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What did you do in KSP1 today?


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well I launched the first battle cruiser into a high orbit and is ready to go to the sun so I can power over 40 ion engines that I have come to use on most of my interplanetary ships that to be fair are lighter than a feather but useable.

after I have recharged the battery's I will then take it to lathe (might be little cheeky and use some hyper edited) were I will dump the ion engines.

hope for the best

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I crawled back into the jagged fiery pit we all know as KSP. It's been a while since I last played so I finished my rover mission today!

Here's the Kerpollo 7 CM/SM docked with the LM. (Attached to the LM is the Rover from Kerpollo 6's failed attempt to make it onto the Mun with the rover, and a counterbalance to fix Kerpollo 6's weight issue.) Everything is ready to go!


Another shot of just the LM/Rover and it's counterbalance setup.


The mission went well, I made it to 2 different biomes with my rover besides the crater I landed in, but I guess (as I'm posting this) my screenshots didn't save for some dumb reason so I can't show anything in the mission past the one's I posted in this post already. All I can say is I'm now armed with the knowledge from firsthand experience how awful it is to have to drive around on the gosh dang Mun with a rover over long distances. What a headache that was. I crashed my rover coming down the crater wall heading back to my original landing site and called it a trip. I Jet-packed back to my ship and took off. Rendezvous went perfect as well. The escape burn to head back home was very short, and when I got back to Kerbin my trajectory was already lined up with KSP Space Center so I simply splooshed down into the bay between it and the Old Airstrip. Everything beside my horrifying rover crash was pitch perfect.

As a side note, the one piece of space debris I have orbiting around Kerbin and don't want to deal with is headed for a Mun encounter and altered course. I'm curious to see where that ends up. Hopefully it hits Kerbin, but I don't think I'm that lucky.

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Finally got crew to my Duna base at Keriner Valley. Landing there is difficult, took a dozen tries to get it right.

The base consists of a rover and a hab. The landing/ascent vehicle is a few kilometers away, and transfer mothership is in orbit.



Moar: http://steamcommunity.com/id/Karriz/screenshots/?appid=220200

Edited by Karriz
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I made a wind-up. clockwork Kerbal, which I thought was hilarious.

I was using DMagic's Orbital Science mod and it gave me a contract to investigate the anomaly on Minmus with various instruments in the mod pack. While most instruments had a large margin of error, the Anomalous Signal Detector had to be deadnuts on the target for lat and lon, although altitude didn't matter. Which is good because the Minmus Monlith has been way up in space the last few updates. Still, finding the spot right under it was a pain while the instrument was attached to the lander. I mean, it was night in the "Slopes" biome, and VTOLing and making very shot suborbital hops under those conditions came within a whisker of wrecking the ship 5 or 6 times. Finally, Sheldrin landed within 300m of the spot, still not close enough, but the best he'd been able to do flying the lander and burning about 1000m/s in the process. He then reminded me that I also had KAS installed, so he could unship the Anomalous Signal Detector and hump it to the required spot.

So that's what happened and it eventually succeeded. And because the Anomalous Signal Detector was running the whole time, the little dish antennae on it were spinning around. And the bigger antenna was perfectly sized and placed to look like a key stuck in Sheldrin's back. So, he was a wind-up, clockwork Kerbal. Too bad the pic below doens't show the "key" spinning around, but you should get the idea.

And give DMagic some rep for his wonderful mod.

15573187285_98519d823c_o.jpg01-10 Windup Kerbal by TheBullethead, on Flickr

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Space is pretty safe from the spirits of the drowned. As long as you don't pack a bathtub.

Given that the nuclear strong and weak forces in the KSP universe demonstrably have significantly different values than they do in our universe, and because the nuclear strong and weak forces determine what's on the periodic table and why, QED the KSP universe doesn't have any of the elements we're familiar with in our universe. Because it has none of our elements, it has none of our compounds, such as water. So it is impossible to drown in KSP. Hence, in KSP, there are exactly zero spirits of the drowned so, yeah, it's totally safe from them in space there :).

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Today I finished my finest station yet. Behold, the Nostromo deep space station and planetary base! This thing is going to Laythe and it's going to land on Laythe. I'm going to use the drones you can see docked to it in the second image to scout the landing zone and then I'm going to head straight down to it and land this beast. It's jet powered and has solid rocket boosters to assist with landing and to prevent the parachutes from ripping it apart. Also, the mission flag on it has the WY logo from Aliens, building better worlds. All I need no is to dock the rovers to the remaining docking ports and she's ready to go.




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Landed on Bop


Jetpack landing, used more than half the fuel so hoping I've got enough left to make orbit. But first I need to bring another Kerbal down so I can exploit the science behaviour to take extra surface samples.

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