosecone/fairing thing?

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Made an SRB plane.


The tricky part was tweaking the thrust limiter on the SRB so that it gave me enough acceleration, but burned long enough for me to get to the island runway. In the end I had to do a couple of loops to let the fuel burn off before I could land. Granted, it does have very good glide characteristics.

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I finished a successful SSTO round trip to and from my space station. I touched down safely, dropped off the pilot, dropped off the research satellite, and recovered both. Then I tried to take off again, realised that I was still using the taxiing wheels, the tyres burst and the plane flipped, crashed and exploded. Fortunately, the pilot was not on board.

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Decided to visit some of the anomalies on the Mun. I've never been to any of those and I don't want to do any big interplanetary missions before Jeb and co. return from Duna in few weeks. Landed a small rover on the surface of Mun, unfortunately it ended up being way off so I had to drive more than 40km through highlands. I think I climbed around 2,5km vertically on the way. Only did a couple of backflips, one cost me 2 solar panels and a SCANsat thingamajig, fortunately at that time the target had already been visible. The other flip broke yet another solar panel so I reached the arch on 1 working panel out of original 4. Now I'm not saying I wouldn't do it again, but my landing accuracy definitely needs to improve:)

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how do you get the nosecone/fairing thing?

The nosecone sits on top of the Procedural Fairings mod Interstage Fairing Base. The fairings surround the nosecone and support the payload, on top.

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I am headed with Bill, Melrod, and Herson on Munstar 1 (yes, that is a bad pun) on the goal of landing on the Mun with a Kerbaled craft. This will be my first try at landing on the Mun

Edited by Zedwardson
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Well... yet again its spaceplane time. I tried a more visual streamlined approach this time. Some parts are clipping, but they are simply put there without cheating enabled or to "convince" the editor by fiddeling with the conncections. This dude weighs 40 tons an reached 120 km circular orbit with 1.4k of delta V left. Not the performance i liked to see and it flies like a brick - like a brick still being part of a wall to be honest... 15 minutes of fighting, that i would not really call flying... But i like the design and i will try to optimize both flight abilities and delta V left in orbit, maybe tomorrow.




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