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What did you do in KSP1 today?


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I concluded my Minmus Kethane Expedition by docking the ship to my station in MKO. It was an absolute pig of a docking taking three attempts, and shamefully I was only able to do it with the Navball Docking Alignment Indicator.


The docking connection is just between the reactors on the ship and the pair of monoprop tanks on the station. The ship had RCS only fore-and-aft, and main engines thrusting laterally. Add in the ship being 100 tons and pretty slow to respond to pitch and yaw, and the "target prograde" marker being incredibly unstable.

With a tankful of kethane at the station and the ship ready for another mission, I then returned the four crewmembers and a load of science in one of my science return capsules:


Full album: https://www.flickr.com/photos/52548818@N05/sets/72157644688356583/

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I've been testing designs for a very large rover / base for the Mun. This is not going to end well. How am I even going to get it there when I'm finished? I have no idea.


Edit: Well I scrapped that idea pretty quickly but I sent up a tiny probe to my ship waiting patiently in orbit to go to Jool. I think I might send up at least one more and another science pod because I have an idea. I'd like to drop one on Jool (transmit atmospheric data) and one on Laythe, then go land on whatever other moons I can hit. I may be able to land on Laythe but I'll have to see if I have the DV in my lander. I'd LIKE to drop a science Jr and two goo pods on both (Jool and Laythe) with the probes, but I'd have to deorbit with RCS because of how they're built if I do that and I'm not sure if it's possible or practical. OR I could drop the probe while aerobraking and hope for the best.


Edited by Duke23
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So many people complain about losing ships due to mods being incorrect or crashing. I made a simple batch file that I run before I start the game each time that copies the entire save to another folder. Easy to fix if something goes wrong!

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I went out on my first asteroid redirect mission. Flew waaaaaay out of kerbin's SOI to grab a class E. After hours of timewarping and burning finally got it back to Kerbin.

Prepared to aerobrake (yeah, aerobrake a class E asteroid. I didn't have much fuel left)...

and then the kraken ate the asteroid and the tug. No matter how many times I tried to reload, the outcame was the same. Kraken noms.

An entire evening spent trying to haul a giant spacerock to a stable orbit, all gone.

Feeling a bit pissed right now.

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