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Designing non symetric rovers

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Aright I've been working on a rover and somewhat what I have so far looks like this:


The problem I'm getting is with the delivery system. The thing is that this is slightly unbalanced. By a ridiculous small thing. And This is rather large, so the best way to send it would be via skycrane. But it being unbalanced makes the whole thing tilt to the side, and impossible to land. So I just wanted to know if anyone got times on how making this better balanced nad making it flyable and if there would be a better way to send it to prevent the spinning out of control.

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Do you have any kind of system installed to upright the rover if it gets turned over? If so, you might consider sticking them symmetrically onto the side of a lander, like this:


Got three rovers to the Mun myself that way; just added a trio of BZ-52s and some stack separators to the side of an existing lander design.

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Put a radial decoupler over the center of mass (you may have to turn off the snap to angles), and then put an I-beam on top of that (try to align the I-beam as perfectly as possible with the CoM), and then build a skycrane on top of the beam. Then, put it on a rocket (probably upside-down if necessary) and take it to your target body and land!

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That'S exactly what I've been doing. I've been fine tuning the components to the closest possible I can get, trying to align the center of mass directly in the middle. What I've been doing is what has been said above, putting a decoupler, a truss and then a skycrane, all with gimbal. I tried using 4 rockomax 24-77, and it was always tilting somewhere after a few meters in the air. And then I tried with the two larger radial engines, the white ones, I never remember their name, and again it was going off course. I did have an ASAS, and it was pushing the yaw to the max. It's a single millimeter off and the who thing goes out of control. The thing is if I want to land with it, I don't want it to start going sideways in the descent... And I planned to send only one, it'S a single rover mission. I thought about strapping two of them to a rocket to even it, but The second one wouldn't be needed .-. I'll take more pictures and post them

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If your engines are higher than your center of mass, gimballing engines attempt to correct in the wrong direction. If that's the case, have you tried turning off engine gimbals before attempting to land?

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If your engines are higher than your center of mass, gimballing engines attempt to correct in the wrong direction. If that's the case, have you tried turning off engine gimbals before attempting to land?

I just did a round of testing, and that's exactly the problem I came up with... I noticed using the ASAS always made me go off course quite dramatically, while going without made me fly straight up. I noticed a problem however, my commands were completely inversed. Up went to down, down to up and left right inversed just as much. I'm gonna have trouble landing without gimbal, so anyone knows how to fix this as it seems to be the core of the problem.

I tried messing with my probe core, turning it around and stuff. The problem persists .-. (at least I know my rover is correctly balanced)

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