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101+ reasons why we are not NASA


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515 - We factor jetpack into our mission delta-v.

516 - We can produce jetpack fuel from the false vacuum.

517 - We occasionally escape the solar system at at superluminal speeds by bumping into the ground.

518 - Jool-diving is an Olympic sport.

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519 - our planes' control surfaces have infinite strength and speed for no energy.

520 - crashing airliners into important buildings is in the flight schedule.

521 - our buildings can survive having an airliner crashed into them with no visible damage.

522 - lost a canard or winglet? Cut the other one off by clipping it on a building!

523 - If you miss your moon landing, you don't call mission control, you set up a Duna impact and engage parachutes.

524 - flying the lander under the bridge is part of a KSC landing.

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525 - We use infiniglide to repeatedly autonomously circumnavigate at mach I.

526 - We have infiniglide.

527 - We use rockets/flamethrowers as mass drivers for our astronauts.

528 - need to send a 2-tonne satellite to orbit? Heres 15 km/s of delta-v for an upper stage weighing 100 tonnes. Need to colonize Jool's moon's? Here is the same thing.

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534 - summer and winter are the same thing.

535 - we have ample equatorial land to build space centers on.

536 - we can not circumnavigate by sea.

537 - we can circumnavigate by land, fortunately, since boats on Kerbin are weird.

538 - we use NERVAs as landing legs.

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  • 11 months later...
81- NASA does not exist on a planet where the only life exists in a small research laboratory, and astronauts are more or less cloned for use.

82- We launch nuclear projectiles into the sun to "see what happens"

83- There is nothing else in the universe other than an absurdly small star system with absurdly small planets and absurd aerodynamics.

84- We design massive warships to defend ourselves from the wrath of the Magic Boulder.

Did you mean soupdynamics?

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569. We intentionally cause a failure in our rockets midflight JUST to test the abort system.

570. Our astronauts get launched into Kerbol in a TINY lander capsule without any food or water, no entertainment or anything, and they're ALWAYS smiling!

571. We launch our 0.625m space probes with a huge launcher using SLS parts... Just to go to the Mun...

572. Neil Armstrong? Buzz Aldrin? Michael Collins? Yuri Gagarin? Pffft, Jeb, Bob and Bill for EVERY mission!

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