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Why did I try to land on the Mun in the dark?


Actually, it turned out alright - here's the lander rendezvousing with its transfer stage to head home - there's now five kerbals and a load of science from biomes I hadn't visited yet waiting in LKO to be returned.


This mission made something in the region of 250k - got two station contracts, a "science from around the Mun", and a "plant a flag on the Mun".

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I started playing KSP again!

I spend a lot of time on these forums. I'm always in genuine awe of the creativity and accomplishments of fellow kerbonauts. There's so much to do in KSP and it's a game that has such a steep learning curve that I feel like there really are no boundaries except the time and effort you're willing to put forth.

I took care of an exceptionally troublesome contract last night. In order to complete it I had to spend much more than the contract paid out, but now I can finally get back to earning funds towards things I need.

I'm going to restrict contracts to placing satellites in orbit and nearby fly by surveys. I need to upgrade my facilities and complete the tech tree before I start exploring space. I want funds to be my only constraint.

Edited by Mister Kerman
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In my first practical use of a spaceplane, I carried my Eve Flyer craft to orbit. I first tried carrying it up in a vertical launch rocket, but the aerodynamics (in stock) were too strange to let the rocket stay on course. One flyer on the back of another was much more controllable.

I have my doubts about my Eve expedition - I think I may be trying to send too many craft in one expedition - the ship is getting so long that it may end up uncontrollably wobbly.

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Successfully docked the largest stuff I can ever join in orbit: 2 "huge" interplanetary ship pieces with FOUR docking ports equally separated. Took me almost an hour total.

Got it docked thrice in total, undocking during first 2 due to some problems (first one only got 1/4 docked, while second has 3/4 docked).

Seen here during the undock - realign - dock again phase.


This is actually the prototype, just to test it :D now I have plans to make a good use for it in the future.

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As part of my first Science game I sent Jeb and a Science Jr. minilab on a direct injection free-return Mun flight. One burn at liftoff to get out of the atmosphere, one burn to raise periapsis to 14,500,000, and a couple of short burns right before re-entry to land him in an ocean and not on the side of a mountain. :cool:

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Today was a disaster. I was trying to use an SSTO (W-8, extended version of the Kraken-eaten W-7) to lift a munar lander. First attempt (unkerbaled flight) ended in messing up the ascent (insufficient jet-achieved velocity) and the spaceplane spending part of payload's fuel. The lander was still sent for a test run, but crashed into the Mun due to error in descent profile (a.k.a. I totally messed the landing, also it's better to increase the TWR). To land the shuttle I had to send another (W-5) to bring a ton of fuel for the stranded plane. This time both shuttles landed safely.

Second attempt (this time with 2 pilots) resulted in the same ascent error (maybe the payload is a bit too heavy), so sending the lander was aborted. Instead, they picked up another Kerbal (you know that contract) and flew back home, but too hard landing with the payload caused frontal gear failure resulting in heavy damage to the ship and killing all 3 Kerbals. I totally got too overconfident with these landings.

In the end I sent W-9 (copy of W-7) in tanker configuration in unkerballed test flight to Minmus. (If it can get extra fuel up there, why not to try using this fuel to get further). Result: horizontal Minmus landing at 60 m/s... with damaged canard and no fuel left. Now I need to find a way to refuel it.


I shouldn't play with expensive (actually, not so expensive, compared to my usual heavy rockets) complex crafts when this tired.

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Finally put my Kethane miner on the Mun!

Going up. The outermost boosters were added using KAS :D


Landed and working. Hurrah!


Now, let's hope it has a long and useful service life, and doesn't break down.

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Had problems with docking while building a station in 0.25 ( yes, I'm kinda noob at docking since I have just a few hours on KSP due to university )

Congrats!! docking is quite tricky but you are doing great!!

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I built a new SSTO and a 4-passenger rover...



I then attempted to park said rover underneath the overhang of the Astronaut Complex.


What you don't see: the rover teleporting into the roof, shaking with intense Kraken-forces, and the exploding alongside the building itself.


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More work on my space planes, OV-1C Huginn and OV-2P Muninn. I think I've finalized the design, now I'm down to tweaking things here and there.

I solved the asymetric burnout problem using the "engine -> intake intake intake -> engine -> intake intake intake..." method, and I seem to have gotten a lot more thrust out of it, as well as raised the burnout ceiling from ~25km to ~35km. I also ditched some unneeded fuel and streamlined things, so my TWRs are much higher for both craft (used to be around 1.1 and 1.15, now they're around 1.44 and 1.55).

Only problem I have now is figuring out where to put a ladder on my passenger craft (OV-2P Muninn). There's a canard where the ladder would normally go, and I need that to get it off the ground before it reaches the end of the runway...

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Edited by Sidereus
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First serous attempted to put meddium sized CommSat into high Kerbal orbit. Failed to achieve targeted orbit sigh but its there and works. Pain for CPU to launch heavy stuff up with Kerbal x10 +30 other mods.

37t comsat is Medium?" And why did you put what looks like 36 short range dishes on it? The most I ever need are 6 of those.

I also saw you "small one"...

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TL / DR : A small mk2 SSTO tanker that ended up looking like a flying wing.

Tried out my second attempt at stock SSTO refueling drone using mk2 parts. Not initially knowing about radial intake effectiveness, it though I had to go for the triple body design to have enough forward attachment points. This ended up being kind-of a flying wing. It aims at cheaply refueling my LKO parked transfer stages for the mid career (outside of Kerbin SOI exploration) game. It probably could still use refinement, but the concept works and behaves quite like a plane in my opinion (except for crazy glide performances, and the going-to-orbit part, obviously).

According to guides I've read, it's probably 'under-winged' (24 lift for 30 t) and overpowered, but it seems to work this way. It could also probably use some tank re-factoring to end up with a balanced LF and O mix once in orbit, but I'm still working on the flying profile. That should allow for delivering 1500 units of LF and matching O to 75K orbit, for 600 worth of LF + 200 O. So that's about half an orange tank?

Fuel flow and balancing is fully manual. Only the Full liquid fuel tank aft of the probe-core and Clamp-O-Tron is ever enabled when air-breathing, and I manually top it from side tanks (either aft or front to keep the plane balanced) to not run out of LF. When in rocket mode, I tend to enable the tank aft of it as well as the center bi-coupler, to reduce fuel management related work-load.

I'm able to rotate it easily off the run-way at full load, though full back elevon will lead to tail (prop) strike, so I aim for 7-10 degree pitch until establishing vertical speed.

Landing is way easier. You have to keep the front bi-coupler about full to keep it balanced enough (see dry configuration pic), but it flies slow and forever. I tend to align at 100-120 m/s, cross the threshold at 60 and glide from there until 30, which allows for gentle touch down and plenty of runway left.

Pilot correction is required past 27K to prevent yaw drift, but nothing unmanageable.

Playing with a joystick, for what it's worth.

It's pretty slow to turn in orbit due to no additional reaction wheels and only 4 vernor engines (radial and normal axis), but it's supposed to be a plane anyway.

And i reckon it could be easily derived into cargo or transport by swapping some of the tanks for bay / crew sections.

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Today I started a new unmanned mission to study the ¨dark¨ side of the mun. It is interesting because I have no idea what will I discover.. I prepared all the required components in advance, and spent a few weeks waiting for the dusk to come.. here it is!!!


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Congrats!! docking is quite tricky but you are doing great!!

Thank you! Putting those two Station Science modules was a PITA since I didn't even have Mainsails as main engines. I'm waiting for new parts to make the station bigger.

However, does anyone know why I can't transfer kerbals on those modules from a pod? I have standard docking ports...

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TL / DR : A small mk2 SSTO tanker that ended up looking like a flying wing.

It looks like so easy to fly.. is it going to have a cargo bay? or is this just for 'space tourism'?

@Agost, maybe it is because of the mod and the non-stock parts? no idea.

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