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What did you do in KSP1 today?


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I moved a current copy of my install to my backup drive so I can finish my current career mode in case "soonâ„¢ " is close at hand. Yes I did all the science I could, but I would like to do some big missions now before I start on my next phase of career mode. In .24 all old data will be cleansed, but the ships shall still be around for testing purposes.

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I built a small VTOL Jetplane, planning to drop it on Laythe. It is not spaceworthy, so maybe i replace the rear jet engines with R.A.P.I.E.R.s when it develops further. It is not a beauty, but i like the bulky design. There is a tiny bit of part clipping going on, but only to support the form. No hidden intakes or stacked wings and stuff. Comments on the design are welcome.


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Landed on Gilly. Finally. After one failure (I came down a bit too hard and the lander broke without killing any kerbals, I reloaded the last autosave and the entire craft was gone) and several reload-the-autosaves, I finally got it. Despite the much larger gravity, I found landing on Moho (And, by extension, everywhere else I've landed on) easier due to having an in-space-low boundary above the time warp boundary.


That's one giant leap for a Kerbal, one small (Technically it's not much of a challenge at all compared to the other planets I've landed on) step for Kerbalkind.

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Explorer III in orbit, carrier module with Kethane converter plus exploration lander and automatic mining lander docked, three part Tylo assist module due in one hour for docking.

Build a spaceplane that got somehow into orbit but would not land safe - got the two pilots out and safely to the ground, thank you EVA parachutes mod!

<iframe class="imgur-album" width="100%" height="550" frameborder="0" src="http://imgur.com/a/lJEhD/embed"></iframe>

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Awesome! The rover is pretty cool, too.

Thanks, the rover was mostly a product of frustration because whenever I'm in low gravity or even in the mountains on Kerbin that rover (without the 'outrigger' wheels) would just slide around and flip for no reason. I may have created another problem, now it seems to oversteer pretty bad sometimes. Well at least it won't flip... I think :P

Bothersome ramps are nothing but a distant memory,

as today i have designed & tested a successful lowering mechanism. like on G4Virus' planes.


Now I can load everything back inside, even when on other planets.

Good idea, my boxplane I posted earlier just lowers the rear gear and the built in ramp will barely touch the ground. Not very pretty and probably not very aerodynamically friendly, but it works. I didn't really think about the impact a tilted wing part might have on my flight until it was already in the air but it's pretty stable and doesn't scrape on takeoff so I can't complain too much.

Edited by Duke23
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I captured my first assteroid (:P) today. Mind you it's only a class A roid, but I vastly underestimated how much fuel I needed.... and captured it with nothing else but RCS thrusters (and here I thought I brought too much Monoprop with me.... ) I have 73 days of supplies left in the capturing ship... And a feeling of complete dumb luck.... Like it shouldn't have worked, but did. Not too shabby for my 2nd interplanetary trip!

Almost forgot, this was in my career game.

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I did quite a bit of stuff today. I managed to initiate a couple of new recruits. I went to Minmus once. I landed on the Mun four times including two single man launches back to back (when I finished the transfer burn on the first one I then proceeded to launch the second one). The second one captured first and it was set into a polar orbit. Lots of science. Much joy.

However, the thing I am most proud of from today, the thing that I believe only ranks behind first Munar landing and first successful docking:

I flew a total of 33k (reaching an altitude of about 25k) and landed back at the KSC runway.

I, for whatever reason, am terrible at building and flying aircraft in this game. I feel so proud of nothing more than landing from 15k away and 25k high.

Even more, it was only after sending poor Airman Franklin Kerman up to about 5k that I realized I hadn't built in an emergency evac system. If I wanted him back I would HAVE to land. Then I dealt with my first flame-out at 25k, entered a flat spin (One of my two engines flamed quite a bit earlier), freaked out with Franklin (you know the facial expression he was making), then proceeded to get my aircraft back under control at about 17k. At that point, I turned it around and began my return to the runway.

I had some difficulty getting the proper angle for my approach, but in the end I landed on the actual runway without any damage to the aircraft (one of those two conditions is almost always met when I am trying to land).

Franklin Kerman was promoted to Senior Airman and is being hailed as a pilot prodigy. He has been signed up for future aircraft missions. He proceeded to make the same expression from earlier.

Anyway, what with all the stuff that was accomplished there were quite a few promotions for the Kerbals.

Now if my engineering Kerbals can just figure out how to equip a plane with Science! bombs I'll be in business. For some reason the Science! Jr. pod didn't want to orient itself right on the decoupler.

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Preparing for 0.24 as well and did a fresh stock re-install (plus minor mods like Kerbal Engineer, Precise Node and Enhanced Navball).

Created me a couple lifter systems while still waiting for the patch.

A regular heavy lifter that puts 400 tons into orbit...


And a vertical SSTO-lifter that can bring 200 tons into LKO without any further expenditures except for fuel. Here its sitting on the launchpad with a tanker as test-payload. :)


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Bill Kerman on the Minmus anomaly: "Well, I don't see $#%+."


So, probably just a glitch. The coordinates if anyone still wants to check themselves:


Um, not sure what your looking for there, as I've found the one minimus Anomaly, and it's not at those coords. What led you to look there?

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I captured my first assteroid (:P) today.

Same. Just caught it earlier this afternoon. Mine was a Class C... big sucker (90 tons I think, I have no idea why I went with such a big one as my first one...) I originally just wanted to put a probe body on it to follow it, see if it might crash into the ocean or whatever. Turns out the rocket had more than enough delta-V to bring it into a nice stable Kerbin orbit.

Except... I didn't realize I put it into a retro-grade orbit (it was orbiting clockwise while everything else orbits counter-clockwise). Changing an inclined, eccentric orbit that's going the wrong way is... hard. A lot harder than I thought it would be. I had to send up 3 different ships to rendez-vous with it and adjust it's orbit. As it is it's still a pretty wonky orbit, but at least it's orbiting in the right direction...

Edited by PTNLemay
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Sent the first of four boosters to Space Station Odyssey, intended to transport it from LKO to Dres in order to support my manned Eeloo mission. Also sent Steve Kerman up in an SSTO to add struts and stuff.

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I finally managed to get a working SSTO spaceplane that didn't randomly veer off the runway (much) during launch, disintegrate, or burn up in the atmosphere (FAR + Deadly Reentry)

Aaand.. botched the descent by trying to turn on the turbojets too early, which instantly exploded from overheat.

Aaand... managed to glided it down to a safe landing from 60km with NO ENGINES and NO PARACHUTES.

I'm pretty proud of myself right now. :cool:

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Airplane testing is going about as well as expected. My Kerbals have worked out that the center of lift needs to be behind the center of mass for stability (a few green heroes perished learning that lesson), but the knack of not wobbling violently from side to side while trundling down the runway still eludes them. Oh well, this chap managed to fly about 50m from the runway (for definitions of "fly" that include tumbling through the air in a disintegrating craft while desperately stabbing at the parachute button).


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Sent a rocket chasing after my Jool expedition with some stuff they forgot - Material Bays and Goo Cannisters. The landers can carry those modules down on their top docking ports, and bring them back up to be cleaned out and reused.

I sent a similar module out to my recently established Minmus station. After the first few landings, Minmus was mostly passed by in favor of space stations and interplanetary vessels. I'm finally getting around to mining it for All The Science.

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The Jool window opened. And because motherships are so passé, I sent a convoy:


Umm, they're all supposed to be going to the same place. Looks like I messed up a couple of the burns... :blush:

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