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[0.90] Procedural Dynamics - Procedural Wing 0.9.3 Dec 24


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Is anyone working on procedural fuel tanks yet? A simple set of 1m and 2.5m tanks would make this game a lot more interesting. 1m and 2.5m jet fuel and jet fuselages would be interesting as well.

wouldn't it kinda defeat the purpose if you had set sizes for the tanks?

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Wow! Looks like both DYJ and e-dog are working on procedural interstage fairings/decouplers. That may seems a bit waste of effort for one of you if the other guy publishes a perfect version earlier...

I guess it would be better if you two can work on different types of objects so we can have more types of procedural parts.

There is never a perfect mod, ever. Always room for improvement and different approaches to the problem!

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There is never a perfect mod, ever. Always room for improvement and different approaches to the problem!

I understand that. though i will still call a mod "perfect" when it's good enough.

Still, i'd love to see more good plugins, one plugin for procedural fuel tanks + one plugin for procedural interstage fairings", as i think, is at least not worse than "two plugins for procedural interstage fairings".

I know it feels *very* uncomfortable for a modder who creates something and is asked to abort it just because someone else has done that earlier. My point is just to avoid that situation in advance, i mean they can negotiate first before they start to implement something. I hope that you can get my point. :)

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Working without a problem in .21.

Are you positive on this? There seems to be some inconsistency about the actual lift force generated by the wings in the new 0.21 for me. It almost look like only the control surfaces are generating lift. Although I have played for so long with FAR that stock aerodynamics may look broken to me....

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Edit - Just noticed that something like this was mentioned in the change logs. You may not have splatted the bug, sorry. :(

I'm experiencing a rather nasty problem and I think it's being caused by the pWing. I was trying to build a fairly conventional taildragger aircraft that somewhat resembled a Bf109/P-51/Short Tucano but despite my CoL and CoM indicators being in the correct positions (CoL slightly behind CoM), on takeoff the aircraft would do backflips (uncontrollable upward pitch.) I've tried moving the wing further and further forward and it almost seemed to exacerbate the issue rather than fixing it.

This is in the non-FAR version, with Firespitter and DYJ Gatling Gun installed alongside.

Edit with examples:

This is the former Tucano replica. Note the close CoL/CoM. It does backflips against all aerodynamic logic.


This is something I quickly threw together to test whether it was pWings causing the problem and whether it was a display or a calculation in-flight that was causing the problem. This flies fine with a slight nose-down tendency as I'd expect the first to. This one should be excessively nose-heavy to fly.


Edited by Volt
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For me the COL only shows the correct position when the wing is "on the mouse", as you are moving it about before "snap" onto the fuselage. Once it is snapped and released, only the stock wing surfaces are calculated for the position of the COL. Just about to try the new 0.5 version, might be fixed by now...

Edit: Indeed the 0.5 version have fixed the COL position for me, all is well...

Edited by Torham234
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Procedural Dynamics made this possible:


Wings, flaps. horizontal stabilizers, and the base of the vertical stabilizer.

DYJ for my own personal use, I have been messing around with the lift coefficient. At some point I would like to release this craft with use of your mod. May I tell them to edit the cfg? May I supply and edited cfg? I am changing the lift coefficient in the cfg file. Thank you for this great mod.

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Procedural Dynamics made this possible:


Wings, flaps. horizontal stabilizers, and the base of the vertical stabilizer.

DYJ for my own personal use, I have been messing around with the lift coefficient. At some point I would like to release this craft with use of your mod. May I tell them to edit the cfg? May I supply and edited cfg? Thank you for this great mod.

How? How did you do this remarkable thing? Which mods did you use? (Which mod are the control surfaces from???)

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Got a thread going over here http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/showthread.php/43209-Vaporware-F-104-V2-0-for-0-20-0 I am not comfortable releasing it yet, because I have not yet achieved sufficent positive aircraft control. The control surfaces were made by me using the pWings and Damned Robotics. The flaps, the wing itself, and the horizontal stabilizer is all pWing.

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Got a thread going over here http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/showthread.php/43209-Vaporware-F-104-V2-0-for-0-20-0 I am not comfortable releasing it yet, because I have not yet achieved sufficent positive aircraft control. The control surfaces were made by me using the pWings and Damned Robotics. The flaps, the wing itself, and the horizontal stabilizer is all pWing.

great work!

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It would be fantastic if you offered a new p-wing variant that stayed at a constant thickness while otherwise remaining adjustable.

I can't imagine this being hugely tricky given that the work is basically done, but having an option like this would be a big help. Thanks!

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So I think I may have found a bug. I am trying to redesign my shuttle, but whenever I remove the wing and try to reattach it, I am spammed with null reference errors, and cannot do anything in the game. It forces me to restart. Anyone else experience this?

EDIT: The null reference bug is related to symmetry. Attachment and functions are normal, save for when I try to attach my procedural wing in symmetry mode.

Edited by SkyHook
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I'm getting the same error as some other posters. The COL appears to show accurately while I'm dragging the wing, but as soon as I place it the COL is shown incorrectly. It makes it very difficult to tell what is going on, and I'm not even sure which COL is the correct one. I'm using 0.5 and I'm not using FAR.

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