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What do you name your space agencies?


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Malachai Heavy Industries. It's basically what happens when a crazy homeless guy decides to stop screaming profanities at the moon, and instead starts to mine it. There's backstory, but yeah, MHI.

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Puffin Technologies- Aerospace Research Group; originally it was "Puffin Technologies Space Division," but the guys down in marketing and/or legal had it changed to improve the face value of the company. :P

The PT-ARG has had its share of failures (an entire engineering team was fired due to a fiasco with Tumbleweed 1 (Curiosity-style rover), some flight engineers were fired after Hopeful 1 landed on Eve, not Laythe) but it also has its share of successes!

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I'm boring. I call it Kerbal Space Center :P

Me too. And all my rockets are named after their intended purposes. Well, sometimes I pull a cool-sounding name out of some mythology here or there, but other times I name a ship 'The Lagfest' because it lagged a bunch :P

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How does OKB equate to Experimental Design Bureau?
OKB is a transliteration of the Russian initials of "Þÿытýþõ úþýÑÂтруúтþрÑÂúþõ ñюрþ" - Opytnoe Konstructorskoe Byuro, meaning Experimental Design Bureau
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Mine is called the "Kerbal Co-operative Outreach," they are an international, space-faring organisation funded by all the Kerbal nations, nations that cannot afford to contribute are allowed full involvement anyway for this is no ordinary endeavor.

Their aims are to explore the universe, to leave their presence known on as many moons and planets as possible in the form of yet to be invented (and long awaited) gadgets known as "flags," in the hope of offering future companionship to any alien life-form that finds said "flag" and to inform and assure them of Kerbal good nature and goodwill.

But most importantly and perhaps ironically for an organisation that travels further away from Kerbin than any other, it is to bring long-lasting peace to Kerbin itself, whether the universe be teeming with other civilizations or whether Kerbals are alone, the KCO seeks to insure that no matter what challenges the future may bring, Kerbal-kind will be in a position to meet them head-on, together.

Well, in my head they do and stand for all these things anyway :)

Edited by Custard Donut (In Space)
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