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What did you do in KSP1 today?


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Got .24 made a new stock career save, waiting for mods to be updated for my resuming of my .23.5 save.

Some contracts are kinda difficult to due to the multitude of ranges that need to be attained. And no Kerbals were killed today

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*sigh* nothing yet. Came home to find KSP was doing an auto-update (which I had meant to disable :( ) Well, here's hoping my modded career doesn't get broken, had just finished fueling my transport this morning before work and was ready to launch my lander w/probes attached for a trip to Jool.

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Put my first serious effort into KSP in a while. I decided to skip the “first spacecraft is a SSTO†mission I tried when career mode first came out, and tried some reusable landing spacecraft with varying levels of success. Jeb is currently in orbit doing EVA science.

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Preparing for the first Mün mission in 0.24 career. :)


Quite happy with the fact I am not a billionaire yet and actually have to think a little more about mission concepts. Also, if that Mün run doesnt work out as planned, I'd have wasted more than 50% of my budget with that rocket. :D

Edited by TrooperCooper
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I made my home computer download .24 while I was at work and finally sat down to play... It's AWESOME.... *drools*

So I made my first launch just to grab a tiny bit of tech.



Well, at least Jeb seems happy........then again when isn't he happy? What exactly is in those Kerbal snacks he eats anyways?

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Sorry, but it's probably broken. Maybe you can backup the save file before you run the game?

Not sure if you're replying to my earlier message about my mod save, but I've just gone ahead and started a new career anyways to try out the contract system. Getting warnings from the program about some of my mods so I won't be playing that career until I've gotten the updates for them.

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Well. Had a blast with the new 0.24. Slowly expanding my funds. AS you can see here. I'm close to $640k nd only 6 days in with contracts for Duna, Ike and Minmus avialable:


On a side not. I also found out satellites are now useful for spamming certain contracts like orbit data around x planet/moon. Even if you aquire no science. You still complete the contract. The only reason why I think they are letting us, besides making stations and satellites useful, is that either they are very forgetful or making sure their data is correct. Either way. Not complaining. It certainly makes sure I can do missions I want to achieve possable.

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Thoroughly enjoying First Contract. Playing with FAR and DREC right off the bat (along with quickload/save and the reverts turned off) has really made me conscious of safety for my kerbals. I've had several rockets break up so far and yet none have been lost! Success!

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Are you landing, or just orbiting with that thing?

Going to land with it. Top stage should have plenty of dV. Hope maneuverability will be good enough, but I think it will be all right...

Sorry for late reply, went to bed after my post. :)

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Was doing a bit of preparation for the Apollo-like mission, and also some other Mun things. Then, at about midnight GMT when I stopped playing (deciding to write it up after sleeping), I found out that 0.24 had come out. So, I'm making a 0.23.5 copy, writing this up, clearing my screenshot folder and then I'll be starting a 0.24 career. I'll finish FourJade in the 0.23.5 career after the Apollo-like. It's just the timewarp, Kerbin encounter, aerobrake and return left, after all.

Also, not looking too closely at this thread/other 0.24 threads yet.

So, prep-wise, I removed the excess fuel on the ascent stage of my Apollo-like, bringing the payload mass of CSM/LM under 50t (49.64t, unless masses have changed). I'll probably keep it on the 70t-to-LKO FiveByFive lifter I designed. Then, I decided to put a probe by the memorial to serve as a target.



Using my recent experience with cheap Mun missions, I just put a small, simple probe atop three SRBs and a transfer stage.



Control was not easy, but it was good enough. I transferred to a low orbit.




I prepared to deorbit roughly where I estimated the memorial to be, using the coordinates and some guesswork, then came in to land. There was plenty of fuel in the lander stage to fly around a bit and look for the memorial, as the probe wouldn't be coming home.



Found it! The low mass meant that the reaction wheel was too powerful - with SAS on, the probe would shudder as it overcompensated repeatedly.


This'll serve to mark the location on the 20th.


I also decided to put together a lander to go on the nose of a spaceplane. Using advanced canards as landing legs also brings the centre of lift forward to counterbalance its mass, which is 2.5t exactly.



LKO wasn't too difficult, but not enough fuel remained to get it to Mun orbit and drop the lander.



I added fuel and removed monopropellant, also pointing the turbojets all straight. I still only got into LKO... I got further into the transfer, but not to an encounter.


I then tried to fly back to KSC, but came down in the wrong place, then ran out of fuel and into design problems... I have yet to design a spaceplane that can make it back... or even glide when empty.


Had to abort in the end and use the ejection system.

Anyway, now to download 0.24!

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Preparing for the first Mün mission in 0.24 career. :)


Quite happy with the fact I am not a billionaire yet and actually have to think a little more about mission concepts. Also, if that Mün run doesnt work out as planned, I'd have wasted more than 50% of my budget with that rocket. :D

Made it. :)


And returned safely afterwards. To bad I forgot about recovery distance mattering now and landed on the far side of Kerbin. :P

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I docked a small crew vehicle to my space station, it set up some sort of phantom wobbling motion throughout the structure which threatened to destroy the whole station. I had to quickly undock my heavy interplanetary spacecraft *without any crew in it!*, it shot off out into space and it was lucky I could get a Kerbal to EVA over to it and bring it under control. I so rarely have scary moments in KSP these days, it was quite a nailbiter...

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I did my first rescue mission... Went well until I rendezvoused and found out that jeb had hitched a ride in the cockpit... So because Jeb wanted to go to space so much i decided to leave him in orbit and rescue Samble.

Time to rescue Jeb... or maybe i should pick him up and send him to them mun

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I docked a small crew vehicle to my space station, it set up some sort of phantom wobbling motion throughout the structure which threatened to destroy the whole station. I had to quickly undock my heavy interplanetary spacecraft *without any crew in it!*, it shot off out into space and it was lucky I could get a Kerbal to EVA over to it and bring it under control. I so rarely have scary moments in KSP these days, it was quite a nailbiter...

Was you using Quantum Struts??

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Played my first rescue mission in Career mode 0.24

Jeb about to launch, to save the stranded Richlo Kerman.


Jeb on ascent


(I forgot to take photos during the rendezvous maneuvers...too busy doing it!)

Richlo, after the rendezvous maneuvers, just a few hundred meters away...decided to switch to him, because my onboard battery power was running low!


Richlo arrives at Jeb's Rescue ship, with a spare capsule for the stranded Kerbal.


Locating the hatch, Richlo prepares to board the second capsule.


Objective completed! Now to bring him home.


Splashdown of the two capsules. Yep, my sea is ugly (slow computer), sorry. I set it to "2".


Claiming the paycheck! :D


I really like the update. Zero issues for me so far, playing in x64.

Edited by rodion_herrera
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