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[0.90] Procedural Dynamics - Procedural Wing 0.9.3 Dec 24


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Could you please add parts for wingtips? Like, non-resizable (manually) slick light parts without lift capabilities, red/green/white textured, which would snap to the wing tip and resize automatically, like wing parts currently do? With Aviation lights support?

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Most urgent would be procedural control surfaces and winglets. The R8 can only go so far.. avoiding mach tuck in FAR means having bigger control surfaces, and at the moment the choice is limited even with mods.

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yes, it does. ive tried a fresh install of ksp, no mods other than this one, and it still will not work correctly. yes, ive got the "proceduraldynamics" folder in my "gamedata" folder. all parts and plugins are copied corectly into their corresponding folders inside. would it be at all possible to bind "mouse movement" with some sort of key? (like maybe / and ' OR mouse movement, for +/-?)

Edited by matthew102000
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I still can't get this to work. I have all the folders in the right place and I have tried with only this mod installed. I don't highlight the objects when I mouse over them, and holding any of the keys and mousing over them does nothing.

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  • 2 weeks later...

It's strange to me that the parts would show up for one of you but the scaling wouldn't work. I have never had problems with this mod, the latest version is for 0.22, I don't know how to help you but in case there is any chance it wasn't installed in the needed way, you could try using KSPModAdmin to install it : http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/26031-Win-KSP-Mod-Admin-v1-3-9-Mod-install-with-2-klicks

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  SnappingTurtle said:
I'm having trouble with procedural wings with FAR and B9. The lift indicator becomes asymmetrical and hops around left to right as I change the root chord length. Maybe because it's clipping into the cargo bay? Anyone know anything about this?

I saw similar things. Just detach wing, drop it somewhere and re-attach it back.

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This is amazing!

Although one bug, the Mark3 PWing stutters when I mouse over it, You know when it rapidly flashes in and out of existence.

And then one request, Could you please add the controls to the part descriptions. (alt+R etc)

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  • 2 weeks later...

Just to throw in my two cents, I am having the CoL position problem as well. I have a pure unmodded install on my computer an put the mod in that, it worked. So it's most likely one of the mods I have installed? The mods I have are Infernal Robotics, B9 Aero-space pack, boat parts, Firspitter parts, Roamfarer Lazor guided weapons and lazor systems, and finally robotic arms.

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Forgive me if this has been answered already... I couldn't find an answer. Is there any way to independently control wing root/tip width versus length (or is this in the works)? The mod is great, but having the ability to control root aspect ratio would make it fantastic. I use the B9 pack along with a handful of other mods that focus on space plane design, so I'm constantly looking for a custom wing solution. As it stands now, I'm unable to make long delta wings with a thin profile, they're always big fat things.


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  Git said:
Forgive me if this has been answered already... I couldn't find an answer. Is there any way to independently control wing root/tip width versus length (or is this in the works)? The mod is great, but having the ability to control root aspect ratio would make it fantastic. I use the B9 pack along with a handful of other mods that focus on space plane design, so I'm constantly looking for a custom wing solution. As it stands now, I'm unable to make long delta wings with a thin profile, they're always big fat things.


The short answer is no. DYJ hasn't made a peep on the forums for quite some time, so don't get your hopes up. Hope this helps!

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Thanks for the quick response. If anyone knows of mods that have extensive wing parts other than B9 and Taverio’s Pizza and Aerospace, feel free to let me know!

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