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[0.90] Procedural Dynamics - Procedural Wing 0.9.3 Dec 24


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Suggestion: can you make the mod a bit more advanced. What I mean is for better and faster designing, make like lining the wing out (like drawing it)... agh, hard to explain. But easy designing. Sorry for not being clear :/

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Suggestion: can you make the mod a bit more advanced. What I mean is for better and faster designing, make like lining the wing out (like drawing it)... agh, hard to explain. But easy designing. Sorry for not being clear :/

It already is pretty easy and fast to design great wings...?

Thanks for the help, i've often wondered if that was the case, also how do you run Ksp interstellar with b9? I've tried installing but it kept crashing (and not from memory limits either, I have boulder co's texture compresser plus super reduction packs for novapunch etc) (oh yeah plus I have exactly 37 mods installed)

Use B9's reduced textures (which cuts their size by a factor of like 5, not even kidding) and make sure you have the latest versions of Firespitter, ExsurgentEngineering, and any other plugin files you're using. Then turn your in-game texture resolution to half-res. Even with the compression (I tried it too) and reduced texture packs, plus nitpicking through larger mods to remove parts I don't use, the game will still crash. Until Unity updates to support x64, we're stuck playing in 8 bit mode, basically :(

I'll have a look at the controlsurfaces CoL indicator code, might have forgotten something there, but all pWings really does is to tell the game their new lift values so the game can place the CoL indicator, after that all you can do is to hope the game puts it where it should be. The mod itself never actually calculates the CoL of the aircraft as that's something the game should do reliably by itself, which it only sometimes does.

Wet wings is planned, but I want to get all-moving controlsurfaces and some of the weirdness fixed before adding more things that can go wrong. This is also something that will have questionable performance in the stock game until the stock flightmodel is updated to be less wrong, as it currently includes part mass in the drag and possibly lift calculations, meaning that an aircraft with wetwings would take off with more lift and drag than it would land with. Something that doesn't make any sense at all.

Also: Sweet looking plane you've got there DreadP1r4te

Hey thanks, man. Wouldn't have been possible (or at least as easy) without your fantastic wings :D If ya wanna see it do more than just sit in the SPH, there's a video featuring it on my Youtube channel in my sig.

It's worth noting that FAR apparently fixes the CoL issue in 0.6. I'm about to install 0.7, so we'll see if that stays true.

Edited by Dreadp1r4te
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Problem with symmetric.


Ehm, yeah you'll have to keep the controlsurfaces at a symmetric thickness for now, I'll look at it.

Thanks for the update!

FYI: it didn't fix my issue. (Not intending to push you DYJ, just saying)

I didn't try to fix that issue, Thanks for finding a way to replicate it. As it doesn't appear to be just the fault of pWings but rather vanilla struts and pWings not being friends it's not super easy to debug when half the issue is closed source.

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I know it may be a long shot, but what are the chances that some wing attributes can be selectable? Like airfoil? Or material? There would be no feeling like trying to develop a super sonic aircraft with wooden wings with a high camber.


What..? That won't work? We'll see.

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That ball is in ferrams court, if FAR expands further so will pWings ( as long as ferram does all the heavylifting on the mathside). But afaik nothing like that is in the works. I have some other projects I want to look at that I think will go nicely with pWings too.

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little question:

Is obligatory to have FAR to change thickness? I installed pWings 0.7 but cannot set thickness, nor any option besides pitch/roll/yaw

Edited by lttito
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Is obligatory to have FAR to change thickness? I installed pWings 0.7 but cannot set thickness, nor any option besides pitch/roll/yaw

Nope, I don't have FAR installed, and I have no difficultly changing the thickness aside from a mirroring bug (if I change the thickness of a mirrored control surface, it doesn't mirror properly on the other side).

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If I may ask without reading through 48 pages of posts... what's the level of compatibility with this and FAR?

Both of my shuttles use Pwings for their main wings, and they ARE compatible (officially, I am pretty sure).

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