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What did you do in KSP1 today?


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That sounds pretty normal. Gone are the days when spaceplanes could reach orbital velocity on turbojets; you could push it a bit farther with RAPIERs, bu you'll have to do the rest with rockets (or the RAPIERs in rocket mode of course).

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Decided to send my landers on without filling their monopropellant tanks. So, Natatrice came home:



Parachutes that are inside a service bay can't be deployed unless the bay is open, and if you shut the bay before the parachute comes out at its deployment pressure, then although it visually deploys, it has no effect. I actually opened the bay and left it open for Natatrice, and only learned the latter part later in empty tests. If the actual highlighting part of the 'chute is outside of the bay (even if it was placed within the bay), then it deploys normally, and I think also counts drag normally before deploying.



SixFerry picked up all five tourists that wanted to visit the Mun as part of their trip, and set off while the landers were separating at the Mun. The Mun lander was left in orbit around the Mun, and the Minmus lander and transfer stage escaped retrograde to burn at Kerbin periapse for a Minmus intercept. Monopropellant had been transferred from the Mun lander to fill the Minmus lander's tank.



One of the tourists wanted a suborbital flight at the Mun, so he was transferred to the lander, which burned to briefly go suborbital, then turned around and burned to redock. The Mun lander was filled from SixFerry's tanks, and SixFerry set off to return to Stopover Station in LKO. Now, I had accepted a contract to put up a Mun station, carrying five kerbals, with no fuel requirement, before launching SixFerry. As such, SixFerry satisfied all the requirements, even though it was only there temporarily.



I used the extra contract slot to get a rescue contract, and put up a two-man monopropellant tug-shuttle. It grabbed the rescuee and took them to the station, refuelling from the station's tanks, and SixFerry redocked. One of the tourists had now completed her itinerary, so she and the rescuee got in the first descent pod and returned home. All told, a great success. Next, four tourists on Stopover need only a Minmus flyby to be satisfied, so they'll be getting that in SixFerry and returning home with the other two descent pods.

Edited by Concentric
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Not a lot happened today. I retrieved a batch of rescuees from the Ring Station as well as some Minmus Science I'd stashed there, then sent up a bunch of klaws with parachutes in anticipation of the next wave of rescue contracts.


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I have more to do but the big thing was that I landed my mun/minmus fuel transport vtol successfully. It is for draining my standalone drill/refineries and delivering the fuel to wherever. Not made for landing on high gravity bodies.

This will let me refuel the Argo I as I continue to build a permanent base on the Mun.

Here is a picture. Yea, I always end up in the dark on my tests for some reason.

vtol transport in foreground, miner refinery in the background. Now I just hope the docking ports line up, they do on flat kerbin ground.


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My science mission to Ike with 3 kerbals didn't have enough fuel to make it back home. They ended up on a course with a periapsis at Kerbin just 2 million meters out. Rather than redoing the entire Ike mission, I decided to assemble a rescue grabbing drone to drag the stranded kerbals back to home. 2000 some science saved. Whew.

Edited by ScienceLion
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I spent several hours last night trying to make a space plane SSTO. It sure has gotten harder with 1.0 aero! I think my current design, based on models which worked fine in 0.90, is too draggy for the current game, because I can't seem to get above about 1100 m/s at 22km, which is about as high as I seem to be able to go at all now on air. My hat is off to all those who have succeeded.

My most autocorrected pain Herbal Space Program

Also 1100ms is easily enough at 22km, this is the cut over zone to rockets, you already have most of your orbital velocity. If you are not using Rapiers then an lv-t30 should kick you the rest of the way to orbit.

Edited by selfish_meme
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Nothing in the game, but I did start to work on my own version of the tech tree because - much like everybody else - I know the perfect way the tech tree should be set up and it's not like anybody else's tech tree. ;)

I'm about 3 tiers in and have gained mad respect for anybody who has tackled this - including Squad. It's worse than trying to put worms back into a can (does anybody ever actually do that?). It's more like trying to fit 2 cans' worth of worms into one can.

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Tested out my circumnavigation challenge plane:



Behaved well, and completed a 1600km round-trip research flight with more than three-fourths fuel remaining. It's now back in the hangar for refurbishment and minor modifications.

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My most autocorrected pain Herbal Space Program

Also 1100ms is easily enough at 22km, this is the cut over zone to rockets, you already have most of your orbital velocity. If you are not using Rapiers then an lv-t30 should kick you the rest of the way to orbit.

I actually succeeded just now with a somewhat different plane. What I had was way too draggy because you need way less wings with this aero than in 0.90! I also figured out that I was losing a lot of speed by pitching up too much after switching to rockets. In the old aero, you didn't suffer a big penalty for going crosswise to the wind like that, but in this version if you get much off your prograde vector the rate of velocity loss is tremendous. By managing my trajectory better I was able to make orbit with just enough fuel to get back. Still, this game seems quite a bit tougher on SSTOs than the previous version.

Edited by herbal space program
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What I did today, part 2: finally unlocked the RAPIER! I immediately proceeded to... launch a giant rocket with SRBs instead xD However I did need the RAPIER in order to use a craft I'd previously designed in Sandbox mode for my Laythe mission, as well as the large wings that came with it for stabilizing the aforementioned giant rocket.

What specifically was this rocket, you ask? It was a "test launch" of the Kidonia to make sure I had everything I needed and had adequately reinforced and partitioned it to survive the trip to orbit. It has passed all tests so far and as soon as I have the funds to launch the full ship I shall commence the mission proper. And with 17 days left before the Jool transfer window, it seems to be just in the nick of time!

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Getting back into KSP since the 1.03 update.

slapped 6 Mk1 pods on a rocket with tourists paying to go suborbital, got paid, now I'm designing a rocket I call SatBom Rocket. It's mission will be to deliver 3 satellites in a single launch for a lot of kerbux. (Also test a decoupler on the way up to Kerbin orbit!) 2 will be in Kerbin orbit, and the last will orbit the Mun.

I haven't seen what rocket engines are like in space so hopefully I over-engineer my rocket. Still have to make money on it though so I'm not going to build a monster.

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Getting back into KSP since the 1.03 update.

slapped 6 Mk1 pods on a rocket with tourists paying to go suborbital, got paid, now I'm designing a rocket I call SatBom Rocket. It's mission will be to deliver 3 satellites in a single launch for a lot of kerbux. (Also test a decoupler on the way up to Kerbin orbit!) 2 will be in Kerbin orbit, and the last will orbit the Mun.

I haven't seen what rocket engines are like in space so hopefully I over-engineer my rocket. Still have to make money on it though so I'm not going to build a monster.

I had to check the announcements!

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Did my first satellite mission, was kinda fun and easy (was the one around kerbin). I got another one at 78kkk km from the sun.... no please.

Did my first minmus landing, was surprised how easy it was.

Then came my big challenge for the night... landing a lab on the mun.

First attempt, a success... i was surprised to be able to do it, since my lander was very high, but it seems like the lab can take quite a beating.

So i land, take my lander back into space, click on the lab... nothing... I FORGOT TO PUT A CREW IN IT!!!!!!

So i restart, making sure that my crew are in there. I land, i get some research, and make sure it works... click to send some research (that apparently couldnt be processed in the lab).... I FORGOT THE ANTENNA!!!

*sight* So i restart again, adding 8 antenna (since my lab rolled the two previous time i landed it, i wanted to make sure i had one working). I land on first attempt (again, yay!).... I FORGOT THE CREW AGAIN!!!!

*ARG* So i close the game, and went to bed...


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Planted a marker flag on what I named previously Bombo station outpost as part of my Elcano challenge 93km from KSC.. after some extreme dynamic braking descending the hill of this little meteor crater type beach in the middle of nowhere.. 4408 IIs crew is happy to be alive and enjoying the sunshine


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