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What did you do in KSP1 today?


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  Tex_NL said:
Thanks to Orbital Construction Redux I finally 'launched' my K-Nor station. It changed a bit since my previous image. Most noticeable changes are the repositioning of RCS and clampotrons ports and the addition of clampotron sr's and flag decals.


K-Nor 3

450*450km equatorial orbit

OMFGBBQ! Good sir, that is incredible!

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After having built an airplane that can fly reasonably well on Duna (and getting it there to test this via HyperEdit), I discovered that launching it from Kerbin was at least an equal design challenge. All the lift needed to fly in Duna's thin air plays havoc in Kerbin's thick air. Thus, the plane's name of D'OH (Dun'Overflight Hybrid) became all too fitting. At first I weaseled around this problem with Orbital Construction but my conscience kept needling me to do it from the ground up. So, I kept at it and finally, after killing at least 1/4 of my liver drinking liquid inspiration, I finally managed to get the damn thing from KSC to orbit in 1 piece, and as an SSTO for extra style points.

And I'm so ashamed. I haven't used FAR since 0.21 came out. I doubt this plane would fly on either end of its trip with that mod.


All 32.1 tons of SSTO in the SPH ready to go, to deliver 15.2 tons of D'OH to LKO. Using a LOT of B9 parts, especially the SABRE engines and, for my 1st time, the Heavy Wings (the SPH having been too small for them before). The Heavy Wings are on radial decouplers so I can ditch them once in orbit. The central remnants of the SSTO ascent stage will then be used to de-orbit the D'OH at Duna, from which point the D'OH can handle the rest. There's a docking point between the ascent engines for a standard interplanetary tug which, once it docked with the D'OH, gave me this:


So, it can go almost everywhere, just Duna being no problem at all.

Thanks to B9 Aerospace, Firespitter, Kethane, KW Rocketry, TT's Modular Multiwheels, ISA MapSat, MechJeb, Abita Brewery's "Jackomo" IPA, and Evan Willisams' bourbon.

Edited by Geschosskopf
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I've recreated Apollo 11 as my second Mun landing (still not home, awaiting rendezvous in Munar orbit), and while preparing to liftoff from the Mun, I've noticed something looming over the mountain top. That damn arch. I honestly had no idea it was there and had no intentions of visiting it in this mission. When I realized I landed mere kilometres away, I visited it with the ascending module. I just had to. There was enough fuel, though I had to use RCS to circularize orbit later.

What a gigantic structure. And what a surprise to see it on the horizon. Kind of creepy. I just turned around and there it was. It's around 135 metres tall. On my way back to the ascending module, I've realized I forgot to plant a flag at its top. :rolleyes:

Photos tomorrow, I'm off to bed now.

Edited by lajoswinkler
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BahamutoD first of all let me say, freakin awesome design! I love it even though it makes me want to swat my screen...

Secondly: I would have given you more than +5 for the double backflip.

Thirdly: Does that little kethane tank hold enough to convert into fuel/oxidizer to make up for the fuel you use landing/taking off?

Finally: What mod is that for the docking camera?

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Why thank yous!

  annallia said:
Thirdly: Does that little kethane tank hold enough to convert into fuel/oxidizer to make up for the fuel you use landing/taking off?

Thats a good question.. I know for sure that I do come out ahead after a trip down, but by how much?? I need to test it again.

(edit - also, the mosquito has a small converter so fuel used from landing is not a problem)

I came up with that design idea because I was outside getting bitten by mosquitos and that reminded me of kethane for some reason hahah.. Sad I know.

And yeah the docking camera is part of Romfarer's Lazor pack, but the Docking Alignment Indicator is alot lighter and works better in the dark.

Edited by BahamutoD
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Thanks deadweasel I will give that one a try and see which one I like more. Though from an aesthetic aspect I suspect I will like the lazer one better (plus nice that its a standalone so I don't have to get the whole system).

BahamutoD I had a similar function (no where near as creative/nice looking design) lander for the Mun. I noticed however that it used up a bunch of fuel getting back to the station and back down to the planet and think I figured it was around 70% of the kethane it carried being used for that purpose, as such it was scrapped.

Then again my station was in a much higher orbit, and didn't launch it as the station passed overhead like you do.

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  annallia said:
Thanks deadweasel I will give that one a try and see which one I like more. Though from an aesthetic aspect I suspect I will like the lazer one better (plus nice that its a standalone so I don't have to get the whole system).

BahamutoD I had a similar function (no where near as creative/nice looking design) lander for the Mun. I noticed however that it used up a bunch of fuel getting back to the station and back down to the planet and think I figured it was around 70% of the kethane it carried being used for that purpose, as such it was scrapped.

Then again my station was in a much higher orbit, and didn't launch it as the station passed overhead like you do.

The docking cam will help you get close to your dock, but doesn't give any information about orientation relative to your target. The other one does, which means that by the time I'm lined-up to dock, I'm also already oriented perfectly for it was well, and I didn't have to cam all over the place to get all the points of reference to do it.

Also, I no longer have to ensure my target is aligned a specific way to get myself set up easier. I can approach from any angle and still hit that puppy dead-on, every time now. No more waggling for ten minutes waiting for the ports to get aligned and settled! :)

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  Deadweasel said:
The docking cam will help you get close to your dock, but doesn't give any information about orientation relative to your target. The other one does, which means that by the time I'm lined-up to dock, I'm also already oriented perfectly for it was well, and I didn't have to cam all over the place to get all the points of reference to do it.

Also, I no longer have to ensure my target is aligned a specific way to get myself set up easier. I can approach from any angle and still hit that puppy dead-on, every time now. No more waggling for ten minutes waiting for the ports to get aligned and settled! :)

The docking cam does have an alignment indicator. That big white cross is the alignment (I assume you mean perpendicular alignment and not roll/rotation).

What the other one has over the docking cam is the target location (you'd use visual inspection through the docking cam which is why it doesn't work as well in the dark), and roll orientation.

I did another run and profited 350 LF an 400 Ox. Its not much, especially since the station fuel tank holds 17,000 so I'm trying to slap a double sized kethane tank to the mosquito :)

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  BahamutoD said:
The docking cam does have an alignment indicator. That big white cross is the alignment (I assume you mean perpendicular alignment and not roll/rotation).

What the other one has over the docking cam is the target location (you'd use visual inspection through the docking cam which is why it doesn't work as well in the dark), and roll orientation.

I did another run and profited 350 LF an 400 Ox. Its not much, especially since the station fuel tank holds 17,000 so I'm trying to slap a double sized kethane tank to the mosquito :)

Apologies, maybe I'm not using effective terminology. There's relative positioning (the white indicator lines), relative velocity (the red crosshair), but no relative orientation in Docking Cam. In other words, Docking Cam will get you centered on the dock, but gives no indication as to your actual orientation relative to that targeted dock, so if you're not moving the cam all around, you may be trying to dock while approaching it at an angle and not realize it.

The other plugin, however, gives you additional markers to work with, so that when you target a dock, you can use it to first get oriented so that your nose is perpendicular to the port, and your roll axis is oriented how you want it, relative to the ship when you dock. After getting yourself oriented, it then works much like Docking Cam, showing you where you need to translate in order to get lined-up with the targeted port.

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  annallia said:
I suspect I will like the lazer one better (plus nice that its a standalone so I don't have to get the whole system).

Well, it's "standalone" in that it doesn't require you to install all the various Lazor parts, but it's pretty much just an appearance of being standlone since you're still loading and running the plugin code for all that stuff, and you're stuck with the baggage that comes with that code. I eventually quit using the "standalone" Lazor Docking Cam due to the "dump all the code for every various mod function into one plugin" approach when I got tried of dealing with the arbitrary (and non-beneficial) changes and bugs that came with it.

I was thrilled when the new docking indicator mod came along, because it's light, lean, and actually is standalone so it doesn't mess with unrelated things for no reason.

Try both, of course, but do try both before deciding on what to use.

Edited by RoboRay
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  BahamutoD said:

I did another run and profited 350 LF an 400 Ox. Its not much, especially since the station fuel tank holds 17,000 so I'm trying to slap a double sized kethane tank to the mosquito :)

Still better than what mine was.. If I remember correctly I was only getting around 150-200 LF depending on how well I did in optimizing my rendezvous path. Not really worth doing... Though I did still use them somewhat so I could scale down my landers and land near the drilling probes and refuel directly from them rather than running it up to the station.

  RoboRay said:

Try both, of course, but do try both before deciding on what to use.

That is the plan.

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