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What did you do in KSP1 today?


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Last night I finished making preparations to launch the Sundiver 7 with Val at the helm. After a successful launch, the craft was docked to New Horizons with its core booster stage still attached; its excess fuel was drained into the station's fuel storage tanks and then it was decoupled and de-orbited for later retrieval. Val picked up the three sun-diving tourists waiting at the station as well as two of the newly hired scientists and decoupled from the station. At this point I need to read up on how to do a sun-dive (i.e. get into a suborbital trajectory around Kerbol) for less than 4000 m/s of delta-V...the ship has just shy of 7,000 delta-V but I have to be sure I can get everybody back before I mash go on the button. I know it generally involves a bi-elliptic transfer but I don't know the particulars. And Val has not had a good history with tourists in my career game thus far.

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Getting ready for my Duna/Ike Mission, i started building a station that can refuel on any planet. So far i've successfully reached Minmus and Mun in one trip (with refuel on both). I usually reach Minmus with enough Delta V on my launching rocket to stabilize orbit and begin decent...

So i think when the time has come (in 200 days), i should be ready to send my pilot and 10 tourist to Duna and Ike without any problem.

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Launched a ship that got mysteriously sucked in midair at launch, after many revert to launch got it on space, but broke instantaneously when pressed time warp. This phantom-force-as-soon-I-press-> then appeared in many other ships. Also, a curious bug in which the ship on focus does not move during timewarp (gets frozen in space), followed by some more phantom forces that change the orbit... My career save was kinda broken :(

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I took one of my older rover designs and redesigned it into the AT-Rabbit Mk. I, a modular rover for my new Mün and Minmus ground bases in 1.0.4.

Craftfiles, more pictures and detailed discription can be found in my craftfile thread - link is in the signature, as usual.


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I spent four or five hours last night disassembling and then re-configuring several station modules, 2 ships, a couple fuel and RCS tanks, a pair of skycrane landers, some conduits, and a small rover that were previously docked together in orbit around the Mun, in preparation for a Munar base construction.

Because I failed to properly consider the logistics ahead of time, I basically had to disassemble and re-assemble the entire thing, a piece at a time, so that I can grab the pieces from orbit in the proper order, and land them on the Mun. I probably performed about ten or more docking maneuvers in all, and completing each one was so incredibly satisfying, I didn't even mind the extra work I created for myself.

I've been playing this game for about two years now. I'm in the intermediate stages of yet another career (I've lost count at this point), and the feeling I get when successfully docking still never gets old.

However, towards the end, I realized that my Conduits (Which I call Jerfrey's Tubes, after my Engineer Jerfrey Kerman) don't have docking ports on the top that can be connected to my skycrane landers - only on the bottom for placement by my rover. So it looks like I'll have to send yet another supply mission with a claw/winch module to be attached to my skycrane landers. Which is fine, because I also still need to deliver the science lab and some more liquid fuel. Hopefully, I can complete this contract before I run out of money...

Edited by Tandoori
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Decided to start work on a sensible Moho mission, it being one of only three places (along with Dres and Vall) I haven't landed on.

Be sure to pack some sunblock. Kerbals find it quite hot on Moho's surface :). Haven't had problems with ships overheating there but EVA Kerbals show temperature gauges :).

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Jeb taking the new fighter out for a spin. Two tails fins required for acceptable yaw control. Why Kerbals are making fighters? - Who knows?


Lets see... Small outpost to land on the Mun... Pick up a pilot from station around the Mun... Plant a flag on the Mun... return the pilot to Kerbin for up coming mission... Yes we can do that. (until a call from a sibling help caused me to mess up the departure from the Mun back to Kerbin (argh!!!!)). .


F5, F9 does help for those situations :-)


Edited by BJ Quest
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Be sure to pack some sunblock. Kerbals find it quite hot on Moho's surface :). Haven't had problems with ships overheating there but EVA Kerbals show temperature gauges :).

That sounds ugly :D... We need space umbrellas!

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After a successful robotic interplanetary return mission, I sent Jeb to Ike.

The gravity there takes some getting used to.


After a bit of play, Jeb got to work doing SCIENCE, and planting flags.


But all fun comes to an end, and Jeb said goodbye to Ike and headed home...


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I docked my first refuel craft to my new space station focused on Monopropellant but some liquid fuel.(I spent 5 hours making it in orbit yesterday). The pilot was jeb who picked up mitfred and kimdrien from the space station and got them home. They deserve a break because they were busy organizing the space station while arnica and ralee did SCIENCE in the science lab.

Edited by 322997am
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Landed Valentina Kerman in the Hermes 1 on Moho.


Took two attempts. First time round I clipped the ground at a shallow angle around 60 m/s and the lander broke in two. Bailed Val out of the can, she bounced once then went poof. I then find the lander can, with its 6 m/s crash tolerance, *survived* -_-

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It wasn't today that I made the launch, but it was today that I realised how pointless it was.

Yup, I fired a car into orbit. It is still there. No wings. No parachute. No docking port.

I did give it an ion engine, so I could de-orbit it and watch it go up in flames I guess.

Edit: Oh my god, I'm an idiot. It does have a docking port. Que for a stupidly overcomplicated rescue mission, involving multiple excessively large rockets!

Edited by WyDavies
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Well, decided I would try to revisit an old experiment of mine from back in .7 or .8 of lifting a X shaped station whose arms were made of two giant orange tanks each. As I had reinstalled KSP to start a fresh career without any trace of the old mods that even though I had removed them from game data some of the info was still showing up in the game and causing a few bugs, this had left me with a career at a point that did not have all of the parts I needed (stock) to make this creation, so I started a new sandbox save. The only mods I used for this were kerbal engineer and hyperedit (used hyperedit to simulate the full proper asparugus staging I would need to get this thing into orbit by adding some fuel into the tanks during the lift as I was only doing this to prove it MIGHT be feasible to lift such a massive ungainly station)

There was much discouragement at first


Plus what looked like some wibly wobbly time stuff before the big explosions


But after much frustration (see many many many repeats of the above pictures in various angles and lighting) I finally had a finalized prototype (didn't blow up, spin cycle, fold itself, or otherwise implode in the first 5-10k meters of flight)



Due to building it in the spaceplane hanger there were some issues that did come about in the test flight were some of the fuel transfer lines not being properly hooked up, which led to a second hyperedit refueling rather than the original single one that was intended. Turns out had those fuel lines been connected, along with lines coming from the station tanks there might have been enough fuel to get the thing up to it's final parking orbit of 1 thousand km, definately enough fuel to have gotten it into a stable low orbit, provided I work out the stability issues the engines will develop from losing the empty tanks and there support lines. Anyways, here it is up in orbit ready for ships or more station modules to dock with it if this was my career save. :)


You can't really see it clearly, but two of the engine mounts along with 1 set each of tanks and engine attached are still on the station (that's the extra rockomax hub at the top and bottom)

I think I'll have to do one more test prior to setting this up in career as they're were a few flaws I noticed. Final engines on each rocket mount had no stability and liked to wobble everywhere during the burns (luckily I was in orbit by then and could afford to keep the engine speeds low. LIGHTS, need to place some lights by the docking ports. Finally need to do something about it's turn speed, damn thing took forever to make turns for orbital burns

- - - Updated - - -

Speaking of my career mission from my last post, Jeb and Val have come up with an interesting way of dealing with those tourists that I get in those career missions.


Here you can see Val and Jeb after Val gets her pilot certification and makes an excellent drop of the tourist pods even if she didn't quite land hers quite right.


And here's Jeb doing a solo run, he got his pod to land correctly, the tourist pods..........not so much. :)


(You're seeing the mark 2 design of the Tourist Trap reentry system, the mark 1 design.....well the chutes of the 3 man pods kinda bumped with the 1 man command pod and the stack separator under it and when the separator and chutes would activate, well the 1 man command pod dissappeared or so I thought. Then I'm looking at the mission report and seeing a 500+ max g reported and finally go back to the space center and the tracking center. To find the 1 man pod has in under 2-3 minutes gone from an altitude of 3k over the surface of kerbin to almost out of Kerbin's SOI. Only did it one time tho, and I tested the design about a dozen times after wards with no repeats. Still redesigned the chute placements so they wouldn't touch the separator anymore.)

Edited by Ruthgar
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The Polar expedition is still beavering away in 1.0.2 so I have been testing and updating aircraft for 1.0.4. before starting a career. Most of the spaceplanes still work, although some get a fuel saving benefit from swapping Turbofans in place of some of the Rapiers.

Weasly powered VTOLS are suffering though. My 'Harriet' jump-jet now needs 4 lift engines to get daylight under the wheels with a full fuel load, and the transition to forward flight (with 2 engines pushing) is a bit dicey if I let the nose lift. Sea level performance is well down on what even the P1127 could manage. I don't really want to substitute Turbofans as I'm trying to keep it low tech so I reckon I will have to sacrifice some fuel or payload when on ops. I could lighten it by getting rid of the emergency parachutes but Jeb keeps muttering about the lack of ejector seat...

Setting off back from the first island hop. Climb rate is a little better now I have burned some fuel:


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I got tired of constantly either working on stations, bases, or planes. I figured my kerbals were getting a little tired too, so I goofed off today.

Jeb tested his newest contraption.


I tried to tell him no, that it was too dangerous, that it was downright insane! But the more I protested the more his eyes lit up like a kid in a candy store and I just couldn't refuse him.

The more it shakes, rattles, burns, and generally gets closer to exploding, the more Jeb likes it. :)

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One fateful night, I lay in bed but could not enter the paradise of slumberland.

Eyes agape, I lay alone, entranced by the glow of the kerbal space center in the corner of the room.

I went to it, and clicked on the assembly building.

I don't remember anything else from that fateful night, but for the following screenshot:


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last night i tried two completely different thing ;

- a Monster of 12 delta V. I want to be able to reach just about any planet, land with the, duh, lander, mine and return.

- something around 10t that flys sideways like the Star Wars "Slave I".

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It has been one disaster after another for my space agency today.

First due to an error in the construction of the mother ship to set up a Duna colony it was decided that the ship would be de-orbited and rebuilt (faster to launch the new design than futz around fixing what was wrong with the old one). Lennex Kerbin however died as a result. Originally it was thought that a deployed solar array had survived re entry and killed him as he bailed out of the ship. Upon further review he simply overheated (despite the ship only going 250m/s) and exploded into popcorn.

After that, the first launch for the new mothership also met with disaster. Due to a staging accident the launch clamps released and instead of the first stage engines firing it was the tug being launched with it that fired up. The following is the end of what was really a quite spectacular light show:


Fortunately no Kerbals were lost in this accident though a small rover that had been left as a memorial for Lugal Kerman who lost his life last week when a rover being delivered to the Mun landed on him was also damaged (part of the upper stage went flying off and grazed it)

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Worked on another service bay, with combined fuel storage. The bay is designed to open at the front, with attachment nodes on the floor+ceiling, and one on the rear wall. The underside functions with a single 2.5m node, or 4x 1.25m nodes. Ceiling lights are switched on and off independently of opening the doors.

I haven't tried actually fitting a rover into it yet. It'll still be tight since it's only about 2m wide in the interior. :)


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