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What did you do in KSP1 today?


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Did nothing yestarday and today with KSP except get the 502 bad gate error while browsing and posting on this website.. Which I never got till their web provider fixed things. As well as thinking of playing KSP as we wait for the patch.

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EVE!! It's turning into the bane of my existence!!!

Tested another ion plane for Eve. Sadly i went through the whole process of getting it to Eve and landing it only to discover those tiny wheels really are not good for airplanes...... They just keep blowing up!!!!!!


Tested a rocket propelled plane for Eve. Flew over to the mountains west of KSC and found the monolith I've been searching for..... hours... hours searching for! And i just landed and there it was...



Launched some fuel in preparation to leave for Eve




Fueled up and ready to burn!



Ed sees Eve for the first time... He may have pooped... if he didn't now he's going to later....



(Aerobraking into a 130 by 700km Eve orbit. Ed never pooped! only smiled!)


Also tested some roving base modules....



After much testing and making it all the way to Eve i managed to land them within 20km of each other!! just by dropping them by parachute. I'm rather impressed with myself!!




This took me the weekend. Just realized i haven't posted in a while!! Sorry for all the pictures!!

Edited by Cerberus738
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Paused KSP for a few days to check out the latest Dwarf Fortress build. Since it isn't very stable yet, I went back to KSP yesterday.

The test of the Laythe lander/plane on Kerbin worked out well. While it took me a few attempts to land it in the wilderness, once it was on the ground, it did not disappoint me. Takeoff was easy, as was the return to LKO. Nevertheless, I've decided to postpone the Jool-5 and all other missions that are not running already. I want to fully focus on the Eve landing mission, as I want to finish it before First Contract is released, or at least a short time afterwards.

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Tested a 4-Kerbal crew shuttle, and fixed some problems it had with landing. I'm working on rendezvouz practice around the Mun, to prepare for a rescue of Jebediah and Thompble Kerman, who are in an inclined orbit around Eve. I'm going to send a mothership to Eve, pop out the crew shuttle, rendezvouz with the craft, and bring them back home. Easy as pie, right? eheheheh....

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Well Downloading .24, on my crap-tacular connection, while also trying to download a different game (that is in pre-alpha right now). Not sure if I will get either done before I need to crash for the night, and the second one I can only play tonight as it is an early tease ;.; . But once KSP updates I have to clear out all of my old save files and ready myself for the Kolonization series in career mode with contracts!

Of course this is after all the mods I intend to use get updated as well....

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As awesome as 0.24 and the 64 bit client sound, I'm going to wait a while before really getting into it. The reasons being the absolute chaos that is mod support whenever a new patch comes out, and the other being this bad-boy:


I'm finally getting off my but and building that huge reusable interplanetary manned ship that I've always wanted to. Granted it's not in career mode, and I have no idea how far it will take me and my brave crew, but the unmanned portion is actually in orbit and awaiting the rest of the modules and cargo, which is farther than I've gotten before.

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I made my home computer download .24 while I was at work and finally sat down to play... It's AWESOME.... *drools*

So I made my first launch just to grab a tiny bit of tech.



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