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What did you do in KSP1 today?


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Set last flag planting base on last moon. Although Ike is one of easiest (if not the easiest) non-Kerbin moon, it was my last target for flag planting base :) What to do next? Huge Munar base to get my framerate under 1 or just start new game?

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Forced tail-end landing when the wings fell off (oops). Successful lithobreaking 4bd10ad250.jpg

EDIT: Going to take a long-haul Linear Atlantic rescue mission, too! c9fc08ae03.jpg

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Sent up the first locking node to Space Station Mere last night. The ring now is just short of halfway complete; seven more missions (two fuel modules, another hab and another lab, and three more locks) and the station will be finished.


Docking the first lock was hairier than I expected; I'm hoping that both sides of it are still docked next time I load up the station. So thrilled that I got a good glamour shot of it; I wonder how much better it would look if I could turn up my graphics settings......

Also caught me a thousand tonnes of rock. This one's got a periapsis low enough to consider a proper capture into an orbit that's ever so slightly more suitable to exploration. I need to remember to outfit my tater catchers with more RCS and some big ASAS modules though...

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KRSS - Explorer I arrived at Eve and did its first aerocapture. I parked the ship at 1000K km and launched the lander to go directly to Gilly. Jeb Kerman was the one to plant the flag.





For me Gilly is probably the worst place to land because of the really small gravity. This lander is way overpowered to land on Gilly though.

Now I will see where my next destination will be, probably Jool and its moons. I still need to the closest departure time.

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I landed this on the Mun, Sending one to Minmus and after that i am sending one to Duna, Love a challenge.

(If you are wondering, yeah it does have an interior check the video for a look at its features)


And no there was no hyper editing used to get there, it comes with a complete launch system and carrier stage, here is the forum if you want to download our own. is 100% stock parts.

Forum location:


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I did literally nothing in KSP today, but last night I got carried away with making a hype train (pics are scattered somewhere in the Official Hype Thread) but there was also a video which took some editing and speeding up and uploading etc. Sooo here's that. It was originally just going to be the "engine" and one 16-kerbal passenger car, but um, HYPE happened and 69 kerbals (after the recount) went to space. It also wasn't going to go to space until I showed the 66-kerbal lag inducing train to a friend, who egged me on to strap rockets on it and hack gravity/fuel just to see what would happen. Warning: I am not a good video editor.

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Designed my new "why not" space station, similar to Skylab.

I therefore present the unimaginatively named SpaceLab 2


And a fancy diagram with the panels closed because I can't extend them in the VAB:


It can hold up to seven kerbals if needed (4 in hab, 2 in lab, and 1 in the cupola), but I designed it for a crew of 3. It has no real purpose besides looking cool and having a place to dock prototype spacecraft to it. :)

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My mobile launcher concept is actually showing promise. The "launcher" part works pretty well (or the rocket wouldn't be exploding quite so far away) but two of the masts stubbornly refuse to drop like they're supposed to. And I think I finally added enough wheels to get the "mobile" part to work. Some of them still break on loading but they'll actually stay fixed after. In fact it worked so well it started rolling as soon as Jeb fixed the last wheel... so he had to chase after it, climb the ladder, fall off the ladder, get runned over by all 600 tonnes of it, chase it even faster, climb the ladder again, and get in and set the brake before he falls off & gets runned over again.

CONTROLLED movement still eludes me at the moment, as with stock key bindings it starts wobbling all over the place as soon as I try to move it intentionally.

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So... I flew to Jool's 5 moons, had lots of spare fuel after that. On the way back I landed on Duna & Ike, still had spare fuel!

Just before returning I decided to land on Mun & Minmus, and now i'm worried xD

Transfer-drive fuel has finally been depleted, after all my wasteful maneuvers, so now I need to carefully conserve enough fuel for a powered landing =)

(lander has no parachutes (but the lab does))



- - - Update!!! - - -

I made it. Landed on Jool's 5 moons, on Duna, Ike, Mun, Minmus, and returned safe & happy =)




NOTE! science has only been done in the Jool system.

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I launched my Munar Ion Probe design all the way to Duna. I still don't know how to do interplanetary launch windows properly, so it arrived at Duna only after about a year, but nevertheless, it's success with a tiny launch vehicle. KSC is now attempting to fly this vehicle to other planets.



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